2011-08-03 23 views





//this gives you a copy of an open file dialogue 
NSOpenPanel* openPanel = [NSOpenPanel openPanel]; 

//set the title of the dialogue window 
openPanel.title = @"Choose a .PED texture file"; 

//shoud the user be able to resize the window? 
openPanel.showsResizeIndicator = YES; 

//should the user see hidden files (for user apps - usually no) 
openPanel.showsHiddenFiles = NO; 

//can the user select a directory? 
openPanel.canChooseDirectories = NO; 

//can the user create directories while using the dialogue? 
openPanel.canCreateDirectories = YES; 

//should the user be able to select multiple files? 
openPanel.allowsMultipleSelection = NO; 

//an array of file extensions to filter the file list 
openPanel.allowedFileTypes = @[@"ped"]; 

//this launches the dialogue 
[openPanel beginSheetModalForWindow:appDelegate.controlsWindow 
       completionHandler:^(NSInteger result) { 

        //if the result is NSOKButton 
        //the user selected a file 
        if (result==NSOKButton) { 

         //get the selected file URLs 
         NSURL *selection = openPanel.URLs[0]; 

         //finally store the selected file path as a string 
         NSString* path = [[selection path] stringByResolvingSymlinksInPath]; 

         //here add yuor own code to open the file 

