2017-03-27 24 views



Public Function PictureFromByteStream(b() As Byte) As IPicture 
Dim LowerBound As Long 
Dim ByteCount As Long 
Dim hMem As Long 
Dim lpMem As Long 
Dim IID_IPicture(15) 
Dim istm As stdole.IUnknown 

On Error GoTo Err_Init 
If UBound(b, 1) < 0 Then 
    Exit Function 
End If 

LowerBound = LBound(b) 
ByteCount = (UBound(b) - LowerBound) + 1 
hMem = GlobalAlloc(&H2, ByteCount) 
If hMem <> 0 Then 
    lpMem = GlobalLock(hMem) 
    If lpMem <> 0 Then 
     MoveMemory ByVal lpMem, b(LowerBound), ByteCount 
     Call GlobalUnlock(hMem) 
     If CreateStreamOnHGlobal(hMem, 1, istm) = 0 Then 
      If CLSIDFromString(StrPtr("{7BF80980-BF32-101A-8BBB-00AA00300CAB}"), IID_IPicture(0)) = 0 Then 
       Call OleLoadPicture(ByVal ObjPtr(istm), ByteCount, 0, IID_IPicture(0), PictureFromByteStream) 
      End If 
     End If 
    End If 
End If 

Exit Function 

If Err.Number = 9 Then 
    'Uninitialized array 
    MsgBox "You must pass a non-empty byte array to this function!" 
    MsgBox Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description 
End If 
End Function 


Private Function DecodeBase64(ByVal strData As String) As Byte() 

Dim objXML As MSXML2.DOMDocument 
Dim objNode As MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement 

' help from MSXML 
Set objXML = New MSXML2.DOMDocument 
Set objNode = objXML.createElement("b64") 
objNode.dataType = "bin.base64" 
objNode.Text = strData 
DecodeBase64 = objNode.nodeTypedValue 

' thanks, bye 
Set objNode = Nothing 
Set objXML = Nothing 

End Function 


Dim b() As Byte 
b = DecodeBase64(Text1.Text) 
Dim pic As StdPicture 
Set pic = PictureFromByteStream(b) 
Set Picture1.Picture = pic 




Option Explicit 

Private Const CRYPT_STRING_BASE64 As Long = &H1& 
Private Const STRING_IPICTURE_GUID As String = "{7BF80980-BF32-101A-8BBB-00AA00300CAB}" 

Private Declare Function CryptStringToBinaryW Lib "Crypt32.dll" (_ 
    ByVal pszString As Long, _ 
    ByVal cchString As Long, _ 
    ByVal dwFlags As Long, _ 
    ByVal pbBinary As Long, _ 
    ByRef pcbBinary As Long, _ 
    ByVal pdwSkip As Long, _ 
    ByVal pdwFlags As Long) As Long 

Private Declare Function CreateStreamOnHGlobal Lib "ole32.dll" (_ 
    ByRef hGlobal As Any, _ 
    ByVal fDeleteOnResume As Long, _ 
    ByRef ppstr As Any) As Long 

Private Declare Function OleLoadPicture Lib "olepro32.dll" (_ 
ByVal lpStream As IUnknown, _ 
ByVal lSize As Long, _ 
ByVal fRunMode As Long, _ 
ByRef riid As GUID, _ 
ByRef lplpObj As Any) As Long 

Private Declare Function CLSIDFromString Lib "ole32.dll" (_ 
    ByVal lpsz As Long, _ 
    ByRef pclsid As GUID) As Long 

Type GUID 
    Data1 As Long 
    Data2 As Integer 
    Data3 As Integer 
    Data4(7) As Byte 
End Type 

Public Function DecodeBase64(ByVal strData As String) As Byte() 
    Dim Buffer() As Byte 
    Dim dwBinaryBytes As Long 
    dwBinaryBytes = LenB(strData) 
    ReDim Buffer(dwBinaryBytes - 1) As Byte 
    If CryptStringToBinaryW(StrPtr(strData), LenB(strData), CRYPT_STRING_BASE64, _ 
     VarPtr(Buffer(0)), dwBinaryBytes, 0, 0) Then 
     ReDim Preserve Buffer(dwBinaryBytes - 1) As Byte 
     DecodeBase64 = Buffer 
    End If 
    Erase Buffer 
End Function 

Public Function PictureFromByteStream(ByRef b() As Byte) As IPicture 
    On Error GoTo errorHandler 
    Dim istrm As IUnknown 
    Dim tGuid As GUID 

    If Not CreateStreamOnHGlobal(b(LBound(b)), False, istrm) Then 
     CLSIDFromString StrPtr(STRING_IPICTURE_GUID), tGuid 
     OleLoadPicture istrm, UBound(b) - LBound(b) + 1, False, tGuid, PictureFromByteStream 
    End If 

    Set istrm = Nothing 
    Exit Function 
    Debug.Print "Error in converting to IPicture." 
End Function 

おかげで、私は、base64文字列をデコードするためにこれを使用してみましたが、私はまだ私のピクチャボックス上の画像を得ることはありません。 'byte()'から画像ボックスの画像を設定する関数はどうでしょうか?他の提案はありますか?正直なところ、どちらが間違っているのかわからない、関数はバイトに変換するか、関数をバイトから設定する。 – crimson589


最新の回答をご覧ください。 –


助けてくれてありがとう、本当に感謝しています。私はこれをいくつかの画像とbase64文字列で動作させましたが、問題があります。ここに私の問題がある。ベース64文字列は、PHPプログラムから来ます。私はvb6のイメージに与えるbase64文字列を変換することはできませんが、.NET 2010を使用してイメージに変換することができます。私はもう一度試しました.NET 2010を使ってbase64に同じイメージを変換しました。 vb6の画像に戻る。ここで何が問題なの? – crimson589
