![enter image description here](https://i.stack.imgur.com/1MkDT.png)
WITH data AS(
select 'APPL' as symbol, ARRAY<STRUCT<date string, time string, resolution INT64, open FLOAT64, high FLOAT64, low FLOAT64, close FLOAT64>> [STRUCT('2017-06-19' as date, '9:30' as time, 5 as resolution, 99.12 as open, 102.52 as high, 94.22 as low, 98.32 as close), STRUCT('2017-06-19' as date, '9:30' as time, 1 as resolution, 99.12 as open, 100.11 as high, 99.01 as low, 100.34 as close)] stock union all
select 'IBM' as symbol, ARRAY<STRUCT<date string, time string, resolution INT64, open FLOAT64, high FLOAT64, low FLOAT64, close FLOAT64>> [STRUCT('2017-06-19' as date, '9:30' as time, 5 as resolution, 40.15 as open, 45.78 as high, 39.18 as low, 44.22 as close)]
WITH data AS(
select 'APPL' as symbol, STRUCT<date string, time string, hit ARRAY<STRUCT<resolution INT64, open FLOAT64, high FLOAT64, low FLOAT64, close FLOAT64>>> ('2017-06-19', '9:30', [STRUCT(1 as resolution, 99.12 as open, 102.52 as high, 94.22 as low, 98.32 as close), STRUCT(5 as resolution, 99.12 as open, 100.11 as high, 99.01 as low, 100.34 as close)]) stock union all
select 'IBM' as symbol, STRUCT<date string, time string, hit ARRAY<STRUCT<resolution INT64, open FLOAT64, high FLOAT64, low FLOAT64, close FLOAT64>>> ('2017-06-19', '9:30', [STRUCT(1 as resolution, 40.15 as open, 45.78 as high, 39.18 as low, 44.22 as close)])
![enter image description here](https://i.stack.imgur.com/TvsFb.png)
は、スキーマのこのタイプはどのくらいに応じて、あなたにいくつかの利点を与えるかもしれませんより安価でより効果的なストレージや高速なクエリなど、処理しているデータがある場合があります(Resources Exceeded