final class Instant private(private val seconds: Long, private val nanos: Int) extends TemporalAccessor with Temporal with TemporalAdjuster with Ordered[Instant] with Serializable
final class LocalTime(_hour: Int, _minute: Int, _second: Int, private val nano: Int) extends TemporalAccessor with Temporal with TemporalAdjuster with Ordered[LocalTime] with Serializable
final class OffsetDateTime private(private val dateTime: LocalDateTime, private val offset: ZoneOffset) extends Temporal with TemporalAdjuster with Ordered[OffsetDateTime] with Serializable
final class OffsetTime(private val time: LocalTime, private val offset: ZoneOffset) extends TemporalAccessor with Temporal with TemporalAdjuster with Ordered[OffsetTime] with Serializable
final class LocalDate private(private val year: Int, monthOfYear: Int, dayOfMonth: Int) extends ChronoLocalDate with Temporal with TemporalAdjuster with Serializable
final class LocalDateTime private(private val date: LocalDate, private val time: LocalTime) extends ChronoLocalDateTime[LocalDate] with Temporal with TemporalAdjuster with Serializable
final class ZonedDateTime(private val dateTime: LocalDateTime, private val offset: ZoneOffset, private val zone: ZoneId) extends ChronoZonedDateTime[LocalDate] with Temporal with Serializable
final case class Interval[
T <: Temporal with Serializable
](start: T, end: T)(implicit def ordering: Ordering[T])
final case class Interval[
T <: Temporal with Serializable : Ordering
](start: T, end: T)
object TimeOrdering {
implicit object ChronoLocalDateOrdering extends Ordering[ChronoLocalDate] {
override def compare(x: ChronoLocalDate, y: ChronoLocalDate): Int = ???
val x: ChronoLocalDate = ...
val y: ChronoLocalDate = ...
import TimeOrdering._ // to get the implicits in scope.
val interval = Interval(x, y)