2016-11-05 11 views

2015と2016の2つのフォルダがあります。各フォルダに12個のサブフォルダがあり、毎月フォルダには多数のExcelファイルがあります。たとえば、2015フォルダ→8月15日フォルダ→PC Aug15.xlsb→データ(シート名) このシートがCSV形式でエクスポートされ、Aug15.CSVとして新しいパスに保存される必要があります。各ワークブックの1枚をCSVとして保存する



Sub SaveToCSVs() 
    Dim fDir As String 
    Dim wB As Workbook 
    Dim wS As Worksheet 
    Dim fPath As String 
    Dim sPath As String 
    fPath = "C:\temp\pydev\" 
    sPath = "C:\temp\" 
    fDir = Dir(fPath) 
    Do While (fDir <> "") 
     If Right(fDir, 4) = ".xls" Or Right(fDir, 5) = ".xlsx" Then 
      On Error Resume Next 
      Set wB = Workbooks.Open(fPath & fDir) 
      For Each wS In wB.Sheets 
       wS.SaveAs sPath & wS.Name, xlCSV 
      Next wS 
      wB.Close False 
      Set wB = Nothing 
     End If 
     fDir = Dir 
     On Error GoTo 0 
End Sub 

私は実際に自分で書くdidnotが、私は、コード –


サブの下から助けを取りましたSaveToCSVs() Dim fDir As String Dim wB Asワークブック Dim wSワークシート として文字列 FPATH = "C:\ tempに\ PyDevはの\" などの文字列 として暗いFPATH点心SPATH SPATH = "C:\ tempに\"(FDIR <> "" ながら FDIR = DIR(FPATH) がいます) 右(fDir、4)= ".xls"または右(fDir、5)= ".xlsx"の場合 エラーの再開時次へ wB = Workbooks.Open(fPath&fDir)の設定 各wSではwB FDIR = DIR 場合.Sheets wS.SaveAs SPATH&wS.Name、xlCSV 次のWS はエラー後藤0 ループ場合にFALSE 設定WB =何も 終了wB.CloseEnd Sub –


ここでは、適切な形式で上記の記述方法はわかりません。これは初めてです –




EDITを:問題は、あなたが唯一のそのような場合にはこれを試すので、それぞれのファイルからDataという名前の1 Sheetを抽出したいということです!


Sub SaveToCSVs() 
Const kWshName As String = "Data" 
Dim sPathInp As String, sPathOut As String 
Dim sPathFile As String, sCsvFile As String 
Dim WbkSrc As Workbook, WshSrc As Worksheet 
Dim WbkCsv As Workbook, WshCsv As Worksheet 
Dim rData As Range 

    sPathInp = "C:\temp\pydev\" 
    sPathOut = "C:\temp\" 
    sPathFile = Dir(sPathInp) 

    Application.EnableEvents = False 
    Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual 
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False 
    Application.DisplayAlerts = False 

    Do While (sPathFile <> "") 
     If Right(sPathFile, 4) = ".xls" Or Right(sPathFile, 5) = ".xlsx" Then 

      Rem Initialize Objects 
      Set WbkSrc = Nothing 
      Set WshSrc = Nothing 

      Rem Set Objects 
      On Error Resume Next 
      Set WbkSrc = Workbooks.Open(sPathInp & sPathFile) 
      If Not (WbkSrc Is Nothing) Then 
       Set WshSrc = WbkSrc.Sheets(kWshName) 

       If Not (WshSrc Is Nothing) Then 
        On Error GoTo 0 

        Rem Set Csv Filename 
        sCsvFile = Left(sPathFile, -1 + InStrRev(sPathFile, ".")) 
        sCsvFile = sCsvFile & " - " & kWshName 

        Rem Calculate, Unhide Rows & Columns & Copy Data Sheet 
        With WshSrc 
         .Cells.EntireRow.Hidden = False 
         .Cells.EntireColumn.Hidden = False 
        End With 
        Set WshCsv = ActiveSheet 

        Rem Delete All Other Columns 
        With Range(WshCsv.Cells(1), WshCsv.UsedRange.SpecialCells(xlLastCell)) 
         .Value = .Value 
         Set rData = Union(Columns("A"), Columns("P"), Columns("AC")) 
         rData.EntireColumn.Hidden = True 
         rData.EntireColumn.Hidden = False 
        End With 

        Rem Save as Csv 
        WshCsv.SaveAs Filename:=sPathOut & sCsvFile, FileFormat:=xlCSV 

     End If: End If: End If 

     sPathFile = Dir 
     On Error GoTo 0 


    Application.DisplayAlerts = True 
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True 
    Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic 
    Application.EnableEvents = True 

    End Sub 


Sub SaveToCSVs() 
Const kWshName As String = "Data" 
Dim sPathInp As String 
Dim sPathOut As String 
Dim sPathFile As String 
Dim sCsvFile As String 
Dim WbkSrc As Workbook 
Dim WshSrc As Worksheet 
Dim rData As Range 

    sPathInp = "C:\temp\pydev\" 
    sPathOut = "C:\temp\" 
    sPathFile = Dir(sPathInp) 

    Application.EnableEvents = False 
    Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual 
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False 
    Application.DisplayAlerts = False 

    Do While (sPathFile <> "") 
     If Right(sPathFile, 4) = ".xls" Or Right(sPathFile, 5) = ".xlsx" Then 

      Rem Initialize Objects 
      Set WbkSrc = Nothing 
      Set WshSrc = Nothing 

      Rem Set Objects 
      On Error Resume Next 
      Set WbkSrc = Workbooks.Open(Filename:=sPathInp & sPathFile, ReadOnly:=True) 
      If Not (WbkSrc Is Nothing) Then 
       Set WshSrc = WbkSrc.Sheets(kWshName) 

       If Not (WshSrc Is Nothing) Then 
        On Error GoTo 0 

        Rem Set Csv Filename 
        sCsvFile = Left(sPathFile, -1 + InStrRev(sPathFile, ".")) 
        sCsvFile = sCsvFile & " - " & kWshName 

        Rem Calculate, Unhide Rows & Columns & Copy Data Sheet 
        With WshSrc 
         .Cells.EntireRow.Hidden = False 
         .Cells.EntireColumn.Hidden = False 

         Rem Delete All Other Columns 
         With Range(.Cells(1), .UsedRange.SpecialCells(xlLastCell)) 
          .Value = .Value 
          Set rData = Union(Columns("A"), Columns("P"), Columns("AC")) 
          rData.EntireColumn.Hidden = True 
          rData.EntireColumn.Hidden = False 

        End With: End With 

        Rem Save as Csv 
        WshSrc.SaveAs Filename:=sPathOut & sCsvFile, FileFormat:=xlCSV 

     End If: End If: End If 

     sPathFile = Dir 
     On Error GoTo 0 


    Application.DisplayAlerts = True 
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True 
    Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic 
    Application.EnableEvents = True 

    End Sub 

これらのCSVでは列A、P、ACだけを保持する方法はありますか? –


また、上記のコードでは、すべてのファイルを1つの名前で保存しませんか? –


編集済みの回答を表示 – EEM
