Stocktaking Table
StoreID Date ProductCode Qty
1 2016-07-30 11 58
1 2016-09-30 11 97
2 2016-08-30 12 15
2 2016-09-22 55 10
3 2016-09-05 55 10
Sale Table
StoreID Date ProductCode Qty
1 2016-08-30 11 40
2 2016-08-30 12 3
2 2016-08-30 55 4
3 2016-08-30 55 6
Desired Output
StoreID Date Productcode Qty
1 2016-08-30 11 18
2 2016-08-30 12 12
2 2016-08-30 55 6
3 2016-08-30 55 4
@ date1 and @date2 @storeid
StoreID Date Productcode Qty
1 2016-08-30 11 18
2 2016-08-30 12 12
2 2016-08-30 55 -4
3 2016-08-30 55 -6
ようになったstocktakingQty -saleQty = Todayinventory
を表示することができます。 ここで問題は
8th month
store ID 3,2
の間に在庫を取るのを忘れていたが、product Code 55
に売った。来月は在庫が9th month
の間にproduct Code 55
になっています。 私はそれを行う方法がわかりません!bcoz唯一の負のqtyの値は、私は翌月の在庫を取った日付を選択する必要がある場合、または他の私は8日の株式を取った日付を選択している。多分誰かがそれを手伝うことができました!
Declare @date1 date = '2015-06-01' ,@date2 date = '2015-06-30' ,@StoreNo Nvarchar(Max)=' AND S.StoreNo IN (61,68,450,451,430,917,918,919,921,923,925,930,935)' --AS BEGIN IF Object_ID(N'tempdb..#calender') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #calender IF Object_ID(N'tempdb..##Temp') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE ##Temp IF Object_ID(N'tempdb..##Inv1') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE ##Inv1 IF Object_ID(N'tempdb..##Inv2') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE ##Inv2 IF Object_ID(N'tempdb..#Stock') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #Stock IF Object_ID(N'tempdb..##StoreList') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE ##StoreList IF Object_ID(N'tempdb..##final') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE ##final IF Object_ID(N'tempdb..##product') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE ##product Declare @sql_store nvarchar(max) SET @sql_store = 'SELECT StoreNo,StoreName INTO ##StoreList FROM Store S WHERE S.StoreNo IN (61,68,450,451,430,917,918,919,921,923,925,930,935)' + @StoreNo EXECUTE sp_executesql @sql_store Declare @date_s char(10) = cast(@date1 as varchar) ,@date_e char(10) = cast(@date2 as varchar) ,@date_index date create Table #calender (Date date) SET @date_index = @date1 WHILE @date_index<[email protected] BEGIN INSERT INTO #calender SELECT @date_index SET @date_index = dateadd(day,1,@date_index) IF @date_index>@date2 Break ELSE Continue END BEGIN SELECT ProductNo as ProductBarCode,Date INTO ##product FROM Product,#calender WHERE StartUseDate <= @date_s AND EndUseDate >[email protected]_e and IsInUsed = 1 END create table #inventory (StoreNo int ,Date date, ProductBarCode varchar(14),ProductQty int) BEGIn Select STD.StoreNo As StoreNo ,CheckDate as Date ,ProductBarCode as ProductBarCode , SUM(StocktakingQty)AS ProductQty INTO ##Temp From StockTakingDetail STD Inner Join (Select StoreNo ,CheckNo ,CheckDate From StockTakingMain SM)StocktakingMain On STD.CheckNo =StockTakingMain.CheckNo where STD.StoreNo IN (select StoreNo from ##StoreList) group By STD.StoreNo,STD.ProductBarCode,CheckDate SELECT A.StoreNo as StoreNo ,C.[date] as Date,A.ProductBarCode as ProductBarCode,A.ProductQty as ProductQty INTO ##inv1 FROM #calender C OUTER APPLY ( SELECT TOP 100 percent * FROM ##Temp I WHERE I.Date < C.DATE and StoreNo IN (select StoreNo from ##StoreList) ORDER BY I.Date ) A OPTION (maxrecursion 0) INSERT INTO #inventory Select S.StoreNo,s.Date,s.ProductBarCode,ISNULL (sum(s.ProductQty),0) as ProductQty From (Select StoreNo,Date,ProductBarCode,ProductQty from ##inv1 where Date between @date_s and @date_e and StoreNo IN (select StoreNo from ##StoreList) Union all --Buy Select BuyStore as StoreNo ,BuyDate as Date ,ProductBarCode as ProductBarCode ,SUM(BuyQty)as Qty from BuyDetail BD Inner Join (Select BuySerialNo ,BuyDate from BuyMain BM) BuyMain ON BD.BuySerialNo = BuyMain.BuySerialNo where BuyDate Between @date_s and @date_e and BuyStore IN (select StoreNo from ##StoreList) Group BY BuyDate,BuyStore,ProductBarCode,BuyDate )S GROUP BY s.StoreNo,s.Date,s.ProductBarCode END BEGIN select S.Date as Date,S.StoreNo As StoreNo,(S.ProductBarCode) as ProductBarCode,sum(S.Qty) as ProductQty INTO #Stock from --- sale ( select StoreNo As StoreNo, PluCode as ProductBarCode, cast (sum(BuyPoint/100)as int)*(-1) as Qty, Date as Date from POS_ItemTran p where Date between @date_s and @date_e and p.StoreNo IN(select StoreNo from ##StoreList) Group by PluCode,StoreNo,Date union all --Transfer IN select TD.TargetStoreNo as StoreNo ,TD.ProductBarCode as ProductBarCode ,SUM(TD.AcceptQty) as Qty ,AcceptDate as Date from TransferDetail TD Inner join (Select TransferSerialNo ,AcceptDate from TransferMain)TM ON TM.TransferserialNo = TD.TransferserialNo where AcceptDate between @date_s and @date_e and TargetStoreNo IN (select StoreNo from ##StoreList) Group by TargetStoreNo,TD.ProductBarcode,AcceptDate union all -- Transfer out Select TD.TransferStoreNo as StoreNo , TD.ProductBarCode as ProductBarCode ,SUM(TD.TransferQty)*(-1) As Qty ,TransferDate as Date from TransferDetail TD Inner Join (Select TransferSerialNo ,TransferDate from TransferMain)TMO On TMO.TransferSerialNo = TD.TransferSerialNo where TransferDate between @date_s and @date_e and TransferStoreNo IN (select StoreNo from ##StoreList) Group by TD.TransferStoreNo,TD.ProductBarCode,TransferDate --Loss UNION ALL SELECT StoreNo ,LossProductBarCode ,SUM(LossQty)*(-1) as Qty, LossDate as Date FROM LossDetail LD INNER JOIN (SELECT StoreNo ,LossSerialNo ,LossDate FROM LossMain LM)LossMain ON LD.LossSerialNo = LossMain.LossSerialNo where LossDate between @date_s and @date_e and StoreNo IN (select StoreNo from ##StoreList) GROUP BY StoreNo,LossProductBarCode,LossDate Union All --RCVBackDetail Select RcvBackStoreNo as StoreNo ,ProductBarCode as ProductBarCode ,SUM(RcvBackQty) as Qty ,RcvBackDate as Date from RcvBackDetail RBD Inner Join (SELECT RcvBackSerialNo ,RcvBackDate FROM RcvBackMain)RcvBackMain ON RcvBackMain.RcvBackSerialNo = RBD.RcvBackSerialNo Where RcvBackDate Between @date_s and @date_e and RcvBackStoreNo IN (select StoreNo from ##StoreList) Group By RcvBackDate,RcvBackStoreNo,ProductBarCode )S Group by S.StoreNo,S.ProductBarCode,S.Date END BEGIN Select f.StoreNo,f.Date,f.ProductBarCode,SUM(f.ProductQty) as ProductQty INTO ##Inv2 From (Select StoreNo,Date,ProductBarCode,ProductQty From #inventory i union all Select StoreNo,Date,ProductBarCode,ProductQty From #Stock st)f Group By f.Date,f.ProductBarCode,f.StoreNo End BEGIN DECLARE @cols AS NVARCHAR(MAX), @query AS NVARCHAR(MAX) SELECT @cols = STUFF((SELECT distinct ',' + QUOTENAME([StoreNo]) FROM ##StoreList FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE ).value('.', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)') ,1,1,'') SELECT @query = 'SELECT * FROM (SELECT [StoreNo], p.Date as Date ,p.ProductBarCode ,(ProductQty) as productQty FROM ##inv2 f Right Join ##product P ON p.ProductBarCode =f.ProductBarCode and p.Date =f.Date where p.ProductBarCode IN(2300028813032,2221400000393,2300011512096,2300021714060) )X PIVOT ( SUM(ProductQty) for [StoreNo] in (' + @cols + ') ) P' EXEC SP_EXECUTESQL @query END Drop Table #inventory --Drop Table #calender IF Object_ID(N'tempdb..#inventory') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #inventory IF Object_ID(N'tempdb..#calender') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #calender IF Object_ID(N'tempdb..##Temp') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE ##Temp IF Object_ID(N'tempdb..##Inv1') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE ##Inv1 IF Object_ID(N'tempdb..##Inv2') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE ##Inv2 IF Object_ID(N'tempdb..#Stock') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #Stock IF Object_ID(N'tempdb..##StoreList') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE ##StoreList IF Object_ID(N'tempdb..##final') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE ##final IF Object_ID(N'tempdb..##product') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE ##product END
あなたがこれまでに試したものを投稿してください。 – StackUser
@StackUserは私のコードを掲載しましたので、試してみました – mad