2012-04-11 17 views

私のウェブサイトからユーザーのFacebookアカウントに画像をアップロードするこのスクリプトを購入しましたが残念ながらこのスクリプトはサポートされておらず、スクリプトに問題があります。 画像をアップロードするためにリンクをクリックするたびに、画像はユーザーのアカウントに正常にアップロードされますが、一度アップロードした後はページを更新するか、他のリンクをクリックすると画像が再びアップロードされます。ここ が私のindex.phpとfb_wrapper_class.phpコードあなたのindex.phpでfacebook graph apiユーザーのプロフィールに写真をアップロード


/* ============================================================================= 

    Example 1: This example covers the basics of uploading a photo to facebook. 
     It uses the same code covered in part B, "Usage", of the guide. 

    In order to run this example on your own system, be sure to update the 
    App id & secret id in the config.php and the $redirectURL variable, below, 
    to your own path. 

           PLEASE NOTE: 

    !!!! This example is basic and offers no feedback of the results. !!!! 
       It's purpose is to show the minimal code required 

============================================================================= */ 

    // *** Use these for development only 
    error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT); 

    // *** Include these files 

    * You would normally use redirect URL from the config.php (REDIRECT_URL). 
    * But as I'm using various different example files, each needs there own 
    * redirect URL so I've defined each one in their own file. 
    $redirectURL = "http://localhost/playground/fb-class-final/1_example_documentation_basics.php"; 

    // *** Create object 
    $fbObj = new FaceBookWrapper(APP_ID, SECRET_ID, $redirectURL); 

    // *** Include a login button 
    echo '<a href="' . $fbObj->getLoginURL() . '">Login</a>'; 

    // *** Add photo 
    $fbObj->addPhoto('fb-image-upload/assets/test.jpg', 'test image', 'Test album', 'Testing 1, 2, 3'); 

    // *** Show any errors 
    echo $fbObj->getError(); 



class FaceBookWrapper 
    // *** Required settings 
    private $_appId; 
    private $_secretId; 
    private $_redirectURL; 
    private $_userId; 

    // *** Facebook Object 
    private $_facebookObj; 

    private $_user; 

    private $_errorArray = array(); 
    private $_debugArray = array(); 

    private $permissions = 'user_about_me, user_photos, friends_photos, publish_stream, publish_actions'; 

     Thanks to DMGV for this one: I put “publish_stream and publish_actions” together in $permissions and now i can post without approve! 
## _____________________________________________________________________________  
## ________    _____________________________________________________ 
## ________ PUBLIC METHODS _____________________________________________________ 
## _____________________________________________________________________________ 

    public function __construct($appId, $secretId, $redirectURL, $userId='me', $cookies=true) 
     $this->_appId = $appId; 
     $this->_secretId = $secretId; 
     $this->_redirectURL = $redirectURL; 
     $this->_userId = $userId; 

     // *** Unset facebook user id 
     $user = null; 

     // *** include the facebook api class 

     // *** Create our Application instance. 
     $this->_facebookObj = new Facebook(array(
      'appId' => $appId, 
      'secret' => $secretId, 
      'cookie' => $cookies, 

     // *** This ensures we're logged in. 
     $this->_user = $this->_facebookObj->getUser(); 

     // *** The user to lookup 
     if ($userId == 'me') { 
      $this->_userId = $this->_user; 
     } else { 
      $this->_userId = $userId; 

    * Login/Logout Methods 

    public function getLoginURL() 
    # Return the login URL link 
     $loginUrl = $this->_facebookObj->getLoginUrl(
        'scope'   => $this->permissions, 
        'redirect_uri' => $this->_redirectURL 

     return $loginUrl; 

    ## -------------------------------------------------------- 

    public function loginRedirect() 
    # Automatically redirect you to the facebook login page 
     if (!$this->_user) {     
      header("Location:{$this->_facebookObj->getLoginUrl(array('scope' => $this->permissions, 'redirect_uri' => $this->_redirectURL))}"); 

    ## -------------------------------------------------------- 

    public function getLogoutURL() 
    # Return the logout URL link. Doesn't remove the cookie 
     $logoutUrl = $this->_facebookObj->getLogoutUrl(); 
     return $logoutUrl; 

    ## -------------------------------------------------------- 

    public function logout() 
     // *** Remove the cookie 
     if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_COOKIE'])) { 
      $cookies = explode(';', $_SERVER['HTTP_COOKIE']); 
      foreach($cookies as $cookie) { 
       $parts = explode('=', $cookie); 
       $name = trim($parts[0]); 
       setcookie($name, '', time()-1000); 
       setcookie($name, '', time()-1000, '/'); 

    ## -------------------------------------------------------- 

    public function getLogInOutLink() 
    # Show link depending on the users login/logout status 
     if ($this->_user) { 
      return $this->_facebookObj->getLogoutUrl(); 
     } else { 
      return $this->_facebookObj->getLoginUrl(); 

    ## -------------------------------------------------------- 

    public function isLoggedIn() 
    # Test if user is logged in and authenticated 
     if ($this->_user) { 
      return true; 
     } else { 
      return false; 

    * Facebook Get Info Methods 

    public function getUserProfile() 
    # Author:  Jarrod Oberto 
    # Date:  Jun 11 
    # Purpose: Get user profile information 
    # Params in: 
    # Params out: 
    # Notes: 
     if ($this->_user) { 
      $userProfileArray = $this->_facebookObj->api('/' . $this->_userId); 
      return $userProfileArray; 
     } else { 
      $this->_errorArray[] = 'Could not get user profile. User possibly not logged in.'; 
      $user = null; 
      return false; 

    ## -------------------------------------------------------- 

    public function getProfileImageURL() 
    # Author:  Jarrod Oberto 
    # Date:  Jun 11 
    # Purpose: Get the profile image URL 
    # Params in: 
    # Params out: 
    # Notes: 
     if ($this->_user) { 
      try { 
       return 'http://graph.facebook.com/' . $this->_userId . '/picture'; 
      } catch (FacebookApiException $e) { 
       $this->_errorArray[] = 'Could not get profile image URL.'; 
       $this->_debugArray[] = $e; 
       return false; 

    ## -------------------------------------------------------- 

    public function getAlbumNames($includeProfileAlbum = false) 
    # Author:  Jarrod Oberto 
    # Date:  June 11 
    # Purpose: Get an array of album names 
    # Params in: (bool) $includeProfileAlbum: if set to true, the users profile pictures album will be returned, too. 
    # Params out: (array) Associate array of album id's/names 
    # Notes: 
     // *** Get album data 
     $albumsData = $this->_getAlbumData(); 

     $albumNamesArray = array(); 

     if (count($albumsData['data']) > 0) { 

      // *** Loop through album data 
      foreach ($albumsData['data'] as $album) { 

       // *** Test if we want to include the Profile Pictures album 
       if (($includeProfileAlbum || strtolower($album['name']) != 'profile pictures')) { 

        $albumNamesArray[$album['id']] = $album['name']; 

     return $albumNamesArray; 

    ## -------------------------------------------------------- 

    public function getAlbumId($albumName) 
    # Author:  Jarrod Oberto 
    # Date:  June 11 
    # Purpose: Get the id of an album 
    # Params in: (str) $albumName: the name of the album to return the id for. 
    # Params out: Returns an albums id. 
    # Notes: 
     // *** Test if already an id 
     if ($this->_testIfId($albumName)) { 
      return $albumName; 

     $id = 0; 

     // *** Get album names 
     $albumNamesArray = $this->getAlbumNames(); 

     if (count($albumNamesArray) > 0) { 

      // *** Loop through each album 
      foreach ($albumNamesArray as $albumId => $value) { 

       // *** If the name already exists... 
       if (strtolower($albumName) == strtolower($value)) { 

        // *** ...return the id 
        return $albumId; 
     return $id; 

    * Facebook Update/Add Methods 

    public function addPhoto($img, $caption='', $album='', $albumDescription='', $createAlbum=true) 
    # Author:  Jarrod Oberto 
    # Date:  Jun 11 
    # Purpose: Add photos to an album on Facebook 
    # Params in: (str) $img: the image and path to upload 
    #    (str) $caption: a caption for the image 
    #    (str) $album: an album name or id. Will be created if 
    #     it doesn't exist 
    #    (str) $albumDescription: the description to give the album. 
    #    (bool) $createAlbum: if true, create the album if it doesn't 
    #     already exist. If false, if the album doesn't exist, 
    #     don't upload the photo. 
    # Params out: 
    # Notes: 

     // *** Get absolute path 
     $img = realpath($img); 
     if (!file_exists($img)) { 
      $this->_errorArray[] = 'Image cannot be found.';   
      return false;   

     // *** If setting is to NOT create the album should it not exist... 
     if (!$createAlbum) { 

      // *** Let's make sure it does exist. If album id=0 then it doesn't 
      if ($this->getAlbumId($album) == 0) { 
       return false; 

     // *** Default ("me") 
     $obj = $this->_userId;  

     // *** Has an album been specified? 
     if ($album != '') { 

      // *** Check if we passed in an album id 
      $usingAlbumId = $this->_testIfId($album); 

      // *** If we've passed in the album id, no need to get it - we already got it! 
      if (!$usingAlbumId) { 

       // *** Get album id, or create if it doesn't exist 
       $albumId = $this->addAlbum($album, $albumDescription); 

       // *** Set as album id 
       $obj = $albumId; 
      } else { 
       $obj = $album; 

     // *** Enable upload support 

     if ($this->_user) { 
      try {    
       $photo = $this->_facebookObj->api('/' . $obj . '/photos', 'POST', 
         'picture' => '@' . $img, 
         'message' => $caption 
       return $photo['id']; 
      } catch (FacebookApiException $e) { 
       $this->_errorArray[] = 'Image could not be added.'; 
       $this->_debugArray[] = $e;  
       return false; 

    ## -------------------------------------------------------- 

    public function addAlbum($name, $description='', $allowDuplicates=false) 
    # Author:  Jarrod Oberto 
    # Date:  Jun 11 
    # Purpose: Create an album if it doesn't exist (or if we don't mind 
    #    duplicates).    
    #    If it does exist, just return the id of the album   
    # Params in: 
    # Params out: (int) the album of the id (regardless if we created it or 
    #     if it already existed. 
    # Notes: 
     // *** If we don't want duplicate album names... 
     if (!$allowDuplicates) { 

      // *** ...we check if the album name exists already 
      $id = $this->getAlbumId($name); 

      // *** An id of greater than 0 means it does already exist 
      if ($id > 0) { 

       // *** So let leave and return the existing id 
       return $id; 

     // *** Else create the album if it doesn't exist 
     if ($this->_user) { 
      try {  
       $album = $this->_facebookObj->api('/' . $this->_userId . '/albums', 'POST', array(
         'name' => $name, 
         'message' => $description 
       return $album['id']; 
      } catch (FacebookApiException $e) { 
       $this->_errorArray[] = 'Album could not be created.'; 
       $this->_debugArray[] = $e;  
       return false; 

    ## -------------------------------------------------------- 

    public function getAlbumSelectOptions($selectedId=0, $addBlank=false, $includeProfileAlbum=false) 
     $assocArray = $this->getAlbumNames($includeProfileAlbum); 
     return Helper::dropdown($assocArray, $selectedId, $addBlank); 

    * Error Handling Methods 

    ## -------------------------------------------------------- 

    public function getErrors() 
     return $this->_errorArray; 

    ## -------------------------------------------------------- 

    public function getError() 
     if (isset($this->_errorArray[0])) { 
      return $this->_errorArray[0]; 
     } else { 
      return ''; 

    ## -------------------------------------------------------- 

    public function getDebugErrors() 
     return $this->_debugArray; 

## _____________________________________________________________________________  
## ________     ____________________________________________________ 
## ________ PRIVATE METHODS ____________________________________________________ 
## _____________________________________________________________________________ 

    private function _getAlbumData() 
    # Author:  Jarrod Oberto 
    # Date:  Jun 11 
    # Purpose: Get the RAW data 
    # Params in: 
    # Params out: 
    # Notes: 

     if ($this->_user) { 
      try {  
       return $this->_facebookObj->api('/' . $this->_userId . '/albums'); 
      } catch (FacebookApiException $e) { 
       $this->_errorArray[] = 'Could not get album data.'; 
       $this->_debugArray[] = $e;  
       return false; 

    ## -------------------------------------------------------- 

    private function _testIfId($value) 
    # helper 
     if ((strlen($value) >= 10 && strlen($value) <= 20) && is_numeric($value)) { 
      return true; 
     } else { 
      return false; 
    ## -------------------------------------------------------- 

class Helper { 

    ## -------------------------------------------------------- 

    public static function dropdown($assocArray, $selectedId=0, $addBlank=false) 
    # Author:  Jarrod Oberto 
    # Date:  19 Mar 2011 
    # Purpose: Generate HTML dropdown code 
    # Params in: (array) $assocArray: An associate array of value (id)/text. 
    #    (mixed) $selectedId: The value to select. Usually an id. 
    #    (bool) $addBlank: First entry empty or not. 
    # Params out: The select HTML code 
    # Notes: 
    # Usage: 
    #   PHP: $resultSet = $dbObj -> selectTable('branch', array('id','name')); 
    #     $branchArray = $dbObj -> recordsToArray($resultSet, false, true); 
    #     $branchHTMLOptions = FormHelper::dropdown($branchArray, $id); 
    #   HTML: <select id="branch" name="branch" class="text"> 
    #      <?php echo $branchHTMLOptions ? > 
    #     </select> 

     $HTMLOptions = ''; 
     if ($assocArray) { 

      if ($addBlank) { 
       $HTMLOptions = '<option></option>'; 

      foreach ($assocArray as $id => $name) { 
       $selected = ''; 
       if (($selectedId == $id) && ($selectedId != '')){ 
        $selected = 'selected="selected"'; 
       $HTMLOptions .= '<option value="' . $id . '" ' . $selected . '>' . $name . '</option>'; 
     } else { 
      $HTMLOptions = '<option></option>'; 

     return $HTMLOptions; 


    ## -------------------------------------------------------- 





リダイレクトの方法については、this questionをご覧ください。


これはうまくいかず、何らかの理由でこのコードがもう機能しません。とにかくお返事いただきありがとうございますが、これがなくてもウェブサイトを実行しなければならないようです。 @ヨルダン – user1326620