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What types of galaxies are there?
<div class="box-panel">
Ellipticals:<br />
The Hubble classification system rates elliptical galaxies on <br />
the basis of their ellipticity, ranging from E0, being nearly <br />
spherical, up to E7, which is highly elongated. These galaxies <br />
have an ellipsoidal profile, giving them an elliptical appearance <br />
regardless of the viewing angle. Their appearance shows little structure <br />
and they typically have relatively little interstellar matter. <br />
Consequently, these galaxies also have a low portion of open <br />
clusters and a reduced rate of new star formation. Instead they <br />
are dominated by generally older, more evolved stars that are orbiting <br />
the common center of gravity in random directions. The stars <br />
contain low abundances of heavy elements because star formation ceases <br />
after the initial burst. In this sense they have some similarity to the <br />
much smaller globular clusters.<br />
<br />
Shell galaxy:<br />
A shell galaxy is a type of elliptical galaxy where the stars in <br />
the galaxy's halo are arranged in concentric shells. About one-tenth <br />
of elliptical galaxies have a shell-like structure, which has never<br />
been observed in spiral galaxies. The shell-like structures are <br />
thought to develop when a larger galaxy absorbs a smaller companion<br />
galaxy. As the two galaxy centers approach, the centers start to oscillate <br />
around a center point, the oscillation creates gravitational <br />
ripples forming the shells of stars, similar to ripples spreading on water. <br />
For example, galaxy NGC 3923 has over twenty shells.<br />
<br />
Spirals:<br />
Spiral galaxies resemble spiraling pinwheels. Though the stars and other<br />
visible material contained in such a galaxy lie mostly on a plane, the <br />
majority of mass in spiral galaxies exists in a roughly spherical halo of <br />
dark matter that extends beyond the visible component, as demonstrated <br />
by the universal rotation curve concept. Spiral galaxies consist of a rotating <br />
disk of stars and interstellar medium, along with a central bulge of generally <br />
older stars. Extending outward from the bulge are relatively bright arms. <br />
It appears the reason that some spiral galaxies are fat and bulging while some <br />
are flat discs is because of how fast they rotate.
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