のユーザー入力文字列または文字がデータをfloat変数 'weight'に送信するときに機能します。それ以来、それはすべてscanf
を通過し、私にはエラーYour BMI is 1.#J
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
float weight;
float height;
float result;
float c_height;
printf("Enter your weight as kilogram...\n\n> ");
//If user input char or string , it passed all thing and showed error.
printf("\nEnter your height as centimetres...\n\n> ");
printf("\nYour BMI is %.2f\n\n",result);
printf("You are underweight! Try to eat more frequently\n\n");
printf("Thank you for using my program!\n\n");
}else if(result>=18.50 && result<22.90)
printf("\nYour BMI is %.2f\n\n",result);
printf("You are healthy! Keep eating healthy\n\n");
printf("Thank you for using my program!\n\n");
}else if(result>=22.90 && result<24.90)
printf("\nYour BMI is %.2f\n\n",result);
printf("You are a little overweight! Avoid eating some fat and an oil\n\n");
printf("Thank you for using my program!\n\n");
}else if(result>=24.90 && result<29.90)
printf("\nYour BMI is %.2f\n\n",result);
printf("You are overweight! Avoid eating fat and do exercise often\n\n");
printf("Thank you for using my program!\n\n");
}else if(result>=29.90)
printf("\nYour BMI is %.2f\n\n",result);
printf("You are obese! Do exercise everyday and eat carefully!\n\n");
printf("Thank you for using my program!\n\n");
printf("Error occured!!");
return 0;
scanfの後誰かが重量を求めているときに文字列や浮動小数点数[フォーマット指定子](https://www.le.ac.uk/users/rjm1/cotter/page_30.htm) – wrangler