2016-10-19 17 views




for (int m=0; m<numstudents; m++) { 
     printf("\n\n*****************\n\n***Report card***\n\n*****************"); 
     printf("\nName of student: %s", namestudent[m]); 
     printf("\nPhysics: %.2f/100", physicsstudent[m]); 
     printf("\nChemistry: %.2f/100", chemistrystudent[m]); 
     printf("\nMath: %.2f/100", physicsstudent[m]); 

     total = physicsstudent[m]+chemistrystudent[m]+mathstudent[m]; 
     realtotal = (total/300)*100; 
     printf("\nTotal: %.2f/300", total); 

     if(realtotal > 89) { 
      printf("\nYour letter grade: A"); 
     } else if(realtotal > 79) { 
      printf("\nYour letter grade: B"); 
     } else if(realtotal > 69) { 
      printf("\nYour letter grade: C"); 
     } else if(realtotal > 49) { 
      printf("\nYour letter grade: D"); 
     } else if((realtotal) < 50) { 
      printf("\nYour letter grade: F"); 


#include <stdio.h> 
#include <string.h> 

int main() { 
    char line[100][100], namestudent[20][20]; 
int numstudents, grade; 
float realtotal, total, physicsstudent[100], chemistrystudent[100], mathstudent[100]; 

    printf("\n***Welcome to the grade calculator***\n\n=>Press G to enter grade calculator\n\n=>Press H for help\n\nPlease enter your option: "); 
char userinput = getchar(); 

if (userinput == 'g' || userinput == 'G') { 
    printf("\nWelcome to the grade calculator\nEnter the total number of students in your class: "); 
    scanf("%d", &numstudents); 

    if (numstudents <= 0) { 
     printf("Terminating program"); 

    for (int i=0; i<numstudents; i++) { 
     printf("\nPlease enter the name of student %d: ", i+1); 
     fgets(namestudent[i], sizeof(namestudent[i]), stdin); 
      namestudent[strlen(namestudent[i])-1][i] = '\0'; 
      scanf("%s", namestudent[i]); 

      printf("Please enter %s\'s Physics score (out of 100 points): ", namestudent[i]); 
     scanf("%f", &physicsstudent[i]); 

     printf("Please enter %s\'s Chemistry score (out of 100 points): ",namestudent[i]); 
     scanf("%f", &chemistrystudent[i]); 

     printf("Please enter %s\'s Math score (out of 100 points): ",namestudent[i]); 
     scanf("%f", &mathstudent[i]); 


    for (int m=0; m<numstudents; m++) { 
     printf("\n\n*****************\n\n***Report card***\n\n*****************"); 
     printf("\nName of student: %s", namestudent[m]); 
     printf("\nPhysics: %.2f/100", physicsstudent[m]); 
     printf("\nChemistry: %.2f/100", chemistrystudent[m]); 
     printf("\nMath: %.2f/100", physicsstudent[m]); 

     total = physicsstudent[m]+chemistrystudent[m]+mathstudent[m]; 
     realtotal = (total/300)*100; 
     printf("\nTotal: %.2f/300", total); 

     if(realtotal > 89) { 
      printf("\nYour letter grade: A"); 
     } else if(realtotal > 79) { 
      printf("\nYour letter grade: B"); 
     } else if(realtotal > 69) { 
      printf("\nYour letter grade: C"); 
     } else if(realtotal > 49) { 
      printf("\nYour letter grade: D"); 
     } else if((realtotal) < 50) { 
      printf("\nYour letter grade: F"); 

} else if (userinput == 'h' || userinput == 'H') { 
    printf("~~~Help~~~\n\n*After typing G, you will be entering the grade calculator\n\n1.Then, you will be asked to enter the number of students that you are going to enter grades for.\nThis will be an integer value only.\n\n2.If you enter any other character (other thaninteger), you must prompt to the user to enter a valid integer number only.\n\n3.Then the calculator asks you for the names of the students (if you entered 3 in the step 1, the loop will run for 3 times....taking 3 student names).\n\n4.Then the program will start asking for the individual scores (physics, chemistry and math in our case).\n\n5.Finally, it will print a report card with scores and the grade (calculated). I have programmed to give A, B, C and F grades only.You are free to use other grading scales as well."); 
} else { 
    printf("You entered a value that is not accepted. Terminating program"); 



***Report card*** 

Name of student: a <--- input was 'apple' 
Physics: 90.00/100 
Chemistry: 90.00/100 
Math: 90.00/100 
Total: 270.00/300 
Your letter grade: A 


***Report card*** 

Name of student: orange 
Physics: 90.00/100 
Chemistry: 90.00/100 
Math: 90.00/100 
Total: 270.00/300 
Your letter grade: A 


***Report card*** 

Name of student: banana 
Physics: 90.00/100 
Chemistry: 90.00/100 
Math: 90.00/100 
Total: 270.00/300 
Your letter grade: A 

Process exited with code: 0 

今後は、編集をスキップして追いかけます。 – KevinDTimm


問題ありません。私を助ける時間をとってくれてありがとう。 – Chapo





私は完全な馬鹿のような料金を払っています。これらの手順を実行すると、プログラムは完璧に動作します。 – Chapo



scanf("%d", &numstudents); 

後に改行文字が入力ストリームにまだあります。 fgetsの次の呼び出し、

fgets(namestudent[i], sizeof(namestudent[i]), stdin); 

i = 0に相当する空行と戻ります。


int c; 
    while ((c = getchar()) != EOF && c != '\n'); 

説明をありがとうございます。私は最近、文字列の '\ n'と '\ o'文字について学習し、それらを削除しようとしていたため、fgets部分を追加しました。スコットハンターのように、もし私が単にscanfを使うのであれば、プログラムは完璧に動作します。 – Chapo
