2017-08-15 13 views


  1. セグメンテーション障害(バイナリヒープ長@ 2及び3)ヒープから減算する場合:


  2. バイナリヒープに長さ4(およびそれ以上)にしてから長さ2に減算するのに十分なバイナリヒープを追加するとエラーが発生する(これを行うと有効でないバイナリヒープ構造@ length 3が得られる)。


void printArray(int array[], int size) { 
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { 
     if (i == (size - 1)) { 
      printf("%d", array[i]); 
     } else { 
      printf("%d, ", array[i]); 

int getLeftChild(int h_array[], int p_index, int size) { 
/* Summary: Obtains the `left child` of Parent at given parent index (p_index) 
* Input: `h_array` - The binary heap 
*  `p_index` - The index of the parent that we are currently looking at 
*  `size` - The size of the binary heap. 
* Return: `0` if the index given points out of bounds of the array. Returns the child of parent at p_index if not 
    int child = 0; 
    if (p_index * 2 + 1 < size) { 
     child = h_array[p_index * 2 + 1]; 
    return child; 

int getRightChild(int h_array[], int p_index, int size) { 
/* Summary: Obtains the `right child` of Parent at given parent index (p_index) 
* Input: `h_array` - The binary heap 
*  `p_index` - The index of the parent that we are currently looking at 
*  `size` - The size of the binary heap. 
* Return: `0` if the index given points out of bounds of the array. Returns the child of parent at p_index if not 
    int child = 0; 
    if ((p_index * 2 + 2) < size) { 
     child = h_array[p_index * 2 + 2]; 
    return child; 

void heapSort(int h_array[], int size, int min_max) { 
/* Summary: Performs a heap sort on a binary heap array; parents with 2 children maximum. 
*   This could be used to implement a priority queue, as the node with the highest (or lowest) 
*   priority will be at the root of the list. 
* Input: `h_array` - the heap array to sort 
*  `size` - The size of the heap array 
*  `min_max` - an input that will tell whether or not we want to return a 'maxed', or a 'min'd' binary heap. 
*      maxed will have highest priority at the root, and min'd will have the lowest priority at the root 
* Returns: Does not return. Performs all sorting operations on input array. 
    int parent, leftChild, rightChild, p_holder, i = 0; 
    while (i < (size/2)) { 
     parent = h_array[i]; 
     leftChild = getLeftChild(h_array, i, size); 
     rightChild = getRightChild(h_array, i, size); 

     if (min_max == 0) { 
      while (parent < leftChild || parent < rightChild) { 
       p_holder = parent; 
       if (parent < leftChild) { 
        h_array[i] = leftChild; 
        h_array[(i * 2) + 1] = p_holder; 
       } else if (parent < rightChild) { 
        h_array[i] = rightChild; 
        h_array[(i * 2) + 2] = p_holder; 
       i = 0; 
       parent = h_array[i]; 
       leftChild = getLeftChild(h_array, i, size); 
       rightChild = getRightChild(h_array, i, size); 
     } else { 
      while ((leftChild != 0 && parent > leftChild) || (rightChild != 0 &&parent > rightChild)) { 
       p_holder = parent; 
       if ((leftChild != 0) && parent > leftChild) { 
        h_array[i] = leftChild; 
        h_array[(i * 2) + 1] = p_holder; 
       } else if ((rightChild != 0) && parent > rightChild) { 
        h_array[i] = rightChild; 
        h_array[(i * 2) + 2] = p_holder; 
       i = 0; 
       parent = h_array[i]; 
       leftChild = getLeftChild(h_array, i, size); 
       rightChild = getRightChild(h_array, i, size); 

void heapAdd(int h_array[], int *a_size, int value, int *min_max_ptr) { 
/* Summary: Adds a value to the binary heap 
* Input: `h_array` - The binary heap array 
*  `a_size` - The size of the array. A pointer to `size` located in main(). 
*  `value` - The value that is to be inserted in the array 
* Returns: Void function. Performs all operations on inputted array. 

    *a_size += 1; 

    int * a_copy = h_array; 

    h_array = realloc(h_array, *a_size * sizeof(int)); 
    memcpy(h_array, a_copy, (*a_size - 2) * sizeof(int)); 

    h_array[*a_size - 1] = value; 

    heapSort(h_array, *a_size, *min_max_ptr); 

void heapSub(int h_array[], int *a_size, int *min_max_ptr) { 
/* Summary: Subtracts the root value from the binary heap 
* Input: `h_array` - The binary heap array 
*  `a_size` - The size of the array. A pointer to `size` located in main(). 
* Returns: Void function. Performs all operations on inputted array. 
    h_array[0] = h_array[*a_size - 1]; 

    int * a_copy = h_array; 

    h_array = realloc(h_array, *a_size - 1 * sizeof(int)); 

    memcpy(h_array, a_copy, (*a_size - 1) * sizeof(int)); 

    *a_size -= 1; // Put here in order to not do any stupid calculations in the calls. 

    heapSort(h_array, *a_size, *min_max_ptr); 

int main(void) { 
    char * user_input; 
    int user_value; 
    int debug = 0; 

    // min_max = 0 to produce a max-heap, min_max = 1 to produce a min-heap 
    int min_max = 0; 
    int *min_max_ptr = &min_max; 

    int size = 0; 
    int *size_ptr = &size; 

    // Binary Heap array, initialized here 
    int * main_array = malloc(size * sizeof(int)); 

    // Start building binary heap with the following loop. 
    while (strcmp(user_input, "q") != 0) { 

     printf("Current Heap:\n"); 
     printArray(main_array, size); 

     // Debug 
     if (debug) { 
      printf("Current Heap Size: %i\n", size); 

     printf("What is your input?: "); 
     scanf("%s", user_input); 

     // Debug 
     if (debug) { 
      printf("Current user input is: %s\n", user_input); 

     if (strcmp(user_input, "add") == 0) { 

      printf("What # will you be adding to the heap?: "); 
      scanf("%i", &user_value); 
      heapAdd(main_array, size_ptr, user_value, min_max_ptr); 

     } else if (strcmp(user_input, "sub") == 0) { 

      printf("Subtracting %i from array\n", main_array[0]); 
      heapSub(main_array, size_ptr, min_max_ptr); 

     } else if (strcmp(user_input, "debug") == 0) { 

      printf("Do you want to toggle debug mode(y/n): "); 
      scanf("%s", user_input); 

      if (strcmp(user_input, "y") == 0) { 

       debug = (debug == 0) ? 1 : 0; 
       printf("Debug is: %i", debug); 

      } else { 

     } else { 

      printf("Incorrect Input, please read the instructions more\n\n"); 


    return 0; 

:最高差し引くヒープ@長= 2 test case 1

  • から最高値を減算

    1. だから、ここに私のコードです長さ= 4から長さ= 2に始まるヒープからの値test case 2

    その後、他のテストケースはすべて正常に動作しているようです(過去の長さ= 4、バイナリヒープからの加算と減算が可能で、ソートプロセスはうまくいきます)。ご協力いただきありがとうございます:)

  • +0

    1) 'しばらく(strcmpの(USER_INPUT、「Q」)! = 0){'これは初期化されていない変数' user_input'を使います。 'scanf("%s "、user_input);'は同じです。 – BLUEPIXY


    関数内で再割り当てしますが、そのポインタはどこにも返されず、それ以降は未割り当ての古いメモリ領域を使用し続ける可能性があるため、ポインタは失われます。これがあなたの問題を引き起こす可能性が最も高いです。デバッガを使用してコードをステップ実行します。 –


    また、 'valgrind'(簡単ではあるがゆっくりで不正確、特に最適化では不正確)やAddressSanitizer(再構築が必要だが極端な条件を除いては非常に速く正確で、最適化でも機能する) – o11c




    void heapAdd(int h_array[], int *a_size, int value, int *min_max_ptr) { 
    /* Summary: Adds a value to the binary heap 
    * Input: `h_array` - The binary heap array 
    *  `a_size` - The size of the array. A pointer to `size` located in main(). 
    *  `value` - The value that is to be inserted in the array 
    * Returns: Void function. Performs all operations on inputted array. 
        *a_size += 1; 
        h_array[*a_size - 1] = value; 
        heapSort(h_array, *a_size, *min_max_ptr); 
    void heapSub(int h_array[], int *a_size, int *min_max_ptr) { 
    /* Summary: Subtracts the root value from the binary heap 
    * Input: `h_array` - The binary heap array 
    *  `a_size` - The size of the array. A pointer to `size` located in main(). 
    * Returns: Void function. Performs all operations on inputted array. 
        h_array[0] = h_array[*a_size - 1]; 
        h_array[*a_size - 1] = 0; 
        *a_size -= 1; // Put here in order to not do any stupid calculations in the calls. 
        heapSort(h_array, *a_size, *min_max_ptr); 
    int main(void) { 
        char * user_input; 
        int user_value; 
        int debug = 0; 
        // min_max = 0 to produce a max-heap, min_max = 1 to produce a min-heap 
        int min_max = 0; 
        int *min_max_ptr = &min_max; 
        int size = 0; 
        int *size_ptr = &size; 
        int alloc_size = 1000; 
        int * main_array = malloc(alloc_size * sizeof(int)); 
        do { 
         if (alloc_size - size < 2) { 
          printf("Reallocating the main_array size"); 
          alloc_size += 1000; 
          main_array = realloc(main_array, alloc_size * sizeof(int)); 
          if (main_array == NULL) { 
           printf("realloc addition failed, exiting"); 
         } else if (alloc_size - size > 1002) { 
          alloc_size -= 1000; 
          main_array = realloc(main_array, alloc_size * sizeof(int)); 
          if (main_array == NULL) { 
           printf("Realloc subtraction failed, exiting"); 
         printf("Current Heap:\n"); 
         printArray(main_array, size); 
         // Debug 
         if (debug) { 
          printf("Current Heap Size: %i\n", size); 
         printf("What is your input?: "); 
         scanf("%s", user_input); 
         // Debug 
         if (debug) { 
          printf("Current user input is: %s\n", user_input); 
         if (strcmp(user_input, "add") == 0) { 
          printf("What # will you be adding to the heap?: "); 
          scanf("%i", &user_value); 
          heapAdd(main_array, size_ptr, user_value, min_max_ptr); 
         } else if (strcmp(user_input, "sub") == 0) { 
          if (size == 0) { 
           printf("Can't subtract any more from the heap.\n"); 
          } else { 
           printf("Subtracting %i from array\n", main_array[0]); 
           heapSub(main_array, size_ptr, min_max_ptr); 
         } else if (strcmp(user_input, "debug") == 0) { 
          printf("Do you want to toggle debug mode(y/n): "); 
          scanf("%s", user_input); 
          if (strcmp(user_input, "y") == 0) { 
           debug = (debug == 0) ? 1 : 0; 
           printf("Debug is: %i", debug); 
          } else { 
         } else { 
          printf("Incorrect Input, please read the instructions more fully\n\n"); 
        } while (strcmp(user_input, "q") != 0); 
        return 0; 