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<title>Wey Education</title>
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<h1 class = "title">Wey Education</h1>
<h3 class = "subtitle">Aspire</h3>
<h3 class = "subtitle2">Believe</h3>
<h3 class = "subtitle3">Achieve</h3>
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<h1 id="slide1head" class="fade-scroll">Wey Education</h1>
\t <p id="slide1para" class="fade-scroll">Wey Education is an educational services group that is passionate about the <br> transformative power of education. We believe that by driving up the academic <br> standards, we can improve the life chances and opportunities for young people.<br>We are commited to shaping the future of education as well as online learning, <br> and bringing an innovative approach to audiences across the globe. </p>
\t <h3 id="slide1foot" class="fade-scroll">Our current ongoing projects:</h3>
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\t <a href="http://www.interhigh.co.uk/" target="_blank">
\t \t <img class="ih" src ="http://www.interhigh.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/InterHigh_est.png">
\t \t </a>
\t \t <h2 class="ih2">The UK's #1 Online Secondary School</h2>
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をご確認ください。覚えておいて、SOは、特定のコードに関する質問を手助けすることです。たくさんのコードを投げたり、他の人にあなたのためにそれを修正してもらうように頼むことはありません。 – Toby