ラムダ関数がJava 8の失敗を報告するにはどうすればよいですか?AWS Lambda - Java 8に相当するコールバック(「何らかのエラータイプ」)
Using the Callback Parameter
The Node.js runtime v4.3 supports the optional callback parameter. You can use it to explicitly return information back to the caller. The general syntax is:
callback(Error error, Object result);
error – is an optional parameter that you can use to provide results of the failed Lambda function execution. When a Lambda function >succeeds, you can pass null as the first parameter.
result – is an optional parameter that you can use to provide the result of a successful function execution. The result provided must be JSON.stringify compatible. If an error is provided, this parameter is ignored.
Using the callback parameter is optional. If you don't use the optional callback parameter, the behavior is same as if you called the callback() without any parameters. You can specify the callback in your code to return information to the caller.
If you don't use callback in your code, AWS Lambda will call it implicitly and the return value is null.
When the callback is called (explicitly or implicitly), AWS Lambda continues the Lambda function invocation until the Node.js event loop is empty.
The following are example callbacks:
callback(); // Indicates success but no information returned to
the caller. callback(null); // Indicates success but no information
returned to the caller. callback(null, "success"); // Indicates
success with information returned to the caller. callback(error);
// Indicates error with error information returned to the caller.
AWS Lambda treats any non-null value for the error parameter as a handled exception.
関連https://stackoverflow.com/questions/45108530/is-there-any-way-to-signal-an-error-in-aws-lambda-for-java-without-throwing-an-e –