これまで私がこれまで持っていたことは次のとおりです。 ClosePosition()
//Order Close//
string sym = Symbol();
int ordersTotal = OrdersTotal();
for(int PosSel = ordersTotal-1; PosSel>=0; PosSel--)
if(OrderTicket() > 0)
if(OrderMagicNumber() == Period())
if(OrderSymbol() == Symbol())
if(TimeCurrent() >=(OrderOpenTime() + 60 * Period()))
ClosePosition = OrderClose(OrderTicket(),8,MarketInfo(sym,MODE_BID) + MarketInfo(sym,MODE_SPREAD) * MarketInfo(sym,MODE_POINT),300,clrNONE);
if(ClosePosition == true)
int PosSelHist = OrdersHistoryTotal()-1;
bool reshist = OrderSelect(PosSelHist,SELECT_BY_POS,MODE_HISTORY);
if(reshist == true && Digits == 5)
double ClosingPrice = OrderClosePrice();
double OpeningPrice = OrderOpenPrice();
double Profit = OrderProfit();
int Ticket = OrderTicket();
SendMail("Trade Notification Email (TNE)","Order# "+DoubleToStr(Ticket,0)+" has been closed on the account "+AccountName()+
"\nThe order exit price for this trade is "+DoubleToStr(ClosingPrice,5)+"with a profit/loss of"+DoubleToStr(Profit,2)+
"\nThe spread charge for this position is £"+DoubleToStr((spread*tickvalue)*LotSize,2)+
SendNotification("Ticket # "+IntegerToString(Ticket,10)+"has closed with a profit/loss of "+DoubleToStr(Profit,2));
else if(reshist == true && Digits == 3)
double ClosingPrice = OrderClosePrice();
double OpeningPrice = OrderOpenPrice();
double Profit = OrderProfit();
int Ticket = OrderTicket();
SendMail("Trade Notification Email (TNE)","Order# "+DoubleToStr(Ticket,0)+" has been placed on the account "+AccountName()+
"\nThe order entry price for this trade is "+DoubleToStr(ClosingPrice,3)+"with a profit/loss of"+DoubleToStr(Profit,2)+
"\nThe spread charge for this position is £"+DoubleToStr((spread*tickvalue)*LotSize,2)+
SendNotification("Ticket # "+IntegerToString(Ticket,10)+" has closed with a profit/loss of "+DoubleToStr(Profit,2));
else if(ClosePosition == false)
int failedClosePosition = OrdersTotal()-1;
bool fail = OrderSelect(failedClosePosition,SELECT_BY_POS,MODE_HISTORY);
if(fail == true)
SendNotification("Order Number #"+IntegerToString(OrderTicket(),10)+" has failed to close. Please refer to error code "+IntegerToString(GetLastError()));
でelse if (ClosePosition == false)
キック、これは所望の結果を得ることに正しい方法であり、第二場所です。これはClosePosition == true
の代替コードをコーディングする正しい方法ですか、else if
'if'、' else if'、または 'else'だけが動作します。最も正確なのはちょうど 'else'でしょう。 –