私は警告両方持って何もせずにcompleteing提出]をクリックした場合、「アンチスパムのチェックボックス 『私はロボットではないよ』をチェックしてください!」とAND "指定されたメールはありません!"
<?php function validateGoogleCaptcha(){
$errorsAndAlerts = "";
if ([email protected]$_REQUEST['g-recaptcha-response']) { $errorsAndAlerts .= "Please check the anti-spam 'I am not a robot' checkbox!<br/>\n"; }
else {
// check recaptcha
$postdata = array();
$postdata['secret'] = '6LcwKCwUAAAAAK5CXed1YJGfMk7iVBL5NgN2vPVd';
$postdata['response'] = @$_REQUEST['g-recaptcha-response'];
$postdata['remoteip'] = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
$url = "https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api/siteverify?". http_build_query($postdata, '', '&');
list($json, $httpStatusCode, $headers, $request) = getPage($url, 5, '', true);
$recaptchaResponse = json_decode($json, true);
if (!$recaptchaResponse['success']) {
if (is_array($recaptchaResponse['error-codes'])) {
if (in_array('missing-input-secret', $recaptchaResponse['error-codes'])) { $errorsAndAlerts .= "There's a problem with recaptcha, please let us know! (no secret)<br/>\n"; }
if (in_array('invalid-input-secret', $recaptchaResponse['error-codes'])) { $errorsAndAlerts .= "There's a problem with recaptcha, please let us know! (invald secret)<br/>\n"; }
if (in_array('missing-input-response', $recaptchaResponse['error-codes'])) { $errorsAndAlerts .= "Please fill out the recaptcha box!<br/>\n"; }
if (in_array('invalid-input-response', $recaptchaResponse['error-codes'])) { $errorsAndAlerts .= "Please fill out the recaptcha box again, your answer was incorrect!<br/>\n"; }
if (!$errorsAndAlerts) { $errorsAndAlerts .= "Invalid captcha response, please try again or contact us directly and let us know."; }
@trigger_error("Failed recaptcha on signup form", E_USER_NOTICE);
return $errorsAndAlerts;
// error checking
$errorsAndAlerts = alert();
$errorsAndAlerts = "You are already logged in! <a href='/'>Click here to continue</a> or <a href='?action=logoff'>Logoff</a>.";
<?php // process form
if (@$_POST['action']):?>
<?php $errorsAndAlerts = "";
$errorsAndAlerts .= validateGoogleCaptcha();
<?php endif ?>
### send reset email
if (@$_POST['action'] == 'sendPasswordReminder') {
// display errors
if ([email protected]$_REQUEST['usernameOrEmail']) { $errorsAndAlerts .= "No email specified!<br/>\n"; }
// send emails
if (@$_REQUEST['usernameOrEmail']) {
$where = mysql_escapef("? IN (`username`,`email`)", $_REQUEST['usernameOrEmail']);
$user = mysql_get(accountsTable(), null, $where);
// send message
if ($user) {
$emailHeaders = emailTemplate_loadFromDB(array(
'template_id' => 'USER-PASSWORD-RESET',
'placeholders' => array(
'user.username' => $user['username'],
'user.email' => $user['email'],
'resetUrl' => realUrl($GLOBALS['WEBSITE_LOGIN_RESET_URL'] . "?userNum={$user['num']}&resetCode=" . _generatePasswordResetCode($user['num'])),
$mailErrors = sendMessage($emailHeaders);
if ($mailErrors) { alert("Mail Error: $mailErrors"); }
$errorsAndAlerts .= "Thanks, we've emailed you instructions on resetting your password.<br/><br/>
If you don't receive an email within a few minutes check your spam filter for messages from elvis himself<br/>\n";
// clear form
$_REQUEST['usernameOrEmail'] = '';
if (!$user) { $errorsAndAlerts .= "No matching username or email was found!<br/>\n"; }
} ?>
は、私はちょうど私が手にしない,,,,キャプチャ「私はロボットではないよ」グーグルをクリックすることであった「指定なしのメールを!」警告私はcaptchaをチェックしていないので、電子メールアドレスを入力してください。この場合は[email protected]と入力してください。正しいメールが入力され、キャプチャがチェックされていない場合、警告が表示されます。「アンチスパムをチェックしてください。私はロボットではありません。
ありがとう、私のcaptchaは複数のエラーメッセージ/アラートを持っています。 –