2016-07-08 17 views

株のリストの在庫情報を取得するためのスクリプトを作成しました。関係する株式(groupbyのグループ)については、私はMACDを計算する必要があります。は、python pandas経由でMACDを計算することができません


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- 

import pandas as pd 
from pandas.io.data import DataReader 
import numpy as np 
import time 
from io import StringIO 

runstart = time.time()  # Start script timer 

stocklist = ['nflx','mmm'] 
tickers = [] 
days_backtest=102 # MA98 kræver 102 d for at virke! 
end = pd.Timestamp.utcnow() 
start = end - days_backtest * pd.tseries.offsets.BDay() 

    # Fetch stockinfo 
def GetStock(stocklist, start, end, csv_file_all='alltickers_ohlc.csv'): 
    Fetches stock-info for analysis of each ticker in stocklist 
    print('\nGetting Stock-info from Yahoo-Finance') 
    for ticker in stocklist: 
     r = DataReader(ticker, "yahoo", 
         start = start, end = end) 
     # add a symbol column 
     r['Ticker'] = ticker 
    # concatenate all the dfs 
    df_all = pd.concat(tickers) 

    # add col without space in adj close 
    df_all['Adj_Close'] = df_all['Adj Close'] 
    #define df with the columns that i need    These can be put back in df_all 
    df_all = df_all[['Ticker','Adj_Close','Volume']] #'Adj Close','Open','High','Low', 

    # round to 2 dig. 
# df_all['Open'] = np.round(df_all['Open'], decimals=2) 
# df_all['High'] = np.round(df_all['High'], decimals=2) 
# df_all['Low'] = np.round(df_all['Low'], decimals=2) 
# df_all['Adj Close'] = np.round(df_all['Adj Close'], decimals=2) 
    df_all['Adj_Close'] = np.round(df_all['Adj_Close'], decimals=2) 

# # Test the first 3 rows of each group for 'Difference' col transgress groups... 
# df_all_test = df_all.groupby('Ticker').head(27).reset_index().set_index('Date') 
# print ('\n df_all_test (27d summary from df) (Output)\n',df_all_test,'\n') 

    # saving to a csv # 
    df_all.reset_index().sort(['Ticker', 'Date'], ascending=[1,1]).set_index('Ticker').to_csv(csv_file_all, date_format='%Y/%m/%d') 
# df_all.sort_index(inplace=True) # Sorts rows from date, mingling tickers - not wanted 
    print('========= Picked up new stockinfo (df_all) \n') 
# print ('df_all.tail (Input)\n',df_all.tail(6),'\n') 
    print(70 * '-') 
# print(df_all) 

    return df_all 

def moving_average(group, n=9, type='simple'): 
    compute an n period moving average. 
    type is 'simple' | 'exponential' 
    group = np.asarray(df_['Adj_Close']) 
    if type == 'simple': 
     weights = np.ones(n) 
     weights = np.exp(np.linspace(-1., 0., n)) 

    weights /= weights.sum() 

    a = np.convolve(group, weights, mode='full')[:len(group)] 
    a[:n] = a[n] 
    return a 
# return pd.DataFrame({'MCD_Sign':a}) 

def moving_average_convergence(group, nslow=26, nfast=12): 
    compute the MACD (Moving Average Convergence/Divergence) using a fast and slow exponential moving avg' 
    return value is emaslow, emafast, macd which are len(x) arrays 
    emaslow = moving_average(group, nslow, type='exponential') 
    emafast = moving_average(group, nfast, type='exponential') 
# return emaslow, emafast, emafast - emaslow 

    return pd.DataFrame({'emaSlw': emaslow, 
        'emaFst': emafast, 
        'MACD': emafast - emaslow}) 

if __name__ == '__main__': 

    ### Getstocks 
    df_all = GetStock(stocklist, start, end) 
    ### Sort DF 
    df_all.reset_index().sort(['Ticker', 'Date'], ascending=[1,1]).set_index('Ticker') 

    ### groupby screeener (filtering to only rel ticker group) 
    df_ = df_all.set_index('Ticker', append=True) 
    ''' Calculating all the KPIs via groupby (filtering pr ticker)''' 
    grouped = df_.groupby(level=1).Adj_Close  
    nslow = 26 
    nfast = 12 
    nema = 9 

    df_[['emaSlw', 'emaFst', 'MACD']] = df_.groupby(level=1).Adj_Close.apply(moving_average_convergence) 
    df_['MCD_Sign'] = df_.groupby(level=1).Adj_Close.apply(moving_average) 

    print ('(Output df)\n',df_,'\n') 

    df = df_.reset_index('Ticker')  
    # Test the last row of each group for new numbers pr group... 
    df_test = df.groupby('Ticker').tail(1).reset_index().set_index('Date') 
    print ('df_test (summary from df) (Output)\n',df_test,'\n') 



df_test (summary from df) (Output) 
      Ticker Adj_Close Volume emaSlw emaFst MACD MCD_Sign 
2016-07-07 nflx  95.10 9902700  NaN  NaN NaN  NaN 
2016-07-07 mmm  174.87 1842300  NaN  NaN NaN  NaN 






def moving_average(group, n=9): 
    sma = pd.rolling_mean(group, n) 
    return sma 


def moving_average_convergence(group, nslow=26, nfast=12): 
    emaslow = pd.ewma(group, span=nslow, min_periods=1) 
    emafast = pd.ewma(group, span=nfast, min_periods=1) 
    result = pd.DataFrame({'MACD': emafast-emaslow, 'emaSlw': emaslow, 'emaFst': emafast}) 
    return result 



df_[['emaSlw', 'emaFst', 'MACD']] = df_.groupby(level=1).Adj_Close.apply(moving_average_convergence) 


df_[['MACD', 'emaSlw', 'emaFst']] = df_.groupby(level=1).Adj_Close.apply(moving_average_convergence) 
