2016-04-01 6 views

基本的に私のプログラムは販売値を取り込み、更新されます。プログラムはまた、この製品がすべての製品の合計売上高を構成していることを、100パーセントからどれくらいの割合で更新することになっています。例えば、私がニンジンのための100の販売を入力すれば、これは販売された唯一の製品であり、100の販売しかないので、すべての販売の%は100%でなければならない。 potatosにおそらく100の売上を追加すると、2つの間に200の売上分配があるので、%はそれぞれ50%に変更されます。どのように私はこれが発生するコードです。私の試みたコードは以下に添付されています。どのように私のプログラムは、それが100%カバーする製品販売のどれくらいの%を更新するようにしますか


import java.awt.*; 
import java.awt.event.*; 
import javax.swing.*; 

This is an initial starter version of a Java application that should be 
extended in stages, eventually allowing the user to enter product sales figures 
for a number of products, and display them in a table with %ages, a ranking and a pie chart. 

This starter code just has storage for one product, and allows that product's sales figure 
to be updated and displayed. The display is plain, with no font changes and 
no border lines for the table. All the processing is limited to just this one product, 
and must be adapted for a whole array of products. 

SBJ March 2016 

public class ProductChart extends JFrame implements ActionListener 
    * Frame constants 
    private static final int FRAME_LOCATION_X = 350; 
    private static final int FRAME_LOCATION_Y = 250; 
    private static final int FRAME_WIDTH = 650; 
    private static final int FRAME_HEIGHT = 400; 

    * The maximum permitted number of products 
    private final int MAX_PRODUCTS = 10; 

    * These arrays holds all the sales data: 
    * Element 0 is unused, so array sizes are MAX_PRODUCTS+1. 
    * The product number (from 1 to MAX_PRODUCTS) is the index in the arrays 
    * where the product's data is held. 
    * Sales figures are counted quantities, so int. 
    private String[] productName; // The name of each product 
    private int[] productSales; // The number of sales of each product 
    private float[] percentage; // The proportion of total sales for each product 

    private int totalSales;  // Always the current total sales 

    * Display area layout constants 
    private final int DISPLAY_WIDTH = 600; 
    private final int DISPLAY_HEIGHT = 300; 
    private final int PRODUCT_X = 30; // Start of product number column 
    private final int NAME_X = 75;  // Start of product name column 
    private final int SALES_X = 225; // Start of sales column 
    private final int PERCENTAGE_X = 300; //Start of percentage column 
    private final int TABLE_LINES_Y = 12; //The number of horizontal lines required to draw the table 
    private final int TABLE_LINES_X = 5; //The number of vertical "" 

    * The main launcher method: 
    * Configure the applications's window, initialize the sales data structures, 
    * and make the applications visible. 
    * @param args Unused 
    public static void main(String[] args) 
     ProductChart frame = new ProductChart(); 
     frame.setLocation(FRAME_LOCATION_X, FRAME_LOCATION_Y); 
     frame.setSize(FRAME_WIDTH, FRAME_HEIGHT); 
     frame.setTitle("Product Chart 2312931"); 


    * The GUI components 
    private JTextField productSalesEntryField; // For entry of new product sales figures 
    private JButton updateSalesButton;   // To request update of a sales figure 
    private JPanel displayArea;     // Graphics area for drawing the sales table 
    private JTextField productRefEntryField; // For entry of product refence number when updating sales figures 

    * Helper method to build the GUI 
    private void createGUI() 
     // Standard window set up 
     Container window = getContentPane(); 
     window.setLayout(new FlowLayout()); 

     // Product reference entry label and text field 
     JLabel productRefEntryLabel = new JLabel("Product Ref #:"); 
     productRefEntryField = new JTextField(2); 

     // Product sales entry label and text field 
     JLabel productSalesEntryLabel = new JLabel("Product sales:"); 
     productSalesEntryField = new JTextField(5); 

     // Button to add new sales figure 
     updateSalesButton = new JButton("Update sales"); 

     // The drawing area for displaying all data 
     displayArea = new JPanel() 
      // paintComponent is called automatically when a screen refresh is needed 
      public void paintComponent(Graphics g) 
       // g is a cleared panel area 
       super.paintComponent(g); // Paint the panel's background 
       paintScreen(g);   // Then the required graphics 
     displayArea.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(DISPLAY_WIDTH, DISPLAY_HEIGHT)); 

    * Initializes product arrays: 
    * A set of product names, 
    * With sales initially 0. 
    * Note: In the arrays, the first element is unused, so Bread is at index 1 
    private void initializeSalesData() 
     productName = new String[MAX_PRODUCTS+1]; 
     productName[1] = "Bread"; // Note: First element is unused, so Bread is at index 1 
     productName[2] = "Milk"; 
     productName[3] = "Eggs"; 
     productName[4] = "Cheese"; 
     productName[5] = "Cream"; 
     productName[6] = "Butter"; 
     productName[7] = "Jam"; 
     productName[8] = "Chocolate Spread"; 
     productName[9] = "Corn Flakes"; 
     productName[10] = "Sugar"; 

     productSales = new int[MAX_PRODUCTS+1]; 
     for(int i=0; i< MAX_PRODUCTS; i++) 
      productSales[i] = 0; 

     percentage = new float[MAX_PRODUCTS+1]; 
     for(int i=0; i< MAX_PRODUCTS; i++) 
      percentage[i] = 0; 


    * Event handler for button clicks. 
    * One action so far: 
    * o Update the sales figure for a product 
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) 
     if (event.getSource() == updateSalesButton) 

     // And refresh the display 

    * Action updating a sales figure: the new sales figure is fetched 
    * from a text fields, parsed (converted to an int), and action is taken. 
    private void updateSalesAction() 
     // Fetch the new sales details 
     int productRef = Integer.parseInt(productRefEntryField.getText()); 
     int newSales = Integer.parseInt(productSalesEntryField.getText()); 
     if (productRef>0&&productRef<=MAX_PRODUCTS) 
      // Update the sales tables 
      productSales[productRef] = newSales; 
      totalSales = totalSales + newSales; 
      percentage[productRef] = calculatePercentage(productSales[productRef-1], totalSales); 


    * Redraw all the sales data on the given graphics area 
    public void paintScreen(Graphics g) 
     // Draw a table of the sales data, with columns for the product number, 
     // product name, and sales 

     g.setFont(new Font("default", Font.BOLD, 16)); 
     g.drawString("Product sales data:", 20, 20); 

     // Table column headers 
     g.setFont(new Font("default", Font.BOLD, 12)); 
     g.drawString("No", PRODUCT_X, 60); 
     g.drawString("Name", NAME_X, 60); 
     g.drawString("Sales", SALES_X, 60); 
     g.drawString("Percentage", PERCENTAGE_X, 60); 

     // The table of sales data 
     g.setFont(new Font("default", Font.PLAIN, 12)); 
     int y = 80;// The y coordinate for each line 
     int yIncrement = 20; 

     for(int i = 0; i<productName.length-1; i++) 
      g.drawString(""+Integer.toString(i+1), PRODUCT_X, y+i*yIncrement);   // First column: product number 

     for(int i = 0; i<productName.length-1; i++) 
      g.drawString(productName[i+1], NAME_X, y+i*yIncrement); // Second column: product name 

     for(int i = 0; i<productSales.length-1; i++) 
      g.drawString(Integer.toString(productSales[i+1]), SALES_X, y+i*yIncrement); // Third column: sales figure 
     for(int i = 0; i<percentage.length-1; i++) 
      g.drawString(Float.toString(percentage[i+1]), PERCENTAGE_X, y+i*yIncrement); 
     for(int i = 0; i<TABLE_LINES_Y ; i++) 

    public float calculatePercentage(int sales, int totalSales) 
     float percentage = sales/totalSales; 
     return percentage;  


どのコードが有効ではありませんか?何が問題ですか? – 4castle


calculatepercentageメソッドと、パーセントで始まるupdatesalesactionメソッドのステートメント。売上高を追加するとパーセンテージが更新されない – TurtleDave


@ 4castleが質問を更新 – TurtleDave




public float calculatePercentage(int sales, int totalSales) 
    return 100.0f * sales/totalSales; 


private void updateSalesAction() 
    // Fetch the new sales details 
    int productRef = Integer.parseInt(productRefEntryField.getText()); 
    int newSales = Integer.parseInt(productSalesEntryField.getText()); 
    if (productRef>0&&productRef<=MAX_PRODUCTS) 
     // Update the sales tables 
     productSales[productRef] = newSales; 
     totalSales = 0; 
     for (int i = 1; i <= MAX_PRODUCTS; i++) 
      totalSales += productSales[i]; 
     for (int i = 1; i <= MAX_PRODUCTS; i++) 
      percentage[i] = calculatePercentage(productSales[i], totalSales); 


enter image description here


すばらしい、ありがとうとても:D – TurtleDave
