2012-03-20 7 views



C:\Users\Tyler\Desktop\Program 2\p2.cpp:202: error: expected primary-expression before "else" 
C:\Users\Tyler\Desktop\Program 2\p2.cpp:202: error: expected `;' before "else" 

C:\Users\Tyler\Desktop\Program 2\p2.cpp:222: error: expected `while' before '(' token 
C:\Users\Tyler\Desktop\Program 2\p2.cpp:223: error: expected `;' before '{' token 

C:\Users\Tyler\Desktop\Program 2\p2.cpp:236: error: expected primary-expression before "else" 
C:\Users\Tyler\Desktop\Program 2\p2.cpp:236: error: expected `;' before "else" 

C:\Users\Tyler\Desktop\Program 2\p2.cpp: At global scope: 
C:\Users\Tyler\Desktop\Program 2\p2.cpp:250: error: expected unqualified-id before "while" 
C:\Users\Tyler\Desktop\Program 2\p2.cpp:250: error: expected `,' or `;' before "while" 
C:\Users\Tyler\Desktop\Program 2\p2.cpp:251: error: expected unqualified-id before "return" 
C:\Users\Tyler\Desktop\Program 2\p2.cpp:251: error: expected `,' or `;' before "return" 
C:\Users\Tyler\Desktop\Program 2\p2.cpp:252: error: expected declaration before '}' token 


int main() 
    Stack s; //variable declarations 
    StackItem *newItem; 
    char token, nextChar, prevChar, response, check; 
    int lineCount, apostCount; 
    char filename[50]; 
    bool insideComment = false, insideString = false, error, isMatch, delimError = false; 
    fstream sourceFile; 

    do //do while response is y 
     do //do while opening the source file fails 
     cout << "Enter filename of source file: "; 
     cin.getline (filename,51); 
     sourceFile.open(filename); //opens the file with given filename 
     if (sourceFile.fail()) 
      cout << "File could not be opened" << endl; //error if can't open 
     while (sourceFile.fail()); //exits if source file doesn't fail 

     lineCount = 0; //initializes line count to zero 

     while (!sourceFile.eof()) //exits if end of source file is reached 
     sourceFile.get(nextChar); //gets the next character in file 

     if (!sourceFile.eof()) //if not the end of source file 
      if ((int)nextChar == '\n') //if next character is an end line 
       lineCount++; //increments line count 
       cout << "Line count: " << lineCount << endl; //echoes line count 

      else if (nextChar == '{' || nextChar == '[' || nextChar == '(') 
      { //continues if next char is an opening token 
       newItem->token = nextChar; //sets newItem's token 
       newItem->lineNumber = lineCount; //sets newItem's line count 
       if (!s.isFull()) //continues if stack isn't full 
        s.push(newItem); //pushes newItem onto the stack 
       s.displayStack(); //displays the stack 

      else if (nextChar == '}' || nextChar == ']' || nextChar == ')') 
      { //continues if next char is a closing token 
       if (!s.isEmpty()) //continues if stack isn't empty 
        isMatch = s.matchStack(nextChar); //checks if token matches top 

        if (isMatch == true) //if true, pops the top of the stack 

        else //continues if match is false 
        newItem->token = nextChar; //sets newItem's token 
        newItem->lineNumber = lineCount; //sets newITem's line count 
        s.trailingItem(newItem); //calls the trailingItem function 
        cout << endl << endl << "Process another file? (y/n): "; 
        cin >> response; //asks user whether to continue 

        while (response != 'y' && response != 'n') //checks for input error 
         cout << "Error! Must enter either y for yes or n for no." << endl; 
         cout << endl << endl << "Process another file? (y/n): "; 
         cin >> response; 
        break; //leaves the while loop 

       else if (s.isEmpty()) //continues if stack is empty 
        newItem->token = nextChar; //sets newItem's token 
        newItem->lineNumber = lineCount; //sets newItem's line count 
        s.push(newItem); //pushes newItem onto the top of the stack 
        s.processStack(); //processes the error 
        cout << endl << endl << "Process another file? (y/n): "; 
        cin >> response; //asks user whether to continue 

        while (response != 'y' && response != 'n') //checks for input error 
        cout << "Error! Must enter either y for yes or n for no." << endl; 
        cout << endl << endl << "Process another file? (y/n): "; 
        cin >> response; //gets user input 

        break; //leaves the while loop 

       s.displayStack(); //displays the items on the stack 

      else if (nextChar == '/') //continues if next char is a/
       sourceFile.get(nextChar); //gets the next character in file 

       if (nextChar == '*') //continues if next char is a * 
       { //at this point a comment has started because of/then * 
        insideComment = true; //sets bool to true 
        newItem->token = 'c'; //sets newItem's token to c for "comment" 
        newItem->lineNumber = lineCount; //sets newItem's line count 
        s.push(newItem); //pushes the item onto the stack 

        while (insideComment == true && !sourceFile.eof()) 
        { //continues while inside a comment and end of file isn't reached 
        sourceFile.get(nextChar); //gets the next character in file 

        if (nextChar == '*') //continues if next char is * 
         sourceFile.get(nextChar); //gets the next character in file 

         if (nextChar == '/') //continues if next char is/
         { //at this point the comment has ended because of * then/
          insideComment = false; //sets bool to false 
          s.pop(); //pops off the c in the stack 

       else if (nextChar == '/') //continues if next char is a/
       { //at this point a comment has started because of/then another/
        insideComment = true; //sets bool to true 

        while (insideComment == true && !sourceFile.eof()) 
        { //continues while inside a comment and not at end of file 
        sourceFile.get(nextChar); //gets the next character in file 

        if (nextChar == '\n') //leaves comment if next line is entered 
         insideComment = false; //sets bool to false 

      else if (nextChar == '\n') //continues if next char is an end line 
       lineCount++; //increments line count 
       cout << "Line count: " << lineCount << endl; //echoes line count 

      else if (nextChar == '\"' && insideComment == false) 
      { //continues if next char is a " and is not currently inside a comment 
       insideString = true; //sets bool to true b/c " starts a string 

       while (insideString == true && !sourceFile.eof()) 
        sourceFile.get(nextChar); //gets the next character in file 

        if (nextChar == '\"') 
        insideString = false; 

        else if (nextChar == '\n') 
        lineCount++; //increments line count 
        cout << "Line count: " << lineCount << endl; //echoes line count 

      else if (nextChar == '\'' && insideComment == false && insideString == false) 
      { //continues if next char is a ' and not in a comment or string 
       apostCount = 1; //initializes apostrophe count (chars after first apostrophe) 

       while (nextChar != '\'' && !sourceFile.eof()) 
       { //continues while next char isn't another ' and not end of file 
        sourceFile.get(nextChar); //gets the next character in file 
        apostCount++; //increments apostrophe count 

        if (nextChar == '\\') //continues if next char is a \ 
        sourceFile.get(nextChar); //gets the next character in file 
        apostCount++; //increments apostrophe count 

        if (nextChar == '\'' && apostCount <= 3) //must be less than/= 3 spaces 
         nextChar = ' '; //sets next char to space if another apostrophe 

        else if (nextChar == '\n') //continues if next char is an end line 
        lineCount++; //increments line count 
        cout << "Line count: " << lineCount << endl; //echoes line count 

       if (apostCount >= 4) //if more than 3 chars come after apostrophe 
       { //displays delimeter error 
        cout << "Character delimeter error on line " << lineCount << endl; 
        delimError = true; 
        break; //leaves while loop after displaying error 

       if (delimError == true) //continues if delimiter error occured 
        break; //leaves 2nd while loop 
     } //end of while loop 

     if (s.isEmpty() == false) //continues if no errors within stack 
     { //displays successful nesting structure to user 
     cout << "Source file of " << lineCount << " lines has proper nesting structure"; 
     cout << endl << endl << "Process another file? (y/n): "; //asks to continue 
     cin >> response; //gets user's response 

     while (response != 'y' && response != 'n') //checks for input error 
       cout << "Error! Must enter either y for yes or n for no." << endl; 
       cout << endl << endl << "Process another file? (y/n): "; 
       cin >> response; //gets user input 

     else //continues if errors are present 
     s.processStack(); //processes and displays the delimiter errors 
     cout << endl << endl << "Process another file? (y/n): "; //asks to continue 
     cin >> response; //gets user's response 

     while (response != 'y' && response != 'n') //checks for input error 
      cout << "Error! Must enter either y for yes or n for no." << endl; 
      cout << endl << endl << "Process another file? (y/n): "; 
      cin >> response; //gets user input 
    while (response == 'y'); //opens another file if user entered y for yes 
    return 0; //quits program 



これはStack Overflowの問題の**ロット**のコードです。これを[最小限のテストケース](http://sscce.org)に減らすことを検討してください。関連する行(例:202行目)にコメントを付けることで、少なくとも私たちを助けてください。 –


男の子、あなた本当に*真剣にコメントを取る! (残念なことに、 'sourceFile.clear()'のように実際に*面白い*のコードはコメントがありません!) –


Kerrekのポイントを拡張します。 「boolをfalseに設定する」などのコメントは画面スペースを占有するだけであり、対応するコードからはっきりしないものは何も表示しないため、有用ではありません。 –



if (nextChar == '\\') //continues if next char is a \ 





if (nextChar == '\\') //continues if next char is a \ 
     sourceFile.get(nextChar); //gets the next character in file 
     apostCount++; //increments apostrophe count 

     if (nextChar == '\'' && apostCount <= 3) //must be less than/= 3 spaces 
      nextChar = ' '; //sets next char to space if another apostrophe 


if (nextChar == '\\') 

     if (nextChar == '\'' && apostCount <= 3) 
      nextChar = ' '; 



ありがとうございます!しかし、今私はsegFaultエラーが発生しています:STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION –


@TylerGavinは更新されたコードで新しい質問をします。 –


ああ、ちょっと、これは私の問題に関連しているのだろうか? –
