の#include の#include の#include の#include の#include の#include の#include の#includeテキストファイルからクラス内のオブジェクトベクトルへの読み込み - 別のtxtファイルへの書き込み
using namespace std;
//Declaring class Student
class Student
string newName;
int newScore1;
int newScore2;
int newScore3;
float newFinal;
// No argument constructors
newName = " ";
newScore1 = 0;
newScore2 = 0;
newScore3 = 0;
newFinal = 0.00;
//all arguements constructors
Student (string name, int score1, int score2, int score3, float final)
newName = name;
newScore1 = score1;
newScore2 = score2;
newScore3 = score3;
newFinal = final;
string getName() const
return newName;
int getScore1() const
return newScore1;
int getScore2()const
return newScore2;
int getScore3()const
return newScore3;
float getFinal() const
return newFinal;
void setName(string name)
newName = name;
void setScore1(int score1)
void setScore2(int score2)
void setScore3 (int score3)
newScore3 = score3;
void setFinal (float final)
newFinal = final;
//asks for number of students,
// function asks for input to fill in vector
//sorts the inputs to get max 2 scores out of 3
//puts the data in a vector of class Student
//Sends data to a text file students.txt
void fillvector(vector <Student>& newMyClass)
string name;
float score1;
float score2;
float score3;
float final;
float tmp;
cout << "Please enter the number of Students: " << endl;
int classSize;
cin >> classSize;
for (int i = 0; i < classSize; i ++)
cout << "Enter Student's name" << endl;
cin >> name;
cout << "Enter Student's Score 1" << endl;
cin >> score1;
cout << "Enter Student's Score 2" << endl;
cin >> score2;
cout << "Enter Student's Score 3" << endl;
cin >> score3;
float tmp = score1;
score1 = score2;
score2 = tmp;
float tmp = score1;
score3 = tmp;
float tmp = score2;
final = (score2+score3)/2;
Student newStudent (name, score1, score2, score3, final);
cout << endl;
ofstream myfile;
myfile.open ("students.txt", std::ofstream::out |std::ofstream::app);
myfile << name<< setw(5)<< score1<< setw(5)<<score2<<setw(5) <<score3<<setw(5)<<final<<setw(5)<<endl;
cout << "Copied to students.txt" << endl;
cout << endl;
//reads data from textfile students.txt
//calculated teh minimum scores and maximum scores
//sends the minimum and maximum scores to text file Results.txt
void readToVector(vector <Student>& newMyClass)
string name;
float score1;
float score2;
float score3;
float finalScore;
Student newStudent (name, score1, score2, score3, finalScore);
unsigned int size = newMyClass.size();
ifstream fin("students.txt");
if (fin.is_open())
{cout << "File open" << endl;
while(fin >> name >> score1 >> score2 >> score3 >> finalScore)
//cout << newStudent.getName() << newStudent.getFinal() << endl;
cout << endl;
Student studWMaxScore = newMyClass[0];
float maxscore = studWMaxScore.getFinal();
for (unsigned int i =0; i < size; i++)
if (maxscore < newMyClass[i].getFinal())
maxscore = newMyClass[i].getFinal();
studWMaxScore = newMyClass[i];
cout << "Maximum Score is " << maxscore << endl;
ofstream myfile;
myfile.open ("Result.txt", std::ofstream::out );
myfile << "Maximum Score" << endl;
myfile << maxscore << endl;
myfile << "Name of the student with maximum score is " << endl;
myfile << studWMaxScore.getName() << endl << endl;
// myfile.close();
cout << "Copied to Results.txt" << endl;
Student stuWMinScore = newMyClass[0];
float minscore = stuWMinScore.getFinal();
for (unsigned int i =0; i < size; i++)
if (minscore > newMyClass[i].getFinal())
minscore = newMyClass[i].getFinal();
stuWMinScore = newMyClass[i];
cout << "Minimum Score is " << minscore << endl;
// ofstream myfile;
// myfile.open ("Result.txt", std::ofstream::out);
myfile << "Mimimum Score" << endl;
myfile << minscore << endl;
myfile << "Name of the student with minimum score is " << endl;
myfile << stuWMinScore.getName() << endl << endl;
// myfile.close();
cout << "Copied to Results.txt" << endl;
cout << "file in not open" << '\n';
//prints out the name and scores of each student
void printVector (const vector<Student>& newMyClass)
unsigned int size = newMyClass.size();
for (unsigned int i =0; i < size; i++)
cout << "Student name is: "<< newMyClass[i].getName() << endl;
cout << "Student Score 1 is "<< newMyClass[i].getScore1()<< endl;
cout << "Student Score 2 is "<< newMyClass[i].getScore2()<< endl;
cout << "Student Score 3 is "<< newMyClass[i].getScore3()<< endl;
cout << "Student Final Score is " << newMyClass[i].getFinal() << endl;
cout << endl;
int main()
vector <Student> myClass;
fillvector (myClass);
機能の一部を切断しました。最小値と最大値はどこで計算されますか? students.txtはプログラムと同じディレクトリにありますか? – Stephen
より完全なコード(Studentクラスを含む)とstudents.txtファイルの例を提供してください。 – steiner
こんにちは、応答してくれてありがとう、私はクラス定義と最小最大計算を追加しました。 –