class Node
public enum Color {White, Gray, Black};
public string Name { get; set; } //city
public List<NeighborNode> Neighbors { get; set; } //Connected Edges
public Color nodeColor = Color.White;
public int timeDiscover { get; set; }//discover time
public int timeFinish { get; set; } // finish time
public Node()
Neighbors = new List<NeighborNode>();
public Node(string n, int discover)
Neighbors = new List<NeighborNode>();
this.Name = n;
timeDiscover = discover;
public Node(string n, NeighborNode e, decimal m)
Neighbors = new List<NeighborNode>();
this.Name = n;
class NeighborNode
public Node Name { get; set; }
public decimal Miles { get; set; } //Track the miles on the neighbor node
public NeighborNode() { }
public NeighborNode(Node n, decimal m)
Name = n;
Miles = m;
public void DijkstraAlgorithm(List<Node> graph)
List<DA> _algorithmList = new List<DA>(); //track the node cost/positioning
Stack<Node> _allCities = new Stack<Node>(); // add all cities into this for examination
Node _nodeToExamine = new Node(); //this is the node we're currently looking at.
decimal _cost = 0;
foreach (var city in graph) // putting these onto a stack for easy manipulation. Probably could have just made this a stack to start
_algorithmList.Add(new DA(city));
_nodeToExamine = _allCities.Pop(); //pop off the first node
while (_allCities.Count != 0) // loop through each city
foreach (var neighbor in _nodeToExamine.Neighbors) //loop through each neighbor of the node
for (int i = 0; i < _algorithmList.Count; i++) //search the alorithm list for the current neighbor node
if (_algorithmList[i].Name.Name == neighbor.Name.Name) //found it
for (int j = 0; j < _algorithmList.Count; j++) //check for the cost of the parent node
if (_algorithmList[j].Name.Name == _nodeToExamine.Name) //looping through
if (_algorithmList[j].Cost != 100000000) //not infinity
_cost = _algorithmList[j].Cost; //set the cost to be the parent cost
_cost = _cost + neighbor.Miles;
if (_algorithmList[i].Cost > _cost) // check to make sure the miles are less (better path)
_algorithmList[i].Parent = _nodeToExamine; //set the parent to be the top node
_algorithmList[i].Cost = _cost; // set the weight to be correct
_cost = 0;
_nodeToExamine = _allCities.Pop();
のノード - 隣接ノード
インデントの量を削減するだけで先端を、あなたは 'if'sを反転してジャンプする' continue'を使用することができます次の 'i 'に、例えば。 'if(_algorithmList [i] .Name.Name!= neighbor.Name.Name)continue;' –