select date(max(created_date)) AS 'Last Shipped Date',
sum(item_count) AS 'Last Shipped Units'
from order
where is_shipped = 1
AND date(shipped_date) = (select date(max(shipped_date)) from order);
count(distinct o.key) AS 'ACTIVE ',
count(od.ean) AS 'Active_ Units'
from order o
left join order_details od on o.id = od. order_details
Where o.is_active = 1;
select count(distinct order_key) AS 'Total_Orders_Shipped_Yesterday',
sum(item_count) AS 'Total_units_Shipped_yesterday'
from order
where datediff(curdate(), modified_date)=1
AND is_shipped =1;
select count(distinct liquidation_order_id) AS 'orders cancelled',
count(ean) AS 'Units cancelled'
from order_details
where datediff(curdate(), modified_date)=1
AND order_details_status_ =4;
これらの値がそれぞれ異なる列に1つの行だけが含まれているテーブルが必要ですか? – Barmar