// Assigns a variable named 'value' with a value of 'New Value'.
var value = "New value";
// Creates a variable named 'table' as a blank Object.
var table = new Object(); // Alternatively - table = {};
// Attempts to access "New Value" from object "table" which returns undefined.
var newValue = table[value];
// Assumes table is still an object.
table['key'] = 'value';
// Note that I almost _always_ opt for the variable['key'] notation over
// the variable.key notation because it allows you to use keys
// that would otherwise not be valid as identifiers.
table['Some Key'] = 'Some Value'; // This works.
table.Some Key = 'Some Value'; // This does not.
var newVariable = table['key'];
。 – hugomg
console.log(テーブル); –
また、オブジェクトリテラル '{...} 'のセミコロン('; ')は無効です。カンマ( '、')を使用してプロパティを区切ります。オブジェクトのリテラルをINSIDEします。 –