WebRTCを使用してWebプラットフォームを開発し、インタビュー用のピアツーピアビデオ会話を作成しています。通信はASP.NET SignalRで確立されています。ここでは、接続確立のためのjavascriptだ:WebRTC Firefox:RTCPeerConnection.setLocalDescriptionの引数が不足しています
function initInterview() {
//Gets user's media
navigator.getUserMedia({ video: true, audio: true }, function (stream) {
// Display local stream to the user
var localMediaElem = document.querySelector('video#me');
localMediaElem.volume = 0.0;
localMediaElem.srcObject = stream;
// Assign stream
_myMediaStream = stream;
console.log("Added local media stream");
// No startInterview call (waiting for interviewee to create offer)
}, function (event) {
// Something failed
function _createConnection() {
console.log('Creating RTCPeerConnection...');
// Create a new PeerConnection
var connection = new RTCPeerConnection(null); // null = no ICE servers
// A new ICE candidate was found
connection.onicecandidate = function (event) {
if (event.candidate) {
// Let's send it to our peer via SignalR
interview.server.send(interviewGuid, JSON.stringify({ "candidate": event.candidate }));
// New remote media stream was added
connection.onaddstream = function (event) {
// Get other video element
var newVideoElement = document.querySelector('video#other');
// Attach the stream to the Video element via adapter.js
newVideoElement.srcObject = event.stream;
return connection;
// Callback that receives notifications from the SignalR server
interview.client.newMessage = function (data) {
console.log("Received message");
var message = JSON.parse(data),
connection = _myConnection || _createConnection(null);
// An SDP message contains connection and media information, and is either an 'offer' or an 'answer'
if (message.sdp) {
console.log("Received session description");
connection.setRemoteDescription(new RTCSessionDescription(message.sdp), function() {
if (connection.remoteDescription.type == 'offer') {
console.log('received offer, sending answer...');
// Add our stream to the connection to be shared
// Create an SDP response
connection.createAnswer(function (desc) {
// Which becomes our local session description
connection.setLocalDescription(desc, function() {
// And send it to the originator, where it will become their RemoteDescription
interview.server.send(interviewGuid, JSON.stringify({ 'sdp': connection.localDescription }));
}, function (error) { console.log('Error creating session description: ' + error); });
} else if (connection.remoteDescription.type == 'answer') {
console.log('got an answer');
} else if (message.candidate) {
console.log('adding ice candidate...');
connection.addIceCandidate(new RTCIceCandidate(message.candidate));
_myConnection = connection;
function startInterview() {
console.log("Starting interview");
_myConnection = _myConnection || _createConnection(null);
// Add our stream to the peer connection
// Create an offer to send our peer
_myConnection.createOffer(function (desc) {
// Set the generated SDP to be our local session description
_myConnection.setLocalDescription(desc, function() {
// And send it to our peer, where it will become their RemoteDescription
interview.server.send(interviewGuid, JSON.stringify({ "sdp": desc }));
}, function (error) { console.log('Error creating session description: ' + error); });
function initInterview() {
//Gets user's media
navigator.getUserMedia({ video: true, audio: true }, function (stream) {
// Display local stream to the user
var localMediaElem = document.querySelector('video#me');
localMediaElem.volume = 0.0;
localMediaElem.srcObject = stream;
// Assign stream
_myMediaStream = stream;
console.log("Added local media stream");
// Create offer for interviewer
}, function (event) {
// Something failed
我々はGoogle Chromeを使用しているとき、それは完璧に動作しますが、私たちは、Firefoxを使用するたびに、私たちが得ます次のエラー:
Started SignalR hub b39c24ad-bd2d-42bf-829a-176bda8e3905:224:21
Added local media stream b39c24ad-bd2d-42bf-829a-176bda8e3905:344:25
Starting interview b39c24ad-bd2d-42bf-829a-176bda8e3905:355:21
Creating RTCPeerConnection... b39c24ad-bd2d-42bf-829a-176bda8e3905:265:21
onaddstream is deprecated! Use peerConnection.ontrack instead.
RTCSessionDescription { type: "offer", sdp: "v=0 o=mozilla...THIS_IS_SDPARTA-47.…" } b39c24ad-bd2d-42bf-829a-176bda8e3905:365:25
Received message b39c24ad-bd2d-42bf-829a-176bda8e3905:292:21
"{"sdp":{"type":"offer","sdp":"v=[...]a0f1\r\n"}}" b39c24ad-bd2d-42bf-829a-176bda8e3905:293:21
Received session description b39c24ad-bd2d-42bf-829a-176bda8e3905:299:25
Received message b39c24ad-bd2d-42bf-829a-176bda8e3905:292:21
{"candidate":{"candidate":"candidate:2880323124 2 udp 2122260222 43234 typ host generation 0 ufrag bg8D7wuLUvtu/QjB network-id 1","sdpMid":"audio","sdpMLineIndex":0}} b39c24ad-bd2d-42bf-829a-176bda8e3905:293:21
adding ice candidate... b39c24ad-bd2d-42bf-829a-176bda8e3905:322:25
Received message b39c24ad-bd2d-42bf-829a-176bda8e3905:292:21
{"candidate":{"candidate":"candidate:2880323124 1 udp 2122260223 56886 typ host generation 0 ufrag bg8D7wuLUvtu/QjB network-id 1","sdpMid":"audio","sdpMLineIndex":0}} b39c24ad-bd2d-42bf-829a-176bda8e3905:293:21
{"candidate":{"candidate":"candidate:3844981444 2 tcp 1518280446 9 typ host tcptype active generation 0 ufrag bg8D7wuLUvtu/QjB network-id 1","sdpMid":"video","sdpMLineIndex":1}} b39c24ad-bd2d-42bf-829a-176bda8e3905:293:21
adding ice candidate... b39c24ad-bd2d-42bf-829a-176bda8e3905:322:25
TypeError: Not enough arguments to RTCPeerConnection.setLocalDescription.
は、それが動作し、このコードを使用し、作成するconnection.onicecandidateを変更された: 'interview.server.send(interviewGuid、JSON.stringify({ "sdpMLineIndex":event.label、 "候補":event.candidate}) ); ' – Zomtorg
@Zomtorg Hmm、[sdpMLineIndex](http://w3c.github.io/webrtc-pc/#dom-rtcicecandid-sdpmlineindex)は、通常、' event.candidate'自体のプロパティであり、数値です。私はあなたがシグナリングのために好きなものをストリングすることができると思うが、それは使用する奇妙な名前であり、ブラウザAFAIKに特別な意味を持たない。 – jib