2017-05-07 18 views


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    <title>Halong Bay</title> 

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    <section class="intro"> 
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       <h1>About Halong Bay</h1> 
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    <h1>Halong Bay</h1> 
    <p id="link"> 
     Ha Long Bay, is in Northeast Vietnam. It is known for its beatiful emerald waters and thousands of towering green limestone islands. It is topped by rainforests, junk boat tours, and sea kayak expeditions. The boat tours takes it visitors past islands named for their shapes, including Stone Dog, and Teapot island. The region is popular for scuba diving, rock climbing, and hiking. It is a really beatiful place to visit and has some most fasinating species of animals that live in this bay. 
    <div id="history"> 
    <h1>History of Ha Long Bay</h1> 
     For hundreds of years Halong bay has been an important culture and history of Vietnam. Halong bay also known as Vinh Ha Long, means "Bay of the Descending Dragon". There are approximately 1,969 small islands in this bay. All compromised of differnt sizes and form. These islands have intrigues and amazed locals for hundreds of years. There are over 200 species of fish and over 250 species of mulluks in the water. 


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  • 200pxパディング。


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    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/about.css"> 
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    <title>Halong Bay</title> 


    <nav class="navbar"> 
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     <li><a href="tables.html">Table</a></li> 
     <li><a href="#">Contact</a></li> 

    <section class="intro"> 
    <div class="inner"> 
     <div class="content"> 
     <h1>About Halong Bay</h1> 
     <a class="btn" href="#link"> get started </a> 
     <a class="btn" href="index-bay.html"> Back to Home </a> 
    <h1>Halong Bay</h1> 
    <p id="link"> 
     Ha Long Bay, is in Northeast Vietnam. It is known for its beatiful emerald waters and thousands of towering green limestone islands. It is topped by rainforests, junk boat tours, and sea kayak expeditions. The boat tours takes it visitors past islands 
     named for their shapes, including Stone Dog, and Teapot island. The region is popular for scuba diving, rock climbing, and hiking. It is a really beatiful place to visit and has some most fasinating species of animals that live in this bay. 
    <div id="history"> 
    <h1>History of Ha Long Bay</h1> 
     For hundreds of years Halong bay has been an important culture and history of Vietnam. Halong bay also known as Vinh Ha Long, means "Bay of the Descending Dragon". There are approximately 1,969 small islands in this bay. All compromised of differnt sizes 
     and form. These islands have intrigues and amazed locals for hundreds of years. There are over 200 species of fish and over 250 species of mulluks in the water. 






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それはそれが_bad_だったとは言いませんでした。この場合のボトムの使用は、スクリーンの下端に基づいており、下の要素に基づいていないため、あまり良い考えではありませんでした。代わりにmargin-bottomを使用してください。 – suufi


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