2016-06-27 7 views



<!--- This is what the user see when they click the button --> 
<span class="msg"><button class="btn btn-danger"data-js="open">Subscribe to our Newsletter</button></span> 

<!-- this is what the user sees when the popup is displayed --> 
<div class="popup"> 
<h2>Subscribe to the Newletter:</h2> 
    <button name="close">Close Pop-up</button> 


button { 
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button:focus { 
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button:hover { 
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function popupOpenClose(popup) { 

    /* Add div inside popup for layout if one doesn't exist */ 
    if ($(".wrapper").length == 0){ 
     $(popup).wrapInner("<div class='wrapper'></div>"); 

    /* Open popup */ 

    /* Close popup if user clicks on background */ 
    $(popup).click(function(e) { 
     if (e.target == this) { 
      if ($(popup).is(':visible')) { 

    /* Close popup and remove errors if user clicks on cancel or close buttons */ 
    $(popup).find("button[name=close]").on("click", function() { 
     if ($(".formElementError").is(':visible')) { 

$(document).ready(function() { 
    $("[data-js=open]").on("click", function() { 

のですか? – Sravan


画面の中央にあります。理想的には、誰かが自分のメールアドレスに入力して送信できるフォームを設定しようとしています。 – Codes316


大丈夫ですが、まだポップアップにフォームがありませんでしたか? – Sravan




function toggleOn(){ 
    $('body, #menu, #navbar, #content').toggleClass('on'); 

    $('#menu').click(function(){ toggleOn(); }); 
    if ($('#navbar').hasClass('on')) toggleOn(); 
//this is for the pop up 
function popupOpenClose(popup) { 
\t /* Add div inside popup for layout if one doesn't exist */ 
\t if ($(".wrapper").length == 0){ 
\t \t $(popup).wrapInner("<div class='wrapper'></div>"); 
\t } 
\t /* Open popup */ 
\t $(popup).show(); 

\t /* Close popup if user clicks on background */ 
\t $(popup).click(function(e) { 
\t \t if (e.target == this) { 
\t \t \t if ($(popup).is(':visible')) { 
\t \t \t \t $(popup).hide(); 
\t \t \t } 
\t \t } 
\t }); 

\t /* Close popup and remove errors if user clicks on cancel or close buttons */ 
\t $(popup).find("button[name=close]").on("click", function() { 
\t \t if ($(".formElementError").is(':visible')) { 
\t \t \t $(".formElementError").remove(); 
\t \t } 
\t \t $(popup).hide(); 
\t }); 

$(document).ready(function() { 
\t $("[data-js=open]").on("click", function() { 
\t \t popupOpenClose($(".popup")); 
\t }); 

//search bar 
$(document).on('ready', function(){ 
\t var $wrap = $('[js-ui-search]'); 
\t var $close = $('[js-ui-close]'); 
\t var $input = $('[js-ui-text]'); 
\t $close.on('click', function(){ 
\t \t $wrap.toggleClass('open'); 
\t }); 
\t $input.on('transitionend webkitTransitionEnd oTransitionEnd', function(){ 
\t \t console.log('triggered end animation'); 
\t \t if ($wrap.hasClass('open')) { 
\t \t \t $input.focus(); 
\t \t } else { 
\t \t \t return; 
\t \t } 
\t }); 
// pop up window
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#menu.on:hover { 
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button:focus { 
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button:hover { 
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\t color: white; 

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\t padding: 10px; 
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<h1 class="direct"> <strong>Click the arrow to view Kai Greene's Scar Story</strong></h1> 

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    <p class="about_info"> Dynamik Muscle was spawned on the creation of an idea to see a dream manifest into reality. We all sit back and dream, some even make goals and outline a plan of action, but few follow through.<a href="https://www.dynamikmuscle.com/#">click to read more</a></p> 
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どのように画面上のポップウィンドウを上に移動しますか? – Codes316


トランスフォームを使用して上下に動かすことをお勧めします。あなたが中心の問題を解決したようです。 – Ctc
