import math, random, pylab
#pseudo random => computer simulate the randomness
class Location(object):
def __init__(self, x, y):#x-coordinate & y-coordinate
self.x = float(x)
self.y = float(y)
def move(self, xc, yc):
return Location(self.x+float(xc), self.y+float(yc))#increment x and y, perhaps increment by 0
def getCoords(self):
return self.x, self.y#return a tuple of two values.
def getDist(self, other):
ox, oy = other.getCoords()
xDist = self.x - ox
yDist = self.y - oy
return math.sqrt(xDist**2 + yDist**2)#pythagorean theorem to compute hypotenuse, how far a point was from the origin
class CompassPt(object):#encapsulate four directions in one class in order to edit simply
possibles = ('N', 'S', 'E', 'W')#global variable
def __init__(self,pt):
if pt in self.possibles: = pt
else: raise ValueError('in CompassPt.__init__')
def move(self, dist):
if == 'N': return (0,dist)
elif == 'S': return (0, -dist)
elif == 'E': return (dist, 0)
elif == 'W': return (-dist, 0)
else: raise ValueError('in CompassPt.move')
class Field(object):
def __init__(self, drunk, loc):
self.drunk = drunk
self.loc = loc#put the drunk in the field at that location
def move(self, cp, dist):
oldLoc = self.loc# the old location is the current location
xc, yc = cp.move(dist)#compass point move get the value, eg:return(0,1),return 0 => xc, return 1 => xy
self.loc = oldLoc.move(xc, yc)#get the move from class location
def getLoc(self):
return self.loc
def getDrunk(self):
return self.drunk
class Drunk(object):
def __init__(self, name): = name
def move(self, field, cp, dist = 1):#if I dont't pass the time, use 1
if field.getDrunk().name != doesn't in the field
raise ValueError('Drunk.move called with drunk not in field')
for i in range(dist):
field.move(cp, 1)
class UsualDrunk(Drunk):
def move(self, field, dist = 1):
cp = random.choice(CompassPt.possibles)# which direction to move in the subclass
Drunk.move(self, field, CompassPt(cp), dist)#Note notation of call, which class to get move from
class ColdDrunk(Drunk):
def move(self, field, dist = 1):
cp = random.choice(CompassPt.possibles)
if cp == 'S':
Drunk.move(self, field, CompassPt(cp), 2*dist)
Drunk.move(self, field, CompassPt(cp), dist)
class EWDrunk(Drunk):
def move(self, field, time = 1):
cp = random.choice(CompassPt.possibles)
while cp != 'E' and cp != 'W':
cp = random.choice(CompassPt.possibles)
Drunk.move(self, field, CompassPt(cp), time)
def performTrial(time, f):
start = f.getLoc()#wherever the drunk happens to be at this point in time in the field
distances = [0.0]
locs = [start]
for t in range(1, time + 1):
f.getDrunk().move(f)#f dot get drunk returns an object of class drunk, select the move method to move the drunk
newLoc = f.getLoc()
distance = newLoc.getDist(start)#how far is the new location from wherever the starting location was
distances.append(distance)#collect the list of disctances
return distances, locs
def performSim(time, numTrials, drunkType):#get a distance list
distLists = []
locLists = []
for trial in range(numTrials):
d = drunkType('Drunk' + str(trial))# pass a name of class
f = Field(d, Location(0, 0))
distances, locs = performTrial(time, f)
return distLists, locLists
def ansQuest(maxTime, numTrials, drunkType, title):
distLists, LocLists = performSim(maxTime, numTrials, drunkType)
means = []
distLists = performSim(maxTime, numTrials, drunkType)
for t in range(maxTime + 1):# 1 step is necessary, 0 isn't move
tot = 0.0
for distL in distLists:
tot += distL[t]# Sum of values within an array of each element
means.append(tot/len(distLists))#divide by the number of lists
pylab.title(title + 'Ave. Distance')
lastX = []
lastY = []
for locList in LocLists:
x, y = locList[-1].getCoords()
pylab.scatter(lastX, lastY)
pylab.xlabel('EW Distance')
pylab.ylabel('NW Distance')
pylab.title(title + 'Final locations')
pylab.xlabel('EW Value')
pylab.ylabel('Number of Trials')
pylab.title(title + 'Distribution of Trial EW Values')
numSteps = 500
numTrials = 300
ansQuest(numSteps, numTrials, UsualDrunk, 'UsualDrunk' + str(numTrials) + 'Trials')
ansQuest(numSteps, numTrials, ColdDrunk, 'ColdDrunk' + str(numTrials) + 'Trials')
ansQuest(numSteps, numTrials, EWDrunk, 'EWDrunk' + str(numTrials) + 'Trials')
このプログラムはランダムウォーキンググラフをプロットします。私は次のバグを受けました。TypeError:+ =: 'float'および 'list'のサポートされていないオペランドタイプ
File "C:\Users\oicq2\Google drive\Python\Program\", line 104, in ansQuest
tot += distL[t]# Sum of values within an array of each element
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +=: 'float' and 'list'
distLists, LocLists = performSim(maxTime, numTrials, drunkType)
「tot」には明らかにfloatが含まれています。 'distLists'はリストのリストなので、' dist'はリストです。フロートとリストを追加することはできません。 – stark