# import the tkinter module
import tkinter
def quitfile():
def setvalues():
# create a new window
window = tkinter.Tk()
# add a title
window.title("Population Model")
# make the size of the window
# set the background of the window
window.configure(background = "#FFFFFF")
# title
lbQuestion = tkinter.Label(window, text = "SET GENERATION 0 VALUES", fg = "#5855FA", bg = "#FFFFFF" , font = "verdana 12 bold")
# place the widget into the window
lbQuestion.place(x = 10, y = 10)
# question widgets
# question 1
lbQuestion1 = tkinter.Label(window, text = "What is the population number of juveniles?", fg = "#000000", bg = "#FFFFFF" , font = "verdana 8 bold")
# place the widget into the window
lbQuestion1.place(x = 10, y =60)
# create an entry widget for question 1
entQuestion1 = tkinter.Entry(window)
# place the widget into the window
entQuestion1.place (x = 10, y = 80)
# question 2
lbQuestion2 = tkinter.Label(window, text = "What is the population number of adults?", fg = "#000000", bg = "#FFFFFF" , font = "verdana 8 bold")
# place the widget into the window
lbQuestion2.place(x = 10, y =110)
# create an entry widget for question 2
entQuestion2 = tkinter.Entry(window)
# place the widget into the window
entQuestion2.place (x = 10, y = 130)
# question 3
lbQuestion3 = tkinter.Label(window, text = "What is the population number of seniles?", fg = "#000000", bg = "#FFFFFF" , font = "verdana 8 bold")
# place the widget into the window
lbQuestion3.place(x = 10, y =160)
# create an entry widget for question 3
entQuestion3 = tkinter.Entry(window)
# place the widget into the window
entQuestion3.place (x = 10, y = 180)
# question 4
lbQuestion4 = tkinter.Label(window, text = "What is the survival rate for juveniles?", fg = "#000000", bg = "#FFFFFF" , font = "verdana 8 bold")
# place the widget into the window
lbQuestion4.place(x = 10, y =210)
# create an entry widget for question 4
entQuestion4 = tkinter.Entry(window)
# place the widget into the window
entQuestion4.place (x = 10, y = 230)
# question 5
lbQuestion5 = tkinter.Label(window, text = "What is the survival rate for adults?", fg = "#000000", bg = "#FFFFFF" , font = "verdana 8 bold")
# place the widget into the window
lbQuestion5.place(x = 10, y =260)
# create an entry widget for question 5
entQuestion5 = tkinter.Entry(window)
# place the widget into the window
entQuestion5.place (x = 10, y = 280)
# question 6
lbQuestion6 = tkinter.Label(window, text = "What is the survival rate for seniles?", fg = "#000000", bg = "#FFFFFF" , font = "verdana 8 bold")
# place the widget into the window
lbQuestion6.place(x = 10, y =310)
# create an entry widget for question 6
entQuestion6 = tkinter.Entry(window)
# place the widget into the window
entQuestion6.place (x = 10, y = 330)
# question 7
lbQuestion7 = tkinter.Label(window, text = "What is the birth rate?", fg = "#000000", bg = "#FFFFFF" , font = "verdana 8 bold")
# place the widget into the window
lbQuestion7.place(x = 10, y =360)
# create an entry widget for question 7
entQuestion7 = tkinter.Entry(window)
# place the widget into the window
entQuestion7.place (x = 10, y = 380)
# question 8
lbQuestion8 = tkinter.Label(window, text = "What is the number of new generations to model? (should be between 5 and 25)", fg = "#000000", bg = "#FFFFFF" , font = "verdana 8 bold")
# place the widget into the window
lbQuestion8.place(x = 10, y =410)
# create an entry widget for question 8
entQuestion8 = tkinter.Entry(window)
# place the widget into the window
entQuestion8.place (x = 10, y = 430)
# checking widgets
# create a button widget to check answers ############ QUESTION 1 ###############
logBtn = tkinter.Button(window, text = "Set Value", command = entQuestion1.get(),font = "verdana 8 bold")
# place the widget in the window
logBtn.place (x = 350, y = 60)
# create a check answers label
lbCheck = tkinter.Label(window, fg = "#000000", bg = "#FFFFFF", font = "verdana 8 bold")
# place the widget into the window
lbCheck.place(x = 350, y = 80)
# create a button widget to check answers ############# QUESTION 2 ###############
logBtn1 = tkinter.Button(window, text = "Set Value",command = entQuestion2.get(), font = "verdana 8 bold")
# place the widget in the window
logBtn1.place(x = 350, y = 110)
# create a check answers label
lbCheck1 = tkinter.Label(window, fg = "#000000", bg = "#FFFFFF", font = "verdana 8 bold")
# place the widget into the window
lbCheck1.place(x = 350, y = 130)
# create a button widget to check answers ############# QUESTION 3 ##############
logBtn2 = tkinter.Button(window, text = "Set Value", command = entQuestion3.get(), font = "verdana 8 bold")
# place the widget in the window
logBtn2.place(x = 350, y = 160)
# create a check answers label
lbCheck2 = tkinter.Label(window, fg = "#000000", bg = "#FFFFFF", font = "verdana 8 bold")
# place the widget into the window
lbCheck2.place(x = 350, y = 180)
# create a button widget to check answers ############ QUESTION 4 ###############
logBtn3 = tkinter.Button(window, text = "Set Value", font = "verdana 8 bold")
# place the widget in the window
logBtn3.place(x = 350, y = 210)
# create a check answers label
lbCheck3 = tkinter.Label(window, fg = "#000000", bg = "#FFFFFF", font = "verdana 8 bold")
# place the widget into the window
lbCheck3.place(x = 350, y = 230)
# create a button widget to check answers ############ QUESTION 5 ###############
logBtn4 = tkinter.Button(window, text = "Set Value", command = entQuestion5.get(), font = "verdana 8 bold")
# place the widget in the window
logBtn4.place(x = 350, y = 260)
# create a check answers label
lbCheck4 = tkinter.Label(window, fg = "#000000", bg = "#FFFFFF", font = "verdana 8 bold")
# place the widget into the window
lbCheck4.place(x = 350, y = 280)
# create a button widget to check answers ############ QUESTION 6 ###############
logBtn5 = tkinter.Button(window, text = "Set Value", command = entQuestion6.get(), font = "verdana 8 bold")
# place the widget in the window
logBtn5.place(x = 350, y = 310)
# create a check answers label
lbCheck5 = tkinter.Label(window, fg = "#000000", bg = "#FFFFFF", font = "verdana 8 bold")
# place the widget into the window
lbCheck5.place(x = 350, y = 330)
# create a button widget to check answers ############ QUESTION 7 ###############
logBtn6 = tkinter.Button(window, text = "Set Value", command = entQuestion7.get(), font = "verdana 8 bold")
# place the widget in the window
logBtn6.place(x = 350, y = 360)
# create a check answers label
lbCheck6 = tkinter.Label(window, fg = "#000000", bg = "#FFFFFF", font = "verdana 8 bold")
# place the widget into the window
lbCheck6.place(x = 350, y = 380)
# create a button widget to check answers ############ QUESTION 8 ###############
logBtn7 = tkinter.Button(window, text = "Set Value", command = entQuestion8.get(), font = "verdana 8 bold")
# place the widget in the window
logBtn7.place(x = 540, y = 410)
# create a check answers label
lbCheck7 = tkinter.Label(window, fg = "#000000", bg = "#FFFFFF", font = "verdana 8 bold")
# place the widget into the window
lbCheck7.place(x = 540, y = 410)
# create a button widget to return to main menu
logBtn8 = tkinter.Button(window, text = "Main Menu", font = "verdana 8 bold")
# place the widget in the window # 250
logBtn8.place(x = 180, y = 560)
# create a check answers label
lbCheck8 = tkinter.Label(window, fg = "#000000", bg = "#FFFFFF", font = "verdana 8 bold")
# place the widget into the window # 200
lbCheck8.place(x = 180, y = 560)
# create a button widget to display generation 0 values
logBtn9 = tkinter.Button(window, text = "Display Generation 0 values", command = displayvalues, font = "verdana 8 bold")
# place the widget in the window # 250
logBtn9.place(x = 270, y = 560)
# create a check answers label
lbCheck9 = tkinter.Label(window, fg = "#000000", bg = "#FFFFFF", font = "verdana 8 bold")
# place the widget into the window #200
lbCheck9.place(x = 270, y = 560)
Question1 = entQuestion1.get()
Question2 = entQuestion2.get()
Question3 = entQuestion3.get()
Question4 = entQuestion4.get()
Question5 = entQuestion5.get()
Question6 = entQuestion6.get()
Question7 = entQuestion7.get()
Question8 = entQuestion8.get()
def displayvalues():
# create a new window
window = tkinter.Tk()
# add a title
window.title("Population Model")
# make the size of the window
# set the background of the window
window.configure(background = "#FFFFFF")
# title
lbQuestion = tkinter.Label(window, text = "DISPLAY GENERATION 0 VALUES", fg = "#5855FA", bg = "#FFFFFF", font = "verdana 12 bold")
# place the widget into the window
lbQuestion.place(x = 10, y = 10)
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