アダムD. Ruppeの答えが示唆するように確かに、これはopDispatch
では不可能であれば、あなたの唯一の頼みの綱は、ターンである可能性があります文字列mixinsに、少し醜いしかし信じられないほど強力です。 opDispatch
幸いなことに、これを行う作業のほとんどはalready doneです(考えているよりも複雑です)。コード自体は毛深いですが、次のようにすべてを行う必要がある:
import std.stdio;
class B{
auto p1(T)(T arg) {
writeln("p1: ", arg);
auto p2(T, int C)(T s) {
writeln("p2: ", s, "/", C);
class C(T) {
T b = new T;
mixin(forwardToMember!(b, "p1", "p2"));
void main() {
auto b = new C!(B)();
//This now compiles and correctly forwards to b.b.p2
b.p2!(int, 10)(5);
私は剥奪すべてのユニットテストで以下のコードを含めました。 forwardToMember
import std.traits;
import std.meta;
private alias isSomeStringType(alias str) = isSomeString!(typeof(str));
template forwardToMember(alias member, symbols...)
if (symbols.length > 0 && allSatisfy!(isSomeStringType, symbols))
static if (symbols.length == 1)
static assert(hasMember!(typeof(member), symbols[0]),
"Cannot dispatch: member '" ~ member.stringof ~
"' does not support method '" ~ symbols[0] ~ "'");
enum forwardToMember = genWrapperMixin!(member, symbols[0]);
enum forwardToMember = forwardToMember!(member, symbols[0]) ~ forwardToMember!(member, symbols[1..$]);
private enum SymbolKind
//Ugly hack but there's no other way to do this
private template isTemplateFunction(f...)
if (f.length == 1)
import std.algorithm: among, balancedParens, canFind, count;
static if (!__traits(isTemplate, f[0]))
enum isTemplateFunction = false;
enum fstr = f[0].stringof;
//A template function's .stringof is of the format <function name>(<template args>)(<function args>)
//so match on the number of brackets to determine whether it's a template function or not
enum isTemplateFunction = __traits(isTemplate, f)
&& fstr.balancedParens('(', ')')
&& (fstr.canFind("if")
|| fstr.count!(c => cast(bool)c.among!('(', ')')) == 4);
private template getSymbolKind(Aggregate, string symbol)
import std.traits;
import std.typetuple;
enum getMemberMixin = "Aggregate." ~ symbol;
//Appears in Aggregate.tupleof so it must be a field
static if (staticIndexOf!(symbol, FieldNameTuple!Aggregate) > -1)
//Check if it's a regular field or a function pointer
static if (isSomeFunction!(mixin(getMemberMixin)))
enum getSymbolKind = SymbolKind.fieldFunction;
enum getSymbolKind = SymbolKind.field;
static if (isSomeFunction!(mixin(getMemberMixin))
&& !__traits(isStaticFunction, mixin(getMemberMixin))
|| isTemplateFunction!(mixin(getMemberMixin)))
static if (isTemplateFunction!(mixin(getMemberMixin)))
enum getSymbolKind = SymbolKind.templateFunction;
else static if (functionAttributes!(mixin(getMemberMixin)) & FunctionAttribute.property)
enum getSymbolKind = SymbolKind.property;
enum getSymbolKind = SymbolKind.function_;
//If it's not a member function/property then it should be an aliasable static symbol
else static if (__traits(compiles, { alias _ = Alias!(mixin(getMemberMixin)); }))
enum getSymbolKind = SymbolKind.aliasableSym;
static assert(0, "Error: " ~ Aggregate.stringof ~ "." ~ symbol ~ " is not a member function, field, or aliasable symbol");
private template genWrapperMixin(alias member, string symbol)
import std.algorithm: among;
import std.string: format;
enum symbolKind = getSymbolKind!(typeof(member), symbol);
static if (symbolKind.among!(SymbolKind.function_, SymbolKind.property, SymbolKind.fieldFunction))
alias MethodType = FunctionTypeOf!(mixin("member." ~ symbol));
enum funAttrs = functionAttributes!MethodType;
enum methodIsStatic = __traits(isStaticFunction, mixin("member." ~ symbol));
enum funAttrStr = getFunctionAttributeStr(funAttrs) ~ (methodIsStatic ? " static" : "");
//Workaround Issue 14913
enum returnStr = funAttrs & FunctionAttribute.return_ ? "return" : "";
enum genWrapperMixin = q{
auto ref %2$s(ParameterTypeTuple!(FunctionTypeOf!(%1$s.%2$s)) args) %4$s
import std.functional: forward;
return %1$s.%2$s(forward!args);
.format(member.stringof, symbol, funAttrStr, returnStr);
else static if (symbolKind == SymbolKind.templateFunction)
enum genWrapperMixin = q{
template %2$s(TemplateArgs...)
auto ref %2$s(FunArgs...)(auto ref FunArgs args)
import std.functional: forward;
return %1$s.%2$s!(TemplateArgs)(forward!args);
.format(member.stringof, symbol);
else static if (symbolKind == SymbolKind.field)
alias FieldType = typeof(mixin("member." ~ symbol));
alias FA = FunctionAttribute;
enum attrStr = getFunctionAttributeStr(FA.pure_ | FA.nothrow_ | FA.safe | FA.nogc);
enum genWrapperMixin = q{
@property %3$s %4$s %1$s()
return %2$s.%1$s;
@property %3$s void %1$s(%4$s val)
%2$s.%1$s = val;
.format(symbol, member.stringof, attrStr, FieldType.stringof);
else static if (symbolKind == SymbolKind.aliasableSym)
enum genWrapperMixin = q{
alias %1$s = %2$s.%1$s;
.format(symbol, member.stringof);
static assert(member.stringof ~ "." ~ symbol ~ " has unexpected kind '" ~ symbolKind.to!string);
private string getFunctionAttributeStr(FunctionAttribute funAttrs)
import std.algorithm: among, filter, joiner, map, strip;
import std.conv: to;
string funAttrStr;
with (FunctionAttribute)
funAttrStr = [EnumMembers!FunctionAttribute]
.filter!(e => (funAttrs & e) && e != none && e != ref_ && e != return_)
.map!(e => e.to!string.strip('_'))
.map!(s => s.among!("safe", "trusted", "system", "nogc", "property") ? '@' ~ s : s)
.joiner(" ")
return funAttrStr;
:これは、より汎用的なソリューションです。私は 'b.opDispatch!(" p2 "、int、10)(5);' b.p2!(int、10)(5); 'ではなく 'working'を取得できました。あなたは彼らが同じものだと思うでしょうが、明らかにそうではありません。 –
私はopDispatchによって生成されたエラーは、 "プロパティなし"メッセージのために削除されると考えています。実際のエラーメッセージは表示されません。しかし、私はミックスインが悪いと思う、それは完全な声明ではない。私は '(args)'パラメータのパスがmixinに属していて、 'opDispatch'の代わりにセミコロン – weltensturm
を忘れないで、' alias b this; 'を試すことができます。 –