2016-04-16 11 views



error: cannot borrow 'm_list' as mutable because it is also borrowed as immutable [E0502] 

error: cannot borrow 'h_list' as mutable because it is also borrowed as immutable [E0502] 

のエラーについて読んだ後、私は非常に困惑しています。 Rustの借用チェッカーのバグだと言う人もいますが、99%は自分のコードのバグだと確信しています。


mod utypes; 

use std::env; 
use std::fs::File; 
use std::io::BufRead; 
use std::io::BufReader; 
use std::error::Error; 

use utypes::*; 

fn main() {  

    let args: Vec<_> = env::args().collect(); 

    let file = match File::open(&args[1]) { 

     Ok(file) => file, 
     Err(why) => panic!("IO Error on line: {}, cause: {}", line!(), Error::description(&why)), 

    let buffer = BufReader::new(file); 

    let mut m_list: Vec<Materia> = Vec::new(); 
    let mut h_list: Vec<Hora> = Vec::new(); 
    let mut t_list: Vec<Turno> = Vec::new(); 

    for line in buffer.lines() { 

     let l = line.unwrap(); 
     let spl_line: Vec<&str> = l.split(':').collect(); 

     if spl_line[0].starts_with('#') { continue; } 

     match spl_line[0] { 

      "mat" => { parse_mat(&mut m_list,spl_line) }, 
      "hra" => { parse_hra(&m_list,&mut h_list,spl_line) }, 
      "trn" => { parse_trn(&mut t_list,spl_line) }, 
      "tad" => { exec_tad(&h_list,&mut t_list,spl_line) }, 
      "" => continue, 
      _  => panic!("Unknown type identifier: {}.", spl_line[0]), 



    for turno in t_list.iter() { 

     println!("\nTurno: {}:\n", turno.nombre); 
     for dia in turno.dias.iter() { 

      print!("{:?}: ", dia.enum_id); 
      for hora in dia.horas.iter() { 

       print!("\n\t{} ", hora); 




    println!("\nDEBUG INFO:\n"); 
    println!("{:?}", m_list); 
    println!("{:?}", h_list); 
    println!("{:?}", t_list); 


fn get_trn(t_list: &Vec<Turno>, gid: u32) -> Option<usize> { 

    for (i,trn) in t_list.iter().enumerate() { 

     if trn.id == gid { 

      return Some(i); 





fn get_hra (h_list: &Vec<Hora>, gid: u32) -> Option<usize> { 

    for (i,hra) in h_list.iter().enumerate() { 

     if hra.id == gid { 

      return Some(i); 





fn get_mat (m_list: &Vec<Materia>, gid: u32) -> Option<usize> { 

    for (i,mat) in m_list.iter().enumerate() { 

     if mat.id == gid { 

      return Some(i); 





fn parse_mat<'a> (m_list: &'a mut Vec<Materia>, line: Vec<&str>) { 


    let id: u32 = match line[1].parse::<u32>() { 

     Ok(id) => id, 
     Err(_) => panic!("Error parsing u32 at {}.", line!()), 




fn parse_hra<'a> (m_list: &'a Vec<Materia>, h_list: &mut Vec<Hora<'a>>, line: Vec<&str>) { 


    let id: u32 = match line[1].parse::<u32>() { 

     Ok(id) => id, 
     Err(_) => panic!("Error parsing u32 at {}.", line!()), 

    let start: u32 = match line[2].parse::<u32>() { 

     Ok(start) => start, 
     Err(_) => panic!("Error parsing u32 at {}.", line!()), 

    let durat: u32 = match line[3].parse::<u32>() { 

     Ok(durat) => durat, 
     Err(_) => panic!("Error parsing u32 at {}.", line!()), 

    let matid: u32 = match line[4].parse::<u32>() { 

     Ok(matid) => matid, 
     Err(_) => panic!("Error parsing u32 at {}.", line!()), 

    let mat_i: usize = match get_mat(m_list,matid) { 

     Some(x) => x, 
     None  => panic!("Error matid not found in m_list!") 




fn parse_trn<'a> (t_list: &mut Vec<Turno<'a>>, line: Vec<&str>) { 


    let id: u32 = match line[1].parse::<u32>() { 

     Ok(id) => id, 
     Err(_) => panic!("Error parsing u32 at {}.", line!()), 




fn exec_tad<'a> (h_list: &'a Vec<Hora<'a>>, t_list: &mut Vec<Turno<'a>>, line: Vec<&str>) { 


    let hid: u32 = match line[2].parse::<u32>(){ 

     Ok(hid) => hid, 
     Err(_) => panic!("Error parsing u32 at {}.", line!()), 

    let tid: u32 = match line[3].parse::<u32>(){ 

     Ok(tid) => tid, 
     Err(_) => panic!("Error parsing u32 at {}.", line!()), 


    let hra_i: usize = match get_hra(h_list,hid) { 

     Some(x) => x, 
     None => panic!("Error matid not found in m_list!") 

    let trn_i: usize = match get_trn(t_list,tid) { 

     Some(x) => x, 
     None => panic!("Error matid not found in m_list!") 


    match line[1] { 

     "Dom" => t_list[trn_i].addhra(Dias::Dom,&h_list[hra_i]), 
     "Lun" => t_list[trn_i].addhra(Dias::Lun,&h_list[hra_i]), 
     "Mar" => t_list[trn_i].addhra(Dias::Mar,&h_list[hra_i]), 
     "Mie" => t_list[trn_i].addhra(Dias::Mie,&h_list[hra_i]), 
     "Jue" => t_list[trn_i].addhra(Dias::Jue,&h_list[hra_i]), 
     "Vie" => t_list[trn_i].addhra(Dias::Vie,&h_list[hra_i]), 
     "Sab" => t_list[trn_i].addhra(Dias::Sab,&h_list[hra_i]), 
     _  => panic!("Unknown day error!") 




use std::fmt; 

pub enum Dias { 




pub struct Materia { 

    pub id: u32, 
    pub nombre: String, 
    pub profesor: String, 


impl Materia { 

    pub fn new(i: u32, nom: String, prof: String) -> Materia { 

     Materia { 

      id: i, 
      nombre: nom, 
      profesor: prof, 




pub struct Hora<'a> { 

    pub id: u32, 
    pub comienzo: u32, 
    pub duracion: u32, 
    pub materia: &'a Materia, 


impl<'a> Hora<'a> { 

    pub fn new (id: u32, com: u32, dur: u32, mat: &'a Materia) -> Hora<'a> { 

     Hora { 

      id: id, 
      comienzo: com, 
      duracion: dur, 
      materia: mat, 



    pub fn fin (&self) -> u32 { 

     self.comienzo + self.duracion 


    pub fn fmt_time (tot: u32) -> String { 

     let min = (tot/60) % 60; 
     let hra = tot/3600; 

     format!("{:02}:{:02}", hra, min) 



impl<'a> fmt::Display for Hora<'a> { 

    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { 

     write!(f, "[{}-{}, {}]", Hora::fmt_time(self.comienzo), Hora::fmt_time(self.fin()), self.materia.nombre) 




pub struct Dia<'a> { 

    pub enum_id: Dias, 
    pub nombre: String, 
    pub horas: Vec<&'a Hora<'a>>, 


impl<'a> Dia<'a> { 

    pub fn new(ei: Dias, nom: String) -> Dia<'a> { 

     Dia { 

      enum_id: ei, 
      nombre: nom, 
      horas: Vec::new(), 



    pub fn addhra(&mut self, hra: &'a Hora<'a>){ 





pub struct Turno<'a> { 

    pub id: u32, 
    pub nombre: String, 
    pub dias: [Dia<'a>; 7], 


impl<'a> Turno<'a> { 

    pub fn new(i: u32, nom: String) -> Turno<'a> { 

     Turno { 

      id: i, 
      nombre: nom, 
      dias: [ 

        Dia::new(Dias::Dom,"Domingo" .to_string()), 
        Dia::new(Dias::Lun,"Lunes" .to_string()), 
        Dia::new(Dias::Mar,"Martes" .to_string()), 
        Dia::new(Dias::Jue,"Jueves" .to_string()), 
        Dia::new(Dias::Vie,"Viernes" .to_string()), 
        Dia::new(Dias::Sab,"Sabado" .to_string()) 




    pub fn addhra(&mut self, dia: Dias, hra: &'a Hora<'a>) { 

     match dia { 

      Dias::Dom => self.dias[0].addhra(hra), 
      Dias::Lun => self.dias[1].addhra(hra), 
      Dias::Mar => self.dias[2].addhra(hra), 
      Dias::Mie => self.dias[3].addhra(hra), 
      Dias::Jue => self.dias[4].addhra(hra), 
      Dias::Vie => self.dias[5].addhra(hra), 
      Dias::Sab => self.dias[6].addhra(hra), 




私は別で、にできるはずですので、変更可能な参照&mut m_listが機能した後parse_mat()リターンを終了だと思いますforループの繰り返し、parse_hra()を呼び出し、​​を問題なく通してください。


src/main.rs:36:39: 36:45 error: cannot borrow `m_list` as mutable because it is also borrowed as immutable [E0502] 
src/main.rs:36    "mat" => { parse_mat(&mut m_list,spl_line) }, 
src/main.rs:37:35: 37:41 note: previous borrow of `m_list` occurs here; the immutable borrow prevents subsequent moves or mutable borrows of `m_list` until the borrow ends 
src/main.rs:37    "hra" => { parse_hra(&m_list,&mut h_list,spl_line) }, 
src/main.rs:71:2: 71:2 note: previous borrow ends here 
src/main.rs:11 fn main() {  
src/main.rs:71 } 
src/main.rs:37:47: 37:53 error: cannot borrow `h_list` as mutable because it is also borrowed as immutable [E0502] 
src/main.rs:37    "hra" => { parse_hra(&m_list,&mut h_list,spl_line) }, 
src/main.rs:39:34: 39:40 note: previous borrow of `h_list` occurs here; the immutable borrow prevents subsequent moves or mutable borrows of `h_list` until the borrow ends 
src/main.rs:39    "tad" => { exec_tad(&h_list,&mut t_list,spl_line) }, 
src/main.rs:71:2: 71:2 note: previous borrow ends here 
src/main.rs:11 fn main() {  
src/main.rs:71 } 




parse_hra/parse_mat/parse_trn/exec_tad&main/uses –


@DemurRumed Dornを削除せずに、スタブメソッドを含む完全なエラーコードの例を含めてください。 – Darthkpo


関数 'parse_hra'を使って' h_list'に 'm_list'の要素への参照を格納します。したがって、 'm_list'は' h_list'がスコープから外れると終了します。参照の代わりに 'Rc'を使うようにしてください。 – aSpex





struct Hora { 
    materia: usize; //index in m_list 

struct Dia { 
    horas: Vec<usize>; //indices in h_list 


