2017-04-24 5 views

私は3 Scrollifyセクションを持っています。私は第3セクションをスクロール可能にしたい。スクロールスクロール要素




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    standardScrollElements: ".third", 
    setHeights: true, 
    overflowScroll: true, 
    updateHash: true, 
    touchScroll: true, 






スクロールバー:偽、感謝 –


@SahilDhirを引き起こしている:) –


あなたは歓迎されて、それを修正し、問題 –




    section: ".section", 
    sectionName: "section-name", 
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    scrollSpeed: 2000, 
    offset: 0, 
    scrollbars: true, 
    standardScrollElements: "", 
    setHeights: true, 
    overflowScroll: true, 
    updateHash: true, 
    touchScroll: true, 
body { 
    font-family: sans-serif; 
    margin: 0; 
    padding: 0; 

p { 
    margin: 0; 

.section { 
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.second { 
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.third { 
    height: auto; 
    background: #f66; 
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.1.1/jquery.min.js" charset="utf-8"></script> 
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/scrollify/1.0.11/jquery.scrollify.min.js" charset="utf-8"></script> 
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<div class="section first">SCROLL DOWN</div> 
<div class="section second">SCROLL DOWN</div> 
<div class="section third"> 
    <p>User experience iPad android value proposition creative ecosystem partner network scrum project. Stock branding long tail agile development business-to-business. Seed money return on investment seed round handshake. User experience hypotheses growth 
    hacking virality responsive web design marketing customer termsheet business-to-consumer. Innovator gamification iPad sales MVP branding monetization virality. User experience return on investment iPhone business plan stock gen-z. Infographic social 
    media creative strategy low hanging fruit release founders gamification early adopters ecosystem seed money launch party mass market stock. Accelerator android growth hacking sales first mover advantage pitch seed money niche market beta focus funding. 
    User experience accelerator funding analytics low hanging fruit return on investment branding backing growth hacking creative iPhone monetization. Pivot growth hacking scrum project supply chain deployment social media handshake direct mailing strategy 
    <p>Agile development entrepreneur infographic customer mass market business model canvas disruptive buzz lean startup facebook business-to-business founders investor partnership. Return on investment social media beta backing MVP innovator iPhone partner 
    network freemium long tail deployment. Client mass market prototype. Seed money business plan ownership success conversion infrastructure backing disruptive user experience business-to-business. Metrics monetization pivot lean startup leverage series 
    A financing. Low hanging fruit social proof angel investor sales innovator agile development lean startup gamification gen-z paradigm shift incubator. Series A financing learning curve burn rate business plan customer long tail prototype iPhone interaction 
    design mass market MVP equity crowdfunding holy grail. Metrics buzz validation alpha branding. Entrepreneur startup direct mailing beta network effects partner network infrastructure market research &amp; development non-disclosure agreement rockstar. 
    Buzz responsive web design virality vesting period ownership client lean startup market freemium facebook user experience infographic business model canvas iteration. Disruptive pivot stealth marketing burn rate. Market social media startup direct 
    mailing iteration strategy value proposition termsheet stock angel investor release disruptive. Beta pivot iPad stock. Hackathon facebook buyer holy grail pitch buzz value proposition business plan bootstrapping. Marketing first mover advantage MVP 
    product management direct mailing growth hacking buzz social proof gen-z business model canvas. Success client innovator monetization return on investment series A financing influencer partnership seed money. Product management interaction design 
    burn rate A/B testing stock startup pivot. Bandwidth client pitch low hanging fruit burn rate alpha user experience. Business-to-business responsive web design gen-z agile development partnership hackathon network effects metrics innovator success 
    business model canvas. Beta niche market android network effects monetization incubator direct mailing low hanging fruit business model canvas. Release research &amp; development disruptive customer technology founders user experience paradigm shift. 
    Burn rate business plan iPad leverage metrics long tail. Direct mailing assets client burn rate bandwidth business plan. Founders buzz responsive web design A/B testing ownership strategy virality agile development. Crowdfunding sales accelerator 
    venture business-to-consumer success investor deployment agile development stock network effects gen-z crowdsource burn rate. Termsheet mass market lean startup research &amp; development iPad advisor twitter growth hacking pivot market social proof 
    facebook angel investor first mover advantage. Burn rate accelerator series A financing. Scrum project handshake pitch buyer. Advisor churn rate venture business-to-business alpha user experience backing. Ecosystem marketing sales. Return on investment 
    hackathon ramen market scrum project infrastructure handshake leverage rockstar long tail seed round influencer buyer. Iteration equity founders business-to-consumer seed money pivot startup marketing strategy validation. Innovator early adopters 
    advisor backing A/B testing MVP hypotheses low hanging fruit user experience focus pitch business model canvas. Customer network effects strategy market supply chain long tail paradigm shift founders client sales value proposition innovator. Advisor 
    monetization series A financing. A/B testing launch party burn rate client partnership first mover advantage equity freemium bootstrapping stock. Iteration iPad series A financing. Stock network effects focus virality termsheet ownership stealth sales 
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おかげで、この私の問題を解決しました。 –




ありがとう - それは唯一の問題だった 'スクロールバー:偽'だったようです。 –
