2016-05-21 11 views

:: RawText - > [ワード]与えられた文字列を分割 を単語リストに追加します。Haskellの個々の列に単語の文字列を分割再帰関数

簡潔にするため、生のテキストは、文字と空白の文字列で、不規則な間隔を持つ可能性が高いと想定しています。 例:split "one two three ff" = ["one"、 "two"、 "three"、 "ff"]

["one" ***の例外を取得し続ける:recursion.hs:30 :1-14:関数の非網羅的なパターンが流出したので、再帰は決して終わらないが、基本的なケースがある。


type RawText = String 
-- [Char] 'a','b','c','d','e' 
type SingleWord = String 
type Line = [SingleWord] 
type Page = [Line] 

--  [-------CHAR-----] 
-- split " one two three ff " = ["one","two","three","ff"] 
--        [char],[char],[char],[char] 
-- " " is delimiter for a [] 

split' :: RawText -> [SingleWord] 
spilt' [] = [] 
split' xs 
    | xs == [] = [] 
    | isBlank (head xs) = split' xs 
    | otherwise = waitForBlank xs : spilt' (tail xs) 

isBlank :: Char -> Bool 
isBlank x = if x == ' ' then True else False 

waitForBlank :: String -> String 
waitForBlank [] = [] 
waitForBlank (x:xs) 
    | isBlank x = [] 
    | otherwise = x : waitForBlank xs 

有効にする警告は「spilt' 'のための署名を逃す」のようなメッセージを生成し、タイプミス' spilt'をスポッティングでここに役立っていると思います。 – chi




split' :: RawText -> [SingleWord] 
split' [] = [] 
split' (x:xs) 
    | isBlank x = split' xs 
    | otherwise = waitForBlank (x:xs) : split' (drop (length (waitForBlank (x:xs))) xs) 

isBlank :: Char -> Bool 
isBlank x = if x == ' ' then True else False 

waitForBlank :: String -> String 
waitForBlank [] = [] 
waitForBlank (x:xs) 
    | isBlank x = [] 
    | otherwise = x : waitForBlank xs 

おめでとうございます!この解決策はうまくいくかもしれませんが、明示的な再帰を排除するライブラリ関数を使用することで改善できます(これは多くの関数プログラマにとって不愉快です)。定義済みの関数を使用する方法の例については、私の答えを参照してください。 – ThreeFx



split' :: RawText -> [SingleWord] 
spilt' [] = [] -- the first typo is here 
split' xs 
    | xs == [] = [] 
    | isBlank (head xs) = split' xs 
    | otherwise = waitForBlank xs : spilt' (tail xs) -- here is the second typo 


split' :: RawText -> [SingleWord] 
split' xs 
    | xs == [] = [] 
    | isBlank (head xs) = split' xs 
    | otherwise = waitForBlank xs : spilt' (tail xs) 

-- spilt' :: [a] -> [a] (or something like this) 
spilt' [] = [] 



import Prelude hiding (split) 

split :: RawText -> [SingleWord] 
split [] = [] 
split xs 
    -- | xs == [] = [] this case is matched by the pattern 
    --     above and thus not needed 
    | isBlank (head xs) = split' xs 
    | otherwise = waitForBlank xs : split (tail xs) 


split [email protected](x:xs) 
    | isBlank x = split' xs 
    | otherwise = waitForBlank s : split' xs 


-- drops letters from RawText while a certain predicate holds 
dropWhile :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a] 
-- takes letters form RawText while a certain predicate holds 
takeWhile :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a] 


waitForBlank xs = takeWhile (not . isBlank) xs 
-- or, pointfree: 
waitForBlank = takeWhile (not . isBlank) 


split :: RawText -> [SingleWord] 
split [] = [] 
split xs = waitForBlank xs : split (dropUntilBlank xs) 

waitForBlank xs = takeWhile (not . isBlank) xs 

dropUntilBlank xs = tail (dropWhile (not . isBlank) xs) 


split :: RawText -> [SingleWord] 
split [] = [] 
split xs = word : split' rest 
     (word, (space:rest)) = break isBlank xs 


split :: RawText -> [SingleWord] 
split [] = [] 
split xs = waitForBlank xs : split (dropUntilBlank xs) 

-- With dropUntilBlank defined as 
dropUntilBlank xs = tail (dropWhile (not . isBlank) xs) 

-- without the call of tail, dropUntilBlank would keep the space in between the words: 
dropWhile (not . isBlank) "a word" => " word" 
--    note the extra space: ^^^ 

-- using tail on this now produces the correct word: 
tail (dropWhile (not . isBlank) "a word") = "word" 

は今、結果がきれいに見えます単一のスペース。複数の空白の場合はを書き換えて、 dropWhile isBlankの代わりに tailを置き換えて、複数の空白を除外する必要があります。


お返事ありがとうございます+1 – dijam
