2017-02-14 12 views

カートアイテムは電子メールに送信されますが、フォームからの入力は送信されません。simpleCart.jsは、PHPスクリプトを使用してフォーム入力とカートアイテムをEMAILに送信します。 - フォーム入力を送信できません



<!DOCTYPE html> 
<html lang="en"> 
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<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> 
<meta content="text/html;charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type"> 
<meta content="utf-8" http-equiv="encoding"> 
<title>Atelier K - Trimite Comanda</title> 
<link rel="icon" href="images/iconAK.ico"/> 

<!-- Bootstrap --> 
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/bootstrap.css"> 
<script src="js/simpleCart.js"></script> 

<script src="js/simplecart.min.js"></script> 

<script src="js/qunit.js"></script> 
<script src="js/jquery.min.js"></script> 
<script src="js/bootstrap.js"></script> 



cartColumns: [ 
//{ attr: "image", label: false, view: "Imagine"}, 

{ attr: "name" , label: "Produs" }, 

{ attr: "quantity", label: "CAntitate", view: "input"}, 

     { view:'remove', text: "X", label: "Sterge"}, 

     //Price of item 
     //{ attr: "price", label: "Pret", view: "currency"}, 
     //Subtotal of that row (quantity of that item * the price) 
     { attr: "total" , label: "Sub Toalt", view: "currency" } 
    cartStyle: "table" , 
    checkout: { 
    type: "SendForm" , 
    url: "/contact/Comandascript.php" , 
    method: "POST" , 
    success: "/contact/Comanda_trimisa.php" , 
    cancel: "/contact/Comanda_netrimisa.php" , 
    extra_data: { 
    Prenume : document.getElementById("firstname").value, 
Nume : document.getElementById("lastname").value, 
      Address : document.getElementById("address").value, 
     email : document.getElementById("email").value, 
     Telefon : document.getElementById("phone").value, 
     Mesaj : document.getElementById("comments").value, 



simpleCart.bind('beforeCheckout' , function(data){ 
data.first_name = document.getElementById("firstname").value; 
data.last_name = document.getElementById("lastname").value; 
data.address = document.getElementById("address").value; 
data.email = document.getElementById("email").value; 
data.phone = document.getElementById("phone").value; 
data.comments = document.getElementById("comments").value; 
<div class="container">  
<!-- Form --> 
<form name="myform" id="myForm" method="POST" action="/contact/Comandascript.php"> 
     <h4 style="color: #4682B4"> Persoana de contact</h4> 
     <th> <p> <label for="firstname">Prenume:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </label> </th> 
     <th><input type="text" name="firstname" placeholder="" title="Introduceti prenumele" class="required" id="firstname" size="50px" onblur='isEmpty(this.value)' ><font size="1" color="red"> <span id="msg"></span></font></p></th> 
    <th> <p> <label for="lastname">Nume:&nbsp; </label> </th> 
     <th><input type="text" name="lastname" placeholder="" title="Introduceti numele de familie" class="required" id="lastname" size="50px" onblur='isEmpty1(this.value)' > <font size="1" color="red"><span id="msg1"></span></font></p></th> 
    <h4 style="color: #4682B4">Date de Livrare</h4> 
    <th> <p> <label for="address">Adresa de livrare:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </label> </th> 
    <th>  <input type="text" name="address" placeholder="" title="Introduceti adresa de livrare" class="required" id="address" size="50px" onblur='isEmpty2(this.value)' ><font size="1" color="red"><span id="msg2"></span></font></p> </th> 
    <th> <p> <label for="email">Email:&nbsp; </label> </th> 
    <th>  <input type="email" name="email" placeholder="" title="Introduceti o adresa de email corecta" class="required email" id="email" size="50px" onblur='isEmpty3(this.value)'><font size="1" color="red"><span id="msg3"></span></font></p> </th> 
    <th> <p> <label for="phone">Telefon:&nbsp; </label> </th> 
    <th> <input type="tel" name="phone" placeholder="" id="phone" size="50px" title="Introduceti numarul dvs. de telefon." onblur='isEmpty4(this.value)' onkeypress='return isNumberKey(event)'><font size="1" color="red"><span id="msg4"></span></font></p> </th> 
     <h4 style="color: #4682B4"> Informatii Suplimentare</h4> 
     <th> <p> <label for="message">Mesaj:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </label> </th> 
    <th> <input type="text" title="Completati aici daca doriti sa ne transmiteti info extra" name="message" placeholder="Completati aici daca doriti sa ne transmiteti info. extra." id="message" size="75px"></p></th> 


    <a href="javascript:;" id="submit" name="submit" value="submit" class="simpleCart_checkout" ><span class="checkout_btn"> Trimite comanda</span></a> 

     </div> <!-- /end #contact-form -->  


$content = $_POST; /* receiving SimpleCart order array */ 
$body = ''; /* declaring the email body */ 

$firstname = ''; /* extra field variable */ 
$lastname = ''; /* extra field variable */ 
$email = ''; /* extra field variable */ 
$address = ''; 
$phone = ''; /* extra field variable */ 
$comments = ''; /* extra field variable */ 

$body .= '=================================='."\n"; 
$body .= "Prenume: ".$content[$firstname]."\n"; /* using extra field variable */ 
$body .= "Nume de familie: ".$content[$lastname]."\n"; /* using extra field variable */ 
$body .= "Adresa: ".$content[$address]."\n"; /* using extra field variable */ 
$body .= "Email: ".$content[$email]."\n"; /* using extra field variable */ 
$body .= "Numar de telefon: ".$content[$phone]."\n"; /* using extra field variable */ 
$body .= 'Has placed the following order:'."\n"; 
$body .= "\n"; 
$body .= '=================================='."\n"; 
/* starting the loop to get all orders from the stored array */ 
for($i=1; $i < $content['itemCount'] + 1; $i++) { 
$name = 'item_name_'.$i; /* product name variable */ 
$quantity = 'item_quantity_'.$i; /* product quantity variable */ 
$price = 'item_price_'.$i; /* product price variable */ 
$total = $content[$quantity]*$content[$price]; /* product total price variable (price*quantity) */ 
$grandTotal += $total; /* accumulating the total of all items */ 
$body .= 'Comanda#'.$i.': '.$content[$name]."\n".'Cantitate '.$content[$quantity].' --- Pret per bucata $'.number_format($content[$price], 2, '.', '')."\n".'Sub-total $'.number_format($total, 2, '.', '')."\n"; /* creating a semantic format for each ordered product */ 
$body .= '=================================='."\n"; 
/* ending the loop to get all orders from the stored array */ 
$body .= 'Total: $'.number_format($grandTotal, 2, '.', '')."\n"; /* total amount of the order */ 
$body .= '=================================='."\n"; 
$body .= "\n"; 
$body .= "Mesaj(optional): ".$content[$comments]."\n"; /* using extra field variable */ 
    $headers = "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1\n"; 
    $headers .= "From: $firstname $lastname <$email>\n"; 
    $recipient = "[email protected]"; 
    $subject = "Comanda noua pentru K"; 
mail($recipient, $subject, $body, $headers); /* building the mail() function */ 
header("location: /contact/Comanda_trimisa.php"); /* declaring the page to redirect if the mail is sent successfully */ 

私はsimpleCart.jsとSendFormについて見られる異なる例を試みたが、それだけでは動作しませドス。私がclass = "simpleCart_checkout"を送信リンクから取り出した場合、私はカートアイテムを取得しません。入力タグtype = "submit"をクラスなしで使用すると、フォーム入力が取得されます。 同じPHPスクリプトを使用してメールを送信するにはどうすればよいですか?私は上記の投稿HTMLコードから





extra_data: { 
    Prenume : document.getElementById("firstname").value, 
Nume : document.getElementById("lastname").value, 
      Address : document.getElementById("address").value, 
     email : document.getElementById("email").value, 
     Telefon : document.getElementById("phone").value, 
     Mesaj : document.getElementById("comments").value, 



$headers .= "From: $firstname $lastname <$email>\n"; 


$headers .= "From: ".$content[$firstname]." ".$content[$lastname]." <".$content[$email].">\n"; 



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