2009-06-13 14 views




// RGB values for stripe color (light blue) 
#define STRIPE_RED (237.0/255.0) 
#define STRIPE_GREEN (243.0/255.0) 
#define STRIPE_BLUE (254.0/255.0) 
static NSColor *sStripeColor = nil; 

    @implementation … 

// This is called after the table background is filled in, 
// but before the cell contents are drawn. 
// We override it so we can do our own light-blue row stripes a la iTunes. 
- (void) highlightSelectionInClipRect:(NSRect)rect { 
    [self drawStripesInRect:rect]; 
    [super highlightSelectionInClipRect:rect]; 

// This routine does the actual blue stripe drawing, 
// filling in every other row of the table with a blue background 
// so you can follow the rows easier with your eyes. 
- (void) drawStripesInRect:(NSRect)clipRect { 
    NSRect stripeRect; 
    float fullRowHeight = [self rowHeight] + [self intercellSpacing].height; 
    float clipBottom = NSMaxY(clipRect); 
    int firstStripe = clipRect.origin.y/fullRowHeight; 
    if (firstStripe % 2 == 0) 
     firstStripe++; // we're only interested in drawing the stripes 
         // set up first rect 
    stripeRect.origin.x = clipRect.origin.x; 
    stripeRect.origin.y = firstStripe * fullRowHeight; 
    stripeRect.size.width = clipRect.size.width; 
    stripeRect.size.height = fullRowHeight; 
    // set the color 
    if (sStripeColor == nil) 
     sStripeColor = [[NSColor colorWithCalibratedRed:STRIPE_RED 
          alpha:1.0] retain]; 
    [sStripeColor set]; 
    // and draw the stripes 
    while (stripeRect.origin.y < clipBottom) { 
     stripeRect.origin.y += fullRowHeight * 2.0; 

、それにこのコードを発見した。しかし、私はどのようにサブクラスNSOutlineViewに知りません。 NSOutline Viewをサブクラス化する方法を教えてもらえますか?


注:これは関連する質問に答えられます:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/992389/subclassing-nsoutlineview –


This article TableView(ココアではないココアタッチ)の勾配については、いくつかの参考になるでしょう。


私の質問に具体的なものは何もありません。 – Joshua