2016-09-22 48 views

私は3つの異なる速度成分と各速度測定に関連するタイムスタンプを持つテキストファイルを持っています。 text file can be seen hereテキストファイルから構造体配列にコンポーネントベクトルデータを読み込むC++


struct cmpnts 
    double x, y, z; 



int main() 
    int numberofpoints; // the number of data points 
         // char arrays for storing the variables names 
    char ch1[128], ch2[128]; 
    cout << ch1 << endl; 

    // Two pointers for creating the dynamic arrays later 
    double *itime, *windspeed; 

    // create an object for reading a file 
    ifstream imyfile; 

    // open windspeed.txt 

    if (imyfile.is_open()) // check if the file is open 
     // read the total number of data points 
     imyfile >> numberofpoints; 

     // double arrays for storing time and the velocity variables 
     itime = new double[numberofpoints]; 
     windspeed = new double[numberofpoints]; 

     // read the two variable names in windspeed.txt file 
     imyfile >> ch1 >> ch2; 

     // read the time and wind speed 
     int i; 
     for (i = 0; i<numberofpoints; i++) 
      imyfile >> itime[i] >> windspeed[i]; 


     // close the file 
     cout << "unable to open the file"; 


#include <iostream> 
#include <fstream> 
using namespace std; 

struct cmpnts 
    double x, y, z; 

struct wind 
    cmpnts velocity; 
    cmpnts direction; 
    cmpnts urms; 
    double airdensity; 

struct turbine 
    double R, Cp, V, yaw, power; 
    cmpnts direction; 

int main() 

    // Read data from file 
    int numberofpoints;   // the number of data points 
    char ch1[128], ch2[128], ch3[128], ch4[128]; // Char arrays for storing the variables names 

    // Pointers for creating the dynamic arrays later 
    double *itime; 
    cmpnts *uSpeed; 
    cmpnts *vSpeed; 
    cmpnts *wSpeed; 

    // create an object for reading a file 
    ifstream imyfile; 

    // open windspeed.txt 

    if (imyfile.is_open()) // check if the file is open 
     // read the total number of data points 
     imyfile >> numberofpoints; 

     // double arrays for storing time and the velocity variables 
     itime = new double[numberofpoints]; 
     uSpeed->x = new double[numberofpoints]; 
     vSpeed->y = new double[numberofpoints]; 
     wSpeed->z = new double[numberofpoints]; 

     // read the two variable names in windspeed.txt file 
     imyfile >> ch1 >> ch2 >> ch3 >> ch4; 

     // read the time and wind speed 
     int i; 
     for (i = 0; i<numberofpoints; i++) 
      imyfile >> itime[i] >> uSpeed[i] >> vSpeed[i] >> wSpeed[i]; 


     // close the file 
     cout << "unable to open the file"; 

「cmpnts * uSpeed;」とは何でしょうか? – kfsone


また、実際にwindspeed.txtがどのように見えるかを示してください。 – kfsone




cmpnts *uSpeed; 




uSpeed->x = new double[numberofpoints]; 



しかし、ここに2番目の問題があります。 cmpnts::xはダブルですが、アドレスを割り当てようとしています。

uSpeed->x = new double[numberofpoints]; 
    vSpeed->y = new double[numberofpoints]; 
    wSpeed->z = new double[numberofpoints]; 


cmpnts* speed = new cmpnts[numberOfPoints]; 


imyfile >> itime[i] >> speed[i].x >> speed[i].y >> speed[i].z; 


#include <iostream> 
#include <fstream> 
#include <vector> 
#include <string> 

struct Vector // note upper case for my own class 
    double x_, y_, z_; // the '_' distinguishes a member from a variable 

struct SpeedEntry 
    int time_; 
    Vector vel_; 

int main() 
    // create an object for reading a file 
    std::ifstream imyfile("windspeed.txt"); 
    if (!imyfile.is_open()) // check if the file is open 
     std::cerr << "unable to open the file"; 
     return 1; // non-zero return from main = failure 

    // read the total number of data points 
    size_t numberOfPoints; 
    imyfile >> numberofpoints; 
    imyfile.ignore(); // ignore end of line/whitespace 

    // for storing time and the velocity variables 
    std::vector<SpeedEntry> speeds; 

    // read the two variable names in windspeed.txt file 
    // we're ignoring these values so... 
    std::string vars[4]; 
    imyfile >> vars[0] >> vars[1] >> vars[2] >> vars[3]; 
    std::cout << "vars are " << vars[0] << ", " << vars[1] << ", " << vars[2] << ", " << vars[3] << "\n"; 

    // Now read each of the lines 
    for (size_t i = 0; i < numberOfPoints; ++i) 
     SpeedEntry entry; 
     if (!(imyfile >> entry.time_ >> entry.vel_.x_ >> entry.vel_.y_ >> entry.vel_.z_)) { 
      std::cerr << "Error reading entry #" << (i+1) << "\n"; 
      return 2; 

    std::cout << "Read " << speeds.size() << " entries\n"; 

    // c++11 range-based loop 
    for (auto&& entry : speeds) 
     std::cout << "Read: " << entry.time_ << " : " 
        << entry.vel_.x_ << ',' << entry.vel_.y << ',' << entry.vel.z_ 
        << '\n'; 
} // file closes automatically when `imyfile` goes out of scope 



#include <iostream> 
#include <fstream> 
#include <vector> 
#include <string> 

struct Vector // note upper case for my own class 
    double x_, y_, z_; // the '_' distinguishes a member from a variable 

// implement input and output operators for Vec 
std::istream& operator >> (std::istream& in, Vector& vec) 
    return in >> vec.x_ >> vec.y_ >> vec.z_; 
std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& out, const Vector& vec) 
    return out << vec.x_ << ' ' << vec.y_ << ' ' << vec.z; 

struct SpeedEntry 
    int time_; 
    Vector vel_; 

// implement input and output operators for SpeedEntry 
std::istream& operator >> (std::istream& in, SpeedEntry& entry) 
    return in >> entry.time_ >> entry.vel_; 

std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& out, const Vector& vec) 
    return out << entry.time_ << ' ' << entry.vel_; 

int main() 
    std::ifstream imyfile("windspeed.txt"); 
    if (!imyfile.is_open()) // check if the file is open 
     std::cerr << "unable to open the file"; 
     return 1; // non-zero return from main = failure 

    // read the total number of data points 
    size_t numberOfPoints; 
    imyfile >> numberofpoints; 
    imyfile.ignore(); // ignore end of line/whitespace 

    // read the two variable names in windspeed.txt file 
    // we're ignoring these values so... 
    std::string vars[4]; 
    imyfile >> vars[0] >> vars[1] >> vars[2] >> vars[3]; 
    std::cout << "vars are " << vars[0] << ", " << vars[1] << ", " << vars[2] << ", " << vars[3] << "\n"; 

    // for storing time and the velocity variables 
    std::vector<SpeedEntry> speeds; 

    // Now read each of the lines 
    for (size_t i = 0; i < numberOfPoints; ++i) 
     SpeedEntry entry; 
     if (!(imyfile >> entry)) { 
      std::cerr << "Error reading entry #" << (i+1) << "\n"; 
      return 2; 

    std::cout << "Read " << speeds.size() << " entries\n"; 

    // c++11 range-based loop 
    for (auto&& entry : speeds) 
     std::cout << "Read: " << entry << '\n'; 
} // imyfile closes automatically when it goes out of scope 



std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> stringvecs; 


std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> stringvecs; 

// allocates 5 empty std::vector<strings> in stringvecs 

// push "hello world" onto the first entry 


stringvecs { 
    [0] : std::vector of std::string containing { "hello" }, 
    [1] : empty std::vector of std::string 
    [2] : ""  ""  ""  "" 
    [3] : ""  ""  ""  "" 
    [4] : ""  ""  ""  "" 

我々は、書面で "こんにちは" にアクセスできます。

std::cout << stringvecs[0][0] << "\n"; 


stringvecs is of type std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> 
if stringvecs.empty() == false 
    stringvecs[0] is of type std::vector<std::string> (returned by reference) 
    if stringvecs.empty() == false && stringvecs[0].empty() == false 
    stringvecs[0][0] is of type std::string (returned by reference) 


struct T { 
    int i_; 
    bool b_; 
    std::string s_; 
std::vector<T> ts; 


ts.emplace_back(1, false, "first"); // creates a T with these values 
ts.emplace_back(2, true, "seconds"); 

std::cout << ts[0].s_ << "\n"; // access member "s_" of the first entry 
std::cout << ts[1].i_ << "\n"; // prints 2, array indexes are 0-based 


コードを歩き、出力と突き合わせてください。 std :: vectorの詳細については、こちらをご覧ください:http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/container/vector


ありがとう、本当にありがとう! 上記の「スピード」で定義したベクトルについては、ネストされた構造の場合はそれが可能ですか?たとえば、「風速1」という名前の「Speedentry」構造の変数があります。私はファイルからのすべてのデータをwind1のvel_に特に割り当てたいと思う。私はただ書くことができない、ベクトル wind1.vel_正しい? –


@CourtneyLeighベクトルクラスは配列のようなものですが、フードの下ではresize()/ push_backなどのように動的にメモリを割り当てます。 'std :: vector <'anything'>'を作成できます。読み込みたいのはベロシティベクトルだけですが、それを 'std :: vector velocities'にしてそれを読み込んで、必要な場所に割り当てることができます。または、 'std :: vector winds'を使用して、必要な各項目の1つのフィールドに値を設定します。答えにすばやい例を追加します。 – kfsone
