2016-04-24 8 views



var app = function(opts) { 
    this.token= opts.token 

app.prototype.get = function(callback) { 
    // use request and response of app.listen() 

app.prototype.active = function(callback) { 
    // use request and response of app.listen() 
    // return on callback some manipulate 
    //request params 

app.prototype.listen = function() { 
    // start http or https server 


const app = new Framework({ port: 4000 }); 

app.get('/', (req, res) => { 

    res.end('Home page'); 

app.get('/about', (req, res) => { 

    res.end('About page'); 

app.listen(() => { 

    console.log('Started server!'); 

'use strict'; 

const Http = require('http'); 
const Url = require('url'); 

// Framework 

const Framework = function (options) { 

    this.options = options; 
    this.routes = []; 
    this.listener = Http.createServer(this._onRequest.bind(this)); 

Framework.prototype.get = function (path, handler) { 

    this.routes.push({ path, method: 'GET', handler }); 

Framework.prototype.post = function (path, handler) { 

    this.routes.push({ path, method: 'POST', handler }); 

Framework.prototype.listen = function (callback) { 

    this.listener.listen(this.options.port, callback); 

Framework.prototype._onRequest = function (req, res) { 

    // Find the first matching route 

    for (let i = 0; i < this.routes.length; ++i) { 
     const route = this.routes[i]; 
     const url = Url.parse(req.url); 
     if (route.method === req.method && url.path === route.path) { 
      return route.handler(req, res); 

    // No matching routes 

    res.end('Not found'); 



$ curl -i http://localhost:4000/ 

HTTP/1.1 200 OK 
Date: Sun, 24 Apr 2016 14:38:02 GMT 
Connection: keep-alive 
Content-Length: 9 

Home page 

$ curl -i http://localhost:4000/about 

HTTP/1.1 200 OK 
Date: Sun, 24 Apr 2016 14:38:08 GMT 
Connection: keep-alive 
Content-Length: 10 

About page 

$ curl -i http://localhost:4000/spaghetti 

HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found 
Date: Sun, 24 Apr 2016 14:38:14 GMT 
Connection: keep-alive 
Transfer-Encoding: chunked 

Not found 


  • パスのパラメータのサポートはありません。 /users/{id}。 URLパスは正確に
  • あなたがルートを追加する順序が重要である(これは問題につながることができます)
  • 競合するパスがファイルを提供し、テンプレートをレンダリングのような素晴らしい機能(多くの不足している
  • を許可されているルート・パスと一致する必要がありますハンドラーで手動で行うこともできますが)