2016-06-18 17 views

これはインターネット上で見つけたカスタムのセグメント化されたコントロールを作成するコードです。最後の2つの機能、つまりbeginTrackingWithTouchlayoutSubviewsを理解することに問題があります。これらの関数の目的は何ですか?コードが正確に何をしていますか誰でもこのコードを理解するのを助けることができます - iOS swift

最後に、この疑問を言い訳します。私はまだiOS開発の初心者ですが、私はただ助けを求めています。 [UIControl.beginTrackingWithTouch(_::withEvent:)](HTTPS:私は追跡方法を開始説明できる

@IBDesignable class CustomSegmentedControl : UIControl { 
    private var labels = [UILabel]() 
    var items = ["Item 1","Item 2"] { 
     didSet { 
    var thumbView = UIView() 
    var selectedIndex : Int = 0 { 
     didSet { 
    override init(frame: CGRect) { 
     super.init(frame: frame) 

    required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) { 
     super.init(coder: aDecoder) 
    func setupView() { 
     //layer.cornerRadius = frame.height/2 
     layer.borderColor = UIColor.blackColor().CGColor 
     layer.borderWidth = 2 

     backgroundColor = UIColor.clearColor() 

     insertSubview(thumbView, atIndex: 0) 
    func setUpLabels() { 
     for label in labels { 
     labels.removeAll(keepCapacity: true) 
     for index in 1...items.count { 
      let label = UILabel(frame: CGRectZero) 
      label.text = items[index-1] 
      label.textAlignment = .Center 
      label.textColor = UIColor.blackColor() 
    func displayNewSelectedIndex() { 
     let label = labels[selectedIndex] 
     self.thumbView.frame = label.frame 
    override func layoutSubviews() { 
     var selectFrame = self.bounds 
     let newWidth = CGRectGetWidth(selectFrame)/CGFloat(items.count) 
     selectFrame.size.width = newWidth 
     thumbView.frame = selectFrame 
     thumbView.backgroundColor = UIColor.grayColor() 
     //thumbView.layer.cornerRadius = thumbView.frame.height/2 

     let labelHeight = self.bounds.height 
     let labelWidth = self.bounds.width/CGFloat(labels.count) 

     for index in 0..<labels.count { 
      let label = labels[index] 
      let xPosition = CGFloat(index) * labelWidth 
      label.frame = CGRectMake(xPosition, 0, labelWidth, labelHeight) 
    override func beginTrackingWithTouch(touch: UITouch, withEvent event: UIEvent?) -> Bool { 
     let location = touch.locationInView(self) 
     var calculatedIndex : Int? 

     for (index, item) in labels.enumerate() { 
      if item.frame.contains(location) { 
       calculatedIndex = index 

      if calculatedIndex != nil { 
       selectedIndex = calculatedIndex! 
     return false 

公式ドキュメントを読んでくださいだと思うresearchableです// (UIView.layoutSubviews)(https://developer.apple.com)を参照してください。 /library/ios/documentation/UIKit/Reference/UIView_Class/index.html#//apple_ref/occ/instm/UIView/layoutSubviews)。 'layoutSubviews'はメソッドの説明を読み込むだけでは分かりづらいでしょう。表示レイアウトについての公式ガイドをお読みください。 – Sulthan




/*** beginTrackingWithTouch.. method to customize tracking. ***/ 
    // Parameters : touch : this returns the touch that occurred at a certain point in the view. withEvent, returns the UIEvent 
    // associated with the touch. 
    // Return Type: Boolean. 
    override func beginTrackingWithTouch(touch: UITouch, withEvent event: UIEvent?) -> Bool { 
      let location = touch.locationInView(self) // This line returns the location of touch in the view. This location is in CGPoint. 
      var calculatedIndex : Int? 

      for (index, item) in labels.enumerate() { /// enumeration of an array gives you sequence type of integer and corresponding element type of the array. 
       if item.frame.contains(location) {  /// so labels.enumerate returns the key value pairs like so : [(0, labelatIndex0), (1, labelatIndex1).. and so on.] 
        calculatedIndex = index   /// here index is the key, and item is the value (label.) 
    // So for every label/index pair, you check whether the touch happened on the label by getting the frame of the label and checking if location is a part of the frame 
    /// You equate the index to calculatedIndex 
    // Now you if your calculated index is a valid number, you class, which extends UIControl, will call its method stating the change of value(sendActionsForControlEvents). 
    // This in turn, will send a message to all the targets that have been registered using addTarget:action:forControlEvents: method. 
       if calculatedIndex != nil { 
        selectedIndex = calculatedIndex! 

      return false 

おかげさまで、私を助けてくれることを喜んで –


助けてくれました。 @AliAlebrahim –
