console.log("Main Body Called!");
for (var i = 0; i < invitemessages.count; i++) {
console.log("For Loop Called!");
if (invitemessages[i].content.startsWith(message.author.id)) {
msg = invitemessages[i].content;
console.log("After for loop called!")
ですが、私のコンソールに私がMain Body Called!
とAfter for loop called!
ではなくFor Loop Called!
bot.on('message', async message => {
if (message.author.bot) return;
if (!message.content.startsWith(".compo")) return;
var command = message.content.substring(".compo ".length);
if (command.startsWith("stats")) {
var channel = bot.channels.get("394480663643815936")
var invites;
await channel.guild.fetchInvites().then((collection) => { invites = collection.array(); })
var invitemessages;
await channel.fetchMessages().then((collection) => { invitemessages = collection.array(); });
var msg;
console.log("Main Body Called!");
for (var i = 0; i < invitemessages.count; i++) {
console.log("For Loop Called!");
if (invitemessages[i].content.startsWith(message.author.id)) {
msg = invitemessages[i].content;
console.log("After for loop called!")
if (msg == null) {
message.channel.send("You have not entered the competition yet! Use `.compo enter`.");
for (var i = 0; i < invites.count; i++) {
if (invites[i].url == msg.substring(message.author.id.length + 1)) {
message.channel.send("Your invite URL is " + invites[i].url + "\n\nYou have currently invited " + invites[i].uses + " people.")