namespace ConsoleApplication1
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Game rps = new Game();
namespace ConsoleApplication1
class GameDetails
public string Name;
public int game;
public string Result;
public GameDetails()
Name = "unknown";
game = 0;
public GameDetails(string winner)
Result = winner;
namespace ConsoleApplication1
class Game
string name;
string winner;
int numPlays;
int game;
GameDetails[] gameArray;
public int NumGames
return numPlays;
numPlays = value;
public string Winner
return winner;
winner = value;
public void printHeader()
Console.WriteLine("Welcome to rock, paper, scissors");
private void InitializeArrays()
gameArray = new GameDetails[game];
for (int game = 0; game < numPlays; game++)
gameArray[game] = new GameDetails();
public void userSettings()
Console.WriteLine("What is your name: ");
name = Console.ReadLine();
Console.WriteLine("How many games would you like to play?: ");
Int32.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out numPlays);
while (numPlays < 10 && numPlays % 2 == 0)
Console.WriteLine("\nNumber is not odd try again.");
Console.WriteLine("How many games would you like to play?: ");
Int32.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out numPlays);
public void gameStart()
Random r = new Random();
for (game = 1; game <= numPlays; game++)
Console.WriteLine("Please choose Rock, Paper, or Scissors");
string userSelection = Console.ReadLine();
int computerSelection = r.Next(4);
if (computerSelection == 1)
if (userSelection == "rock")
Console.WriteLine("Computer Choice: Rock\n");
Console.WriteLine("Game [{0}] is a tie", game);
else if (userSelection == "paper")
Console.WriteLine("Computer Choice: Paper\n");
Console.WriteLine("Game[{0}] is a tie", game);
else if (userSelection == "scissors")
Console.WriteLine("Computer Choice: Scissors\n");
Console.WriteLine("Game [{0}] is a tie", game);
Console.WriteLine("You must choose either rock, paper or scissors");
else if (computerSelection == 2)
if (userSelection == "rock")
Console.WriteLine("Computer Choice: Paper\n");
Console.WriteLine("You lose game [{0}], papaer beats rock", game);
else if (userSelection == "paper")
Console.WriteLine("Computer Choice: Scissors\n");
Console.WriteLine("You lose game [{0}], scissors beats paper", game);
else if (userSelection == "scissors")
Console.WriteLine("Computer Choice: Rock\n");
Console.WriteLine("You lose game [{0}], Rock beats scissors", game);
Console.WriteLine("You must choose either rock, paper or scissors");
else if (computerSelection == 3)
if (userSelection == "rock")
Console.WriteLine("The computer chose scissors");
Console.WriteLine("You win game [{0}], rock beats scissors", game);
else if (userSelection == "paper")
Console.WriteLine("The computer chose rock");
Console.WriteLine("You win game [{0}],paper beats rock", game);
else if (userSelection == "scissors")
Console.WriteLine("The computer chose paper");
Console.WriteLine("You win game [{0}], scissors beats paper!", game);
Console.WriteLine("You must choose either rock, paper or scissors");
winner = Console.ReadLine();
public override string ToString()
int arrayIndex = game - 1;
gameArray[arrayIndex].Result = winner;
string outputString = game + "\n";
for (int game = 1; game < numPlays; game++)
int index = game - 1;
outputString += "Game " + game + ":" + gameArray[index].Result + "\n";
return outputString;
デバッガについて学ぶ必要があります。ブレークポイントを設定し、コードをステップ実行してみてください。 – Blorgbeard
プログラムの外観から、あなたはそれに努力しました。しかし、今、あなたは壁にぶつかったり、あなたの欲求不満の閾値を突きつけました。ちょうどここにすべてを投げ捨て、数百行のコードをデバッグするように求めました。デバッグポイントをいくつか設定するか、変数の値をコンソールに表示して、プログラムが実行されるときに物事がどのように変化するかを監視する必要があります。 –
質問/ヒント:どのように/結果を印刷しますか?あなたのメインはgamestartを持っています....そして何? – kurakura88