2016-08-09 25 views

これまで正しく動作していたAlgoliaの地理情報検索機能に問題があります。ここにはrecord of interestがあります。Algolia Geo検索が動作しない

私はまた、私が最も近い距離で、それをソートするためにdescribed by the docとしてインデックス付けすることを持っていた:私のクライアントスクリプトで

'attributesToIndex' => ['name', 'description', 'geo'] 

let settings = { 
    aroundLatLng: '10.309813,123.893154', 
    getRankingInfo: true, 
    aroundRadius: 2000 

index.search(keyword, settings, (err, data) => { 

をしかし、これは私にヒットを与えます。 aroundLatLngの値 - record of interestと同じ値です。



に最も近いデータを取得するためにaroundLatLngを設定しています私もAlgolia検索ブラウザ自体が、まだノーヒットでそれを試してみました。 – Aldee



悪いです。 _geolocの不正な形式の索引付きデータ。 latlng


とkeyingする必要があります。node.jsに同じ要件が実装されています。 ここで私はコード全体をコピーしています。うまくいけばそれはあなたを助けるかもしれない。


     I have used async.water model to create the setting of the index and then searching data as per given parameter. few function is custom so no need to bother about that. read each line patently. 
    try { 
     var self = this; 
     var post = req.body; 
     var user_id = post.user_id; 
     var created_mode = post.user_mode == 'requester' ? 'provider' : 'requester'; 
     var kword = post.kword; 
     var geo = post.geo_loc; 
     var aroundLatLng = post.aroundLatLng; 
     var aroundRadius = !cmnFn.empty(post.radious) ? post.radious : 4500; 
     var hitsPerPage = !cmnFn.empty(post.hitsPerPage) ? post.hitsPerPage : 20; 
     var offset = !cmnFn.empty(post.offset) ? post.offset : 0; 
     var length = !cmnFn.empty(post.length) ? post.length : 50; 
     var budget_from = !cmnFn.empty(post.budget_from) ? post.budget_from : 0; 
     var budget_to = !cmnFn.empty(post.budget_to) ? post.budget_to : 0; 
     var day_preference = !cmnFn.empty(post.day_preference) ? post.day_preference : ''; 
     var time_preference = !cmnFn.empty(post.time_preference) ? post.time_preference : ''; 
     var start_date = !cmnFn.empty(post.start_date) ? post.start_date : ''; 


 var job_index = algClient.initIndex('jobs'); 

     var cond = {}; 


 cond.filters = 'created_mode:"' + created_mode + '" AND (NOT user_id:"' + user_id + '")'; 
     // Query which need to be search 
     if (!cmnFn.empty(kword)) { 
      cond.query = !cmnFn.empty(post.kword) ? post.kword : ''; 
     if ((!cmnFn.empty(budget_from) && !cmnFn.empty(budget_to)) && budget_from > 0) { 
      cond.filters += ' AND min_charge: ' + budget_from + ' TO ' + budget_to; 
     if (!cmnFn.empty(day_preference)) { 
      cond.filters += ' AND day_preference:"' + day_preference + '"'; 
     if (!cmnFn.empty(time_preference)) { 
      cond.filters += ' AND time_preference:"' + time_preference + '"'; 
     if (!cmnFn.empty(start_date) && (new Date(start_date)).getTime() > 0) { 
      cond.filters += ' AND start_date:"' + start_date + '"'; 


    Do not fogot one thing, before using geo search, your records must have _geoloc key having following format 
    "_geoloc": { 
    "lat": 40.639751, 
    "lng": -73.778925 

     // Around geo search by given lat lng 
     if (!cmnFn.empty(aroundLatLng) && !cmnFn.empty(aroundLatLng.lat)) { 
      cond.aroundLatLng = aroundLatLng.lat + ', ' + aroundLatLng.lng; 
      if (!cmnFn.empty(aroundRadius) && cond.aroundRadius > 0) { 
       cond.aroundRadius = aroundRadius; 

     // total number of searched record 
     if (!cmnFn.empty(hitsPerPage)) { 
      cond.hitsPerPage = hitsPerPage; 

     // Record starting position 
     if (!cmnFn.empty(offset)) { 
      cond.offset = offset; 

     // Page Limitation 
     if (!cmnFn.empty(length)) { 
      cond.length = length; 

     // Don't show attributesToHighlight in result set 
     cond.attributesToHighlight = false; 
      restrictSearchableAttributes: List of object key, where to search in given list defined in searchableAttributes 
     cond.restrictSearchableAttributes = [ 
      It will return raning info of result when search come under geo search 
      Following output will return 
      "_rankingInfo": { 
       "nbTypos": 0, 
       "firstMatchedWord": 0, 
       "proximityDistance": 0, 
       "userScore": 31, 
       "geoDistance": 9, // Calculated distance between data geolocation given in _geoloc and search criteria in aroundLatLng 
       "geoPrecision": 1, 
       "nbExactWords": 0, 
       "words": 1, 
       "filters": 0, 
       "matchedGeoLocation": { 
        "lat": 28.5503, 
        "lng": 77.2501, 
        "distance": 9 
     cond.getRankingInfo = true; 
      function (callback) { 
        'attributesForFaceting': ['user_id', 'created_mode', 'min_charge', 'day_preference', 'time_preference', 'start_date'], 
         searchableAttributes: List of object key , where to search 
         eg: ['title', 'description'] 
         Like in sql: Where title='your searched text' AND description='your searched text' 
         _geoloc is reserved keyword of algolia which will used to search geo location 
        searchableAttributes: [ 
         attributesToRetrieve: Here you can specify list of key name which you want to retrive 
         eg: ['name','address','age'] 
         Like in sql: Select name, address, age 
        attributesToRetrieve: [ 
       }).then(() => { 
        return callback(null, 'success'); 
     ], function (err, results) { 
      if (err) { 
       console.log('error: ' + err); 
      job_index.search(cond).then(results => { 
       if (results.nbHits > 0) { 
        var rows = new Array(); 
        for (i in results.hits) { 
         var row = {}; 
         var item = results.hits[i]; 
         var user_info = {}; 
         user_info = item.user_info; 

         // Get distance and calculate 
         if (!cmnFn.empty(item._rankingInfo)) { 
          item.distance = cmnFn.meterToKM(item._rankingInfo['geoDistance']); 
         } else { 
          let loc = { 
           geoLoc_1: { latitude: aroundLatLng.lat, longitude: aroundLatLng.lng }, 
           geoLoc_2: { latitude: item._geoloc.lat, longitude: item._geoloc.lng } 
          cmnFn.getDistance(loc, function (distance) { 
           item.distance = distance 
         /* self.isFav({ user_id: item.user_id, job_id: item.job_id }), function (err, flag) { 
          item.is_favorite = flag; 
         }; */ 
         self.isFav({ user_id: item.user_id, job_id: item.job_id }).then(function (flag) { 
          item.is_favorite = flag; 
         }, function (err) { 
          item.is_favorite = false; 
         if (cmnFn.empty(item.currency)) { 
          item.currency = "₹"; 
         //Delete few key from object which does not need to send in response 
         delete item['user_info']; 
         delete item['objectID']; 
         delete item['_geoloc']; 
         delete item['_rankingInfo']; 
         row.job_info = item; 
         row.user_info = user_info; 
        info = { status: 1, message: util.format(lang.TOTAL_RECORD_FOUND, results.nbHits), data: rows }; 
        cmnFn.showMsg(res, info); 
       } else { 
        info = { status: 0, message: lang.RECORD_NOT_FOUND, data: null }; 
        cmnFn.showMsg(res, info); 
      }).catch(err => { 
       info = { status: 0, message: lang.RECORD_NOT_FOUND, data: null }; 
       cmnFn.showMsg(res, info); 
      //res.end('' + JSON.stringify(results)); 
    } catch (error) { 
     info = { status: 0, message: lang.RECORD_NOT_FOUND, data: null }; 
     cmnFn.showMsg(res, info); 