2010-12-27 14 views

私はPythonのnoobです。私は 'Python Programming Absolute Beginner(第2版 - Python 2.3、しかし私は2.7を使用しています)'を介してPythonを理解しています。絶対初心者のためのPythonプログラミング


第3章チャレンジ3 - 推測マイナンバー:プレイヤーが数字を推測する回数を制限するために、以下のコードを修正してください。



を推測し、 コンピュータは推測が右に低すぎたり、高すぎるプレイヤーは知ることができますお金

import random 

print "\tWelcome to 'Guess My Number'!" 
print "\nI'm thinking of a number between 1 and 100." 
print "Try to guess it in as few attempts as possible.\n" 

# set the initial values 
the_number = random.randrange(100) + 1 
guess = int(raw_input("Take a guess: ")) 
tries = 1 

# guessing loop 
while (guess != the_number): 
    if (guess > the_number): 
     print "Lower..." 
     print "Higher..." 

guess = int(raw_input("Take a guess: ")) 
tries += 1 

print "You guessed it! The number was", the_number 
print "And it only took you", tries, "tries!\n" 

raw_input("\n\nPress the enter key to exit.") 


import random 

print "\tWelcome to 'Guess My Number'!" 
print "\nI'm thinking of a number between 1 and 100." 
print "Try to guess it in as few attempts as possible.\n" 

# set the initial values 
the_number = random.randrange(100) + 1 
guess = int(raw_input("Take a guess: ")) 
tries = 1 
limit = 8 

# guessing loop 
while (guess != the_number and tries < limit): 
    if (guess > the_number): 
     print "Lower..." 
    elif (guess < the_number): 
     print "Higher..." 
     print "You've used all " + limit -1 +"of your attempts \ 
and didn't get the right answer. Shame on You!" 

    guess = int(raw_input("Take a guess: ")) 
    tries += 1 

print "You guessed it! The number was", the_number 
print "And it only took you", tries, "tries!\n" 

raw_input("\n\nPress the enter key to exit.") 

元のコードの仕組みを自分の言葉で説明してみませんか? –


申し訳ありませんが、私は持っていたと思いました。それは単純なゲームです。「推測するマイナンバー - コンピュータが1から100の間のランダムな数字を選ぶ」プレイヤーは推測しようとします。推測が高すぎたり、低すぎたり、私はここで新しいです、私はさらに説明しなければなりませんか? – Kurt



私はこの練習が教えたいと思うのはbreakです。 1つの終了条件(数値を推測する)がある前に、試行回数も制限されました。これを行うには


import random 

print "\tWelcome to 'Guess My Number'!" 
print "\nI'm thinking of a number between 1 and 100." 
print "Try to guess it in as few attempts as possible.\n" 

# set the initial values 
the_number = random.randrange(100) + 1 

limit = 5 
tries = 0 

# guessing loop 
while True: # we will test the conditions separately in the loop, not here 
    # take a guess 
    guess = int(raw_input("Take a guess: ")) 
    tries += 1 

    # first check the number 
    if (guess > the_number): 
     print "Lower..." 
    elif (guess < the_number): 
     print "Higher..." 
    else: # it can only be equal here 
     print "You guessed it! The number was", the_number 
     print "And it only took you", tries, "tries!\n" 
     break # exit the while loop 

    # now the tries: 
    if tries == limit: 
     print "You've used all %d of your attempts \ 
and didn't get the right answer. Shame on You!" % limit 

raw_input("\n\nPress the enter key to exit.") 

THC4k、これは非常に細かいことであり、よくコメントされています。非常に高く評価。ありがとうございました。 – Kurt




サンプルを投稿できますか?私は今まで試みたことを投稿します。 – Kurt


おそらくそれはペーストですが、上のインデントに問題があります。あなたがwhileループの一部となるように内側のタブをインデントした場合、次のように変更することができます: while(推測!= the_number): 試してみると:> "もう試してください" ここから出るか、好きなことをしてください。 – Spyros


SpyrosPはまさにそれでした。ありがとうございました。 whileループのraw_input部分を作成し、その結果が真であれば終了するようにしました。そのような簡単な解決策!みんなありがとう。私はまだ学んでいますが、うまくいけば私は恩恵を返すことができ、将来いくつかの騒動を助けることができます。 – Kurt



import random 

print "\tWelcome to 'Guess My Number'!" 
print "\nI'm thinking of a number between 1 and 100." 
print "Try to guess it in as few attempts as possible.\n" 

# set the initial values 
the_number = random.randrange(100) + 1 
guess = int(raw_input("Take a guess: ")) 
tries = 1 
max_tries = 5 

# guessing loop 
while ((tries < max_tries) && (guess != the_number)): 
    if (guess > the_number): 
     print "Lower..." 
     print "Higher..." 
    tries += 1 
    guess = int(raw_input("Take a guess: ")) 

if tries == max_tries: 
    print "Max # of tries exceeded" 
    print "You guessed it! The number was", the_number 
    print "And it only took you", tries, "tries!\n" 

raw_input("\n\nPress the enter key to exit.") 

ありがとうduffymo。問題は、max_triesを超えても答えが明らかになることです。どのようにそれを防ぐためのアイデア? – Kurt


最後の2行をelseの中に入れてください: – jgritty





print "You guessed it! The number was", the_number 
print "And it only took you", tries, "tries!\n" 



     print "You've used all " + limit -1 +"of your attempts \ 
and didn't get the right answer. Shame on You!" 



ええ、noob間違いです。私はduffmoのコードサンプルに行って、単純に 'raw_input( "\ n \ n終了キーを押すとwhileループの一部として")'を含めました。よく働く。しかし、あなたの助けをありがとう。私は2つの条件を別々にテストできることを実感します。 – Kurt



# Guess My Number 
# The computer picks a random number between 1 and 100 
# The player tries to guess it and the computer lets 
# the player know if the guess is too high, too low 
# or right on the money 

import random 

print("\tWelcome to 'Guess My Number'!") 
print("\nI'm thinking of a number between 1 and 100.") 
print("Try to guess it in as few attempts as possible.\n") 

# set the initial values 
the_number = random.randint(1, 100) 
guess = int(input("Take a guess: ")) 

tries = 1 
max_tries = 8 

# guessing loop 
while tries < max_tries and guess != the_number: 

    if guess > the_number: 
    elif guess < the_number: 

    guess = int(input("Take a guess: ")) 
    tries += 1 

# having it stop if person uses maximum number of tries 
if tries >= max_tries: 

    print("Ruh roh. Looks like you're finished, pardner. The number was", the_number) 

# text if person gets the right number within the number of tries. 
    if guess == the_number: 
     print("You guessed it! The number was", the_number) 
     print("And it only took you", tries, "tries!\n") 

input("\n\nPress the enter key to exit.") 