
私がコピーしようとすると/それ が言うエラー投げているディレクティブにズーム機能を貼り付け、私のPlunker


"Error: Diagram.commandHandler value is not an instance of CommandHandler: [object Object]" (Kindly check the error in Plunkr console)

Error on Line No 61



var app = angular.module('app', []); 

app.directive('goDiagram', function($http) { 
    return { 
    restrict: 'E', 
    template: '<div></div>', 
    replace: true, 
    scope: { 
     model: '=goModel' 
    link: function(scope, element, attrs) { 
     if (window.goSamples) goSamples(); // init for these samples -- you don't need to call this 
     var $ = go.GraphObject.make; 
     var rainbow = $(go.Brush, "Linear", { 
     0: "red", 
     1: "green" 
     var diagram = $(go.Diagram, element[0], { 
     nodeTemplate: $(go.Node, "Auto", { 
      locationSpot: go.Spot.Center 
      }, { 
      width: 120, 
      height: 15, 
      locationSpot: go.Spot.Center 
      new go.Binding("location"), 
      $(go.Shape, { 
      fill: "#e74c3c", 
      stroke: '#c0392b' 
      }, { 
      portId: "", 
      cursor: "pointer", 
      strokeWidth: 0, 
      $(go.TextBlock, { 
       margin: 0, 
       stroke: "#eee" 
      new go.Binding("text", "key") 
     linkTemplate: $(go.Link, { 
      // routing: go.Link.AvoidsNodes, 
      reshapable: true, 
      resegmentable: true 
      $(go.Shape, { 
       strokeWidth: 3, 
       stroke: rainbow 
      // new go.Binding("stroke", rainbow), 
      $(go.Shape, { 
      toArrow: "Standard" 
     // For Zoom 
     initialContentAlignment: go.Spot.Center, // center the content 
     commandHandler: $(SpacingCommandHandler), 
     // update the SpacingCommandHandler.space from the model at the end of each transaction 
     "ModelChanged": function(e) { 
      if (e.isTransactionFinished) { 
      myDiagram.commandHandler.space = myDiagram.model.modelData.space; 
     "undoManager.isEnabled": true // enable undo & redo 

     // Conversion functions -- these only work with myDiagram, assuming it uses a SpacingCommandHandler 

     function spacedLocationParse(str) { 
     var cmd = myDiagram.commandHandler; 
     if (!(cmd instanceof SpacingCommandHandler)) throw new Error("not using SpacingCommandHandler"); 
     var pt = go.Point.parse(str); 
     pt.x = (pt.x - cmd.spaceCenter.x) * cmd.space + cmd.spaceCenter.x; 
     if (cmd.isYSpaced) { 
      pt.y = (pt.y - cmd.spaceCenter.y) * cmd.space + cmd.spaceCenter.y; 
     return pt; 

     function spacedLocationStringify(pt, data) { 
     var cmd = myDiagram.commandHandler; 
     if (!cmd._isUpdating) { 
      pt = pt.copy(); 
      pt.x = (pt.x - cmd.spaceCenter.x)/cmd.space + cmd.spaceCenter.x; 
      if (cmd.isYSpaced) { 
      pt.y = (pt.y - cmd.spaceCenter.y)/cmd.space + cmd.spaceCenter.y; 
      return go.Point.stringify(pt); 
     } else { 
      return data.loc; 

     // The custom CommandHandler that avoids changing the Diagram.scale 
     function SpacingCommandHandler() { 
     this._space = 1.0; // replaces Diagram.scale; also copied to/from Model.modelData.space 
     this._spaceCenter = new go.Point(0, 0); // not currently used -- should this be saved on modelData too? 
     this._isYSpaced = true; // scale Y along with X? This option is just for demonstration purposes. 
     this._isUpdating = false; 
     go.Diagram.inherit(SpacingCommandHandler, go.CommandHandler); 

     // Overrides of commands that scale the diagram -- change the space instead 

     /** @override */ 
     SpacingCommandHandler.prototype.decreaseZoom = function(factor) { 
     if (factor === undefined /*notpresent*/) factor = 1.0/this.zoomFactor; 
     this.setSpace(this.space * factor); 
     /** @override */ 
     SpacingCommandHandler.prototype.canDecreaseZoom = function(factor) { 
     if (factor === undefined /*notpresent*/) factor = 1.0/this.zoomFactor; 
     return this.checkSpace(this.space * factor); 

     /** @override */ 
     SpacingCommandHandler.prototype.increaseZoom = function(factor) { 
     if (factor === undefined /*notpresent*/) factor = 1.0/this.zoomFactor; 
     /** @override */ 
     SpacingCommandHandler.prototype.canIncreaseZoom = function(factor) { 
     if (factor === undefined /*notpresent*/) factor = 1.0/this.zoomFactor; 
     return this.checkSpace(this.space/factor); 

     /** @override */ 
     SpacingCommandHandler.prototype.resetZoom = function(newspace) { 
     if (newspace === undefined /*notpresent*/) newspace = 1.0; 
     /** @override */ 
     SpacingCommandHandler.prototype.canResetZoom = function(newspace) { 
     return this.checkSpace(newspace); 

     // actually set a new value for SPACE 
     SpacingCommandHandler.prototype.setSpace = function(s) { 
     this.space = Math.max(0.1, Math.min(10.0, s)); 

     // validity check for a new value for SPACE 
     SpacingCommandHandler.prototype.checkSpace = function(s) { 
     return 0.1 <= s && s <= 10.0; 

     // Properties for SpacingCommandHandler 

     Object.defineProperty(SpacingCommandHandler.prototype, "space", { 
     get: function() { 
      return this._space; 
     set: function(val) { 
      if (val !== this._space) { 
      this._space = val; 
      var diagram = this.diagram; 
      if (diagram !== null) { // store in model too, and support undo 
       diagram.model.setDataProperty(diagram.model.modelData, "space", val); 
      // update the page showing the current value 
      document.getElementById("SPACE").textContent = val.toString(); 

     Object.defineProperty(SpacingCommandHandler.prototype, "spaceCenter", { 
     get: function() { 
      return this._spaceCenter; 
     set: function(val) { 
      if (!val.equals(this._spaceCenter)) { 
      this._spaceCenter = val.copy(); 

     Object.defineProperty(SpacingCommandHandler.prototype, "isYSpaced", { 
     get: function() { 
      return this._isYSpaced; 
     set: function(val) { 
      if (val !== this._isYSpaced) { 
      this._isYSpaced = val; 

     // If the spacing or isYSpaced properties change value, 
     // we need to update the effective locations of all nodes. 
     // Assume Node.location is data bound to "loc" property. 
     SpacingCommandHandler.prototype.updateAllLocations = function() { 
     var diagram = this.diagram; 
     if (diagram === null) return; 
     this._isUpdating = true; 
     diagram.skipsUndoManager = true; 
     diagram.startTransaction("respace nodes"); 
     diagram.parts.each(function(p) { 
     diagram.nodes.each(function(n) { 
     diagram.commitTransaction("respace nodes"); 
     diagram.skipsUndoManager = false; 
     this._isUpdating = false; 
     // end SpacingCommandHandler class 

     function updateAngular(e) { 
     if (e.isTransactionFinished) { 

     function updateSelection(e) { 
     diagram.model.selectedNodeData = null; 
     var it = diagram.selection.iterator; 
     while (it.next()) { 
      var selnode = it.value; 
      // ignore a selected link or a deleted node 
      if (selnode instanceof go.Node && selnode.data !== null) { 
      diagram.model.selectedNodeData = selnode.data; 
     // watch scope 
     scope.$watch("model", function(newmodel) { 
     if (newmodel != undefined) { 
      var oldmodel = diagram.model; 
      if (oldmodel !== newmodel) { 
      diagram.removeDiagramListener("ChangedSelection", updateSelection); 
      diagram.model = newmodel; 
      diagram.addDiagramListener("ChangedSelection", updateSelection); 

app.controller('appController', function($scope) { 
    $scope.init = function(d) { 
    $scope.hello = "Hello Plunker!!!!"; 
    $scope.model = new go.GraphLinksModel(
     key: "Alpha", 
     color: "lightblue", 
     location: new go.Point(150, 130), 
     loc: "150 130" 
     }, { 
     key: "Beta", 
     color: "orange", 
     location: new go.Point(350, 180), 
     loc: "350 180" 
     }, { 
     key: "Gamma", 
     color: "lightgreen", 
     location: new go.Point(150, 230), 
     loc: "150 230" 
     }, { 
     key: "Delta", 
     color: "pink", 
     location: new go.Point(250, 330), 
     loc: "250 330" 
     }], [{ 
     from: "Alpha", 
     to: "Beta", 
     inColor: "red", 
     outColor: "blue" 
     }, { 
     from: "Alpha", 
     to: "Gamma", 
     inColor: "yellow", 
     outColor: "blue" 
     }, { 
     from: "Beta", 
     to: "Gamma", 
     inColor: "green", 
     outColor: "pink" 
     }, { 
     from: "Gamma", 
     to: "Delta", 
     inColor: "black", 
     outColor: "red" 
     }, { 
     from: "Delta", 
     to: "Alpha", 
     inColor: "violet", 
     outColor: "green" 
    $scope.model.selectedNodeData = null; 


<!DOCTYPE html> 
<html ng-app="app"> 

    <script data-require="[email protected]" data-semver="1.5.10" src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/angular.js/1.5.10/angular.min.js"></script> 
    <script data-require="[email protected]" data-semver="1.5.8" src="https://code.angularjs.org/1.5.8/angular-route.js"></script> 
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" /> 
    <script src="https://gojs.net/latest/release/go.js"></script> 
    <script src="script.js"></script> 

    <body ng-controller="appController"> 
    <div ng-init="init()"> 
     <go-diagram go-model="model" style="border: solid 1px black; width:100%; height:400px"></go-diagram> 


Diagram.commandHandlerが設定されているときにSpacingCommandHandlerが定義されていない可能性があります。実際に何が起こっているかを見るためには、デバッグする必要があります。 –


@WalterNorthwoods私は試したが解決策を見つけることができませんでした。あなたは私を助けることができます? –



私はCommandHandler CommandHandlerをサブクラス化しようとしているとは対照的に、図のインスタンス上のメソッドをオーバーライドしようとしていることをお勧めします。あなたの角度指令で https://gojs.net/latest/intro/extensions.html#OverridingMethodWithoutDefiningSubclass

// create the diagram (line 20 in your Plunkr) 
var diagram = 
    $(go.Diagram, element[0], { 
     // diagram settings 
     // ... 
     // more diagram settings 

// then get a reference to the diagram's CommandHandler, you can call it SpacingCommandHandler instead of tool if you like. 
var tool = diagram.commandHandler; 

// then you can override a function of the CommandHandler like so: 
tool.decreaseZoom = function() { 
    console.log('my decrease zoom function!'); 
    // Maybe do something else before 
    // ... 

    // Be careful about using 'this' within such functions! 

    // In cases where you want normal behavior, call the base functionality 
    // Note the reference to the prototype 
    // and the call to 'call' passing it what 'this' should be. 

    // Maybe do something else after 
    // ... 

