2017-10-26 7 views
import java.util.ArrayList; 
import java.util.Collections; 
import java.text.DecimalFormat; 

public class PAssign7 { 
    public static void main(String args[]) { 

     ArrayList<Book> books = new ArrayList<Book>(); 
     Book f1 = new Fiction("The Catcher in the Rye", "J.D. Salinger",1951, "Classics"); 
     Book f2 = new Fiction("1984", "George Orwell",1949, "Classics"); 
     Book f3 = new Fiction("The Fault in Our Stars", "John Green",2012, "Young Adult"); 

     Book nf1= new NonFiction("The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks", "Rebecca Skloot",2010, "Medical History, HeLa cell line"); 
     Book nf2= new NonFiction("Between the World and Me", "Ta-Nehisi Coates",2015, "American History, Race Relations"); 
     Book nf3= new NonFiction("Blink", "Malcom Gladwell",2005, "Pop Science, Thinking/Neuroscience"); 

     f1.rate(2151135, 8152802); 
     f2.rate(2101011, 8698186); 
     f3.rate(2538804, 10815305); 
     nf1.rate(414113, 1673017); 
     nf3.rate(366808, 1426833); 

     for (Book book : books) { 

    interface Rateable{ 
     public static void rate(double numRatings, double totalRatings) { 

    static abstract class Book implements Rateable, Comparable<Book>{ 
     private String title; 
     private String author; 
     private int ReleaseYear; 
     private String genre; 
     private double numRatings; 
     private double totalRatings; 

    public Book(){ 
      numRatings = 0; 
      totalRatings = 0; 

    public Book(String title, String author, int ReleaseYear, String genre){ 
     this.title = title; 
     this.author = author; 
     this.ReleaseYear = ReleaseYear; 
     this.genre = genre; 
     numRatings = 0; 
     totalRatings = 0; 

    public abstract String getInfo(); 

    public void rate(double numRating, double totalRating) { 
     this.totalRatings = totalRatings; 
     this.numRatings = numRatings; 

    public double getRating(){ 
     if(numRatings == 0) 
      return -1; 
      return totalRatings/numRatings; 


    public int compareTo(Book book) { 
     if(getRating() <= book.getRating()) { 
      return -1; 
     } else { 
      return 1; 

    public String getTitle() { 
     return title; 

    public void setTitle(String title) { 
     this.title = title; 

    public String getAuthor() { 
     return author; 

    public void setAuthor(String author) { 
     this.author = author; 

    public int getReleaseYear() { 
     return ReleaseYear; 

    public void setReleaseYear(int ReleaseYear) { 
     this.ReleaseYear = ReleaseYear; 

    public String getGenre() { 
     return genre; 

    public void setGenre(String genre) { 
     this.genre = genre; 

    public double getNumRatings() { 
     return numRatings; 

    public void setNumRatings(double numRatings) { 
     this.numRatings = numRatings; 

    public double getTotalRatings() { 
     return totalRatings; 

    public void setTotalRatings(double totalRatings) { 
     this.totalRatings = totalRatings; 

    public String toString() { 
     return title; 

    static class Fiction extends Book{ 
     private String subGenre; 
     DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("0.00"); 

     public Fiction(String title, String author, int ReleaseYear, String subGenre){ 
      this.subGenre = subGenre; 

     public String getSubGenre(){ 
      return subGenre; 

     public void setSubGenre(String subGenre){ 
      this.subGenre = subGenre; 

     public String getInfo() { 
      String rating = "No ratings"; 
      if (getRating() >= 1) { 
       rating = df.format(getNumRatings()); 
      return getTitle() + " by " + getAuthor() + ", Fiction/" + getSubGenre()+", " + getReleaseYear()+ "("+ rating +"); "; 

    static class NonFiction extends Book{ 
     private String topic; 
     DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("0.00"); 

     public NonFiction(String title, String author, int ReleaseYear, String topic){ 
      this.topic = topic; 

     public String getTopic(){ 
      return topic; 

     public void setTopic(String topic){ 
      this.topic = topic; 

     public String getInfo() { 
      String rating = "No ratings"; 
      if (getRating() >= 1) { 
       rating = df.format(getRating()); 
      return getTitle() + " by " + getAuthor() + ", Non-Fiction, " + getReleaseYear()+", ("+ rating +"), Topic: " + getTopic(); 



障害(4.26) 1984によりますジョージ・オーウェル、フィクション/クラシック、1949年(4.14)など、世界と私の間を除く他の本は定格を持たないためです。私に本の評価を与えるのではなく、すべての本の評定がないというだけで、理由はわかりません。どんな助けもありがとう。







public void rate(double numRating, double totalRating) { 
    this.totalRatings = totalRating; 
    this.numRatings = numRating; 

public void rate(double numRating, double totalRating) { this.totalRatings = totalRatings; this.numRatings = numRatings; } 

を変更ありがとうございます!ノンフィクションの本は正しいレートを持つようになりましたが、フィクションのレートはメインメソッドのf1、f2、f3.ratesのnumRatingになりました。したがって、2151135.00,2101011.00、および2538804.00です。理由は何ですか? –


これは、あなたの 'Fiction'クラスがどのように書かれているかによるものです。 'getInfo()'を見ると、NonFictionの本は 'getRating()'を使い、あなたのフィクションの書籍は 'GetNumRatings()'を使って情報の文字列の評価を決めています。フィクションブックに平均を印刷させたい場合は、数学を行う方法を呼び出す必要があります。 – azurefrog


lolありがとうございます@azurefrog。今朝このことに取り組んできました。私はそれをスキャンするために余分な目を必要としました。 –
