private async Task InitLocalStoreAsync()
if (!App.MobileService.SyncContext.IsInitialized)
var store = new MobileServiceSQLiteStore("localstore.db");
await App.MobileService.SyncContext.InitializeAsync(store, new MobileServiceSyncHandler());
await SyncAsync();
await RefreshNcards();
private async Task SyncAsync()
String errorString = null;
PullOptions pageSize = new PullOptions { MaxPageSize =1000 };
await LocalCards.PullAsync("clist", LocalCards.CreateQuery(),pullOptions:pageSize); // first param is query ID, used for incremental sync
catch (Exception ex)
errorString = "It look's like we weren't able to make sure your cards were updated. No worries, next time you start the app we will try again. This won't impact your experience.";
// errorString = "Pull failed: " + ex.Message +
// "\n\nIf you are still in an offline scenario, " +
// "you can try your Pull again when connected with your Mobile Serice.";
if (errorString != null)
MessageDialog d = new MessageDialog(errorString);
await d.ShowAsync();
class clist : INotifyPropertyChanged
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
[JsonProperty(PropertyName ="id")]
public string id { get; set; }
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "_createdAt")]
public DateTime _createdAt { get; set; }
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "_updatedAt")]
public DateTime _updatedAt { get; set; }
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "_version")]
public DateTime _version { get; set; }
public bool _deleted { get; set; }
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Nid")]
public string Nid { get; set; }
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Nname")]
public string Nname { get; set; }
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Nset")]
public string Nset { get; set; }
public void RaisePropertyChanged(string name)
if (PropertyChanged != null)
PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(name));
2016年4月13日午前4時36分05秒〜1MAGICHUB POSTは/ dev/API /イベント/ wwwrootに/ longpoll X-ARR-LOG-ID = d9ceb9a8-433f-4a23-a4ab-3caf984cb8e8 443 - Mozillaの/5.0+(Windows+NT+10.0;+Win64;+x64)+AppleWebKit/537.36+(KHTML,+like+Gecko)+Chrome/46.0.2486.0+Safari/537.36+Edge/13.10586 ARRAffinity = 6910fd768a90c2d11e23085af4d93c48a8cc9617be87c545bc1e82b0186ea1da; + __ RequestVerificationToken = + ai_user = 3MLsg | 2016-04-13T03:47:20.208Z; + ai_session = R6FJD | 1460519240333 | 1460522131849 https://magichub.scm.azurewebsites.net/dev/wwwroot/tables/clist.js magichub.scm.azurewebsites.net 200 0 0 914 1625 11874 2016 -04-13 04:36:26〜1MAGICHUB POST/dev/api/events/wwwroot/longpoll X-ARR-LOG-ID = 159b6aa0-df2e-46a8-8a24-d0a0086acdaf 443- Mozilla/5.0 +(Windows + NT + 10.0; + Win64; + x64)+ AppleWebKit/537.36 +(KHTML、+ like Gecko)+ Chrome/46.0.2486.0 + Safari/537.36 + Edge/13.10586 ARRAff inity = 6910fd768a90c2d11e23085af4d93c48a8cc9617be87c545bc1e82b0186ea1da; + __ RequestVerificationToken = ded78fdc-d9b2-49ad-bb5b-3a791b4a6886; + ai_user = 3MLsg | 2016-04-13T03:47:20.208Z; + ai_session = R6FJD | 1460519240333 | 1460522152216 https://magichub.scm.azurewebsites.net/dev/wwwroot/tables/clist.js magichub.scm.azurewebsites.net 200 0 0 584 1626 20039 2016-04-13 04:36:46〜1MAGICHUB POST/dev/api/events/wwwroot/longpoll X-ARR-LOG-ID = e7c12e75-54a8-4be3-9e66-7399635657f6 443 - 172.103。 28.93 Mozilla/5.0 +(Windows + NT + 10.0; + Win64; + x64)+ AppleWebKit/537.36 +(KHTML、+ like Gecko)+ Chrome/46.0.2486.0 + Safari/537.36 + Edge/13.10586 ARRAffinity = 6910fd768a90c2d11e23085af4d93c48a8cc9617be87c545bc1e82b0186ea1da; + __RequestVerificationToken = ded78fdc-d9b2-49ad-bb5b-3a791b4a6886; + ai_user = 3MLsg | 2016-04-13T03:47:20.208Z; + ai_session = R6FJD | 1460519240333 | 1460522164231 https://magichub.scm.azurewebsites.net/dev/wwwroot/tables/clist.js magichub.scm.azurewebsites.net 200 0 0 584 1625 20065 2016-04-13 04:37:06〜1MAGICHUB POST/dev/api/events/wwwroot/lon gpoll X-ARR-LOG-ID = c78b53c1-15d8-491b-8c6b-22d8239fd920 443 - Mozilla/5.0 +(Windows + NT + 10.0; + Win64; + x64)+ AppleWebKit/537.36 +(KHTML、+ like + Gecko)+ Chrome/46.0.2486.0 + Safari/537.36 + Edge/13.10586 ARRAffinity = 6910fd768a90c2d11e23085af4d93c48a8cc9617be87c545bc1e82b0186ea1da; + __ RequestVerificationToken = ded78fdc-d9b2-49ad-bb5b-3a791b4a6886; + ai_user = 3MLsg | 2016-04-13T03:47:20.208Z; + ai_session = R6FJD | 1460519240333 | 1460522184449 https://magichub.scm.azurewebsites.net/dev/wwwroot/tables/clist.js magichub.scm.azurewebsites.net 200 0 0 584 1625 20027 2016-04-13 04:37:26〜1MAGICHUB POST/dev/api/events/wwwroot/longpoll X-ARR- (+ Windows + NT + 10.0; + Win64; + x64)+ AppleWebKit/537.36 +(KHTML、+ like + Gecko)+ Chrome /46.0.2486.0+Safari/537.36+Edge/13.10586 ARRAffinity = 6910fd768a90c2d11e23085af4d93c48a8cc9617be87c545bc1e82b0186ea1da; + __ RequestVerificationToken = ded78fdc-d9b2-49ad-bb5b-3a791b4a6886; + ai_user = 3MLsg | 2016-04-13T03:47:20.208Z; + ai_sessi on = R6FJD | 1460519240333 | 1460522204509 https://magichub.scm.azurewebsites.net/dev/wwwroot/tables/clist.js magichub.scm.azurewebsites.net 200 0 0 584 1625 20052 2016-04-13 04:37:46〜1MAGICHUB POST/dev/api/events/wwwroot/longpoll X-ARR-LOG (Windows + NT + 10.0; + Win64; + x64)+ AppleWebKit/537.36 +(KHTML、+ like + Gecko)+ Chrome/46.0.2486.0 +サファリ/ 537.36 +エッジ/ 13.10586 ARRAffinity = 6910fd768a90c2d11e23085af4d93c48a8cc9617be87c545bc1e82b0186ea1da; + __ RequestVerificationToken = ded78fdc-d9b2-49ad-bb5b-3a791b4a6886; + ai_user = 3MLsg | 2016-04-13T03:47:20.208Z; + ai_session = R6FJD | 1460519240333 | 1460522224587 https://magichub.scm.azurewebsites.net/dev/wwwroot/tables/clist.js magichub.scm.azurewebsites.net 200 0 0 584 1625 20023 2016-04-13 04:38:06〜1MAGICHUB POST/dev/api/events/wwwroot/longpoll X-ARR-LOG-ID = f715514e- f0aa-4299-950a-88b1884d89bf 443 - Mozilla/5.0 +(Windows + NT + 10.0; + Win64; + x64)+ AppleWebKit/537.36 +(KHTML、+ like Gecko)+ Chrome/46.0.2486.0 + Safari/53 7.36 +エッジ/ 13。10586 ARRAffinity = 6910fd768a90c2d11e23085af4d93c48a8cc9617be87c545bc1e82b0186ea1da; + __ RequestVerificationToken = ded78fdc-d9b2-49ad-bb5b-3a791b4a6886; + ai_user = 3MLsg | 2016-04-13T03:47:20.208Z; + ai_session = R6FJD | 1460519240333 | 1460522244667 https://magichub.scm.azurewebsites.net/dev/wwwroot/tables/clist.js magichub.scm.azurewebsites.net 200 0 0 584 1625 20056 2016-04-13 04:38:13 MAGICHUB GET/tables/clist $ filter =(updatedAt%20ge%20datetimeoffset'1970-01-01T00%3A00%3A00.0000000%2B00%3A00 ') & $ orderbyの= updatedAt & $スキップ= 0 & $トップ= 1000 & __includeDeleted =真& $フィルタ=(%の20GEの%20datetimeoffset'1970-01-01T00%3A00%3A00.0000000%2B00%updatedAt 3A00' )& $ orderbyの= updatedAt & $ skip = 0 & $ top = 1000 & __includeDeleted = true & X-ARR-LOG-ID = c6b2681c-2dbe-4452-8c49-367343c36655 443 - ZUMO/2.0 +(lang = Managed; + os = Windows + Store; + os_version = - ; + arch = X64; + version = 2.0.31125.0) - - magichub.azurewebsites.net 200 0 0 695 1286 93
AzureポータルでTodoリストのクイックスタートを使い始めると、実際のサンプルが得られ、特定のデータモデルで調整することができます。 リクエストのデバッグに役立つFiddlerの使用またはロギングハンドラの追加もお勧めします。[このサンプルLoggingHandler](https://github.com/Azure-Samples/app-service-mobile-dotnet-todo-list-files)を参照してください。 /blob/master/src/client/MobileAppsFilesSample/Helpers/LoggingHandler.cs#L63)。 –