私は現在MySQL Reference Manualを読んでおり、NDBの設定オプションArbitrtaion = WaitExternalがあることに注意してください。問題は、このオプションを使用する方法と、外部クラスタマネージャを実装する方法です。MySQL ClusterでオプションArbitrtaion = WaitExternalを使用するには?
The Arbitration parameter also makes it possible to configure arbitration in
such a way that the cluster waits until after the time determined by Arbitrat-
ionTimeout has passed for an external cluster manager application to perform
arbitration instead of handling arbitration internally. This can be done by
setting Arbitration = WaitExternal in the [ndbd default] section of the config.ini
file. For best results with the WaitExternal setting, it is recommended that
ArbitrationTimeout be 2 times as long as the interval required by the external
cluster manager to perform arbitration.