2017-10-20 7 views

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<section id="map"> 
    <figure id="point0"> 
     <img src="image0.jpg" alt="" /> 
      <time>3:30 a.m.</time> Start from the Longs Peak Ranger 
      Station, nine miles south of Estes Park. Be sure to pack 
      food, extra water, 
      sunblock, warm clothes, gloves, and caps. 

    <figure id="point1"> 
     <img src="image1.jpg" alt="" /> 
      <time>5:30 a.m.</time> Stop at Mills Moraine for a 
      view of the sunrise. 

    <figure id="point2"> 
     <img src="image2.jpg" alt="" /> 
      <time>7:30 a.m.</time> Time for a break at Granite Pass. 

    <figure id="point3"> 
     <img src="image3.jpg" alt="" /> 
      <time>8:30 a.m.</time> Climb through the Boulder Field 
      on the way to the Keyhole. 

    <figure id="point4"> 
     <img src="image4.jpg" alt="" /> 
      <time>9:00 a.m.</time> Stop at the 
      Agnes Vaille shelter for a well-deserved breakfast. 

    <figure id="point5"> 
     <img src="image5.jpg" alt="" /> 
      <time>9:30 a.m.</time> It's time to go through 
      the Keyhole. Be prepared for heavy winds. 

    <figure id="point6"> 
     <img src="image6.jpg" alt="" /> 
      <time>10:00 a.m.</time> Follow the painted targets 
      along the Ledges. 

    <figure id="point7"> 
     <img src="image7.jpg" alt="" /> 
      <time>11:00 a.m.</time> Take special care when crossing 
      the Narrows. 

    <figure id="point8"> 
     <img src="image8.jpg" alt="" /> 
      <time>11:15 a.m.</time> You're almost there! Climb the 
      Homestretch to reach the summit. 

    <figure id="point9"> 
     <img src="image9.jpg" alt="" /> 
      <time>11:45 a.m.</time> Congratulations, you've reached 
      the top! Time for lunch and a few photos. 


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figure figcaption { 
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figure:hover { 
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figure:hover { 
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が助けて幸せ –


を働いたありがとう!あなたは、同じ問題でここに到着する他の人を助けるために受け入れられた答えをマークすることもできます:) – delinear
