の間のトレードオフを理解しようとしています。小さな "ジャンプ"の場合は、不要なデータを読む方が、seek
2 x buffered 1 byte readinto bytearray
Python 3.5.2 |Continuum Analytics, Inc.| (default, Jul 5 2016, 11:45:57) [MSC v.1900 32 bit (Intel)]
Non-cachable binary data ingestion (file object blk_size = 8192):
- 2 x buffered 0 byte readinto bytearray:
robust mean: 6.01 µs +/- 377 ns
min: 3.59 µs
- Buffered 0 byte seek followed by 0 byte readinto:
robust mean: 9.31 µs +/- 506 ns
min: 6.16 µs
- 2 x buffered 4 byte readinto bytearray:
robust mean: 14.4 µs +/- 6.82 µs
min: 2.57 µs
- 2 x buffered 7 byte readinto bytearray:
robust mean: 14.5 µs +/- 6.76 µs
min: 3.08 µs
- 2 x buffered 2 byte readinto bytearray:
robust mean: 14.5 µs +/- 6.77 µs
min: 3.08 µs
- 2 x buffered 5 byte readinto bytearray:
robust mean: 14.5 µs +/- 6.76 µs
min: 3.08 µs
- 2 x buffered 3 byte readinto bytearray:
robust mean: 14.5 µs +/- 6.73 µs
min: 2.57 µs
- 2 x buffered 49 byte readinto bytearray:
robust mean: 14.5 µs +/- 6.72 µs
min: 2.57 µs
- 2 x buffered 6 byte readinto bytearray:
robust mean: 14.6 µs +/- 6.76 µs
min: 3.08 µs
- 2 x buffered 343 byte readinto bytearray:
robust mean: 15.3 µs +/- 6.43 µs
min: 3.08 µs
- 2 x buffered 2401 byte readinto bytearray:
robust mean: 138 µs +/- 247 µs
min: 4.11 µs
- Buffered 7 byte seek followed by 7 byte readinto:
robust mean: 278 µs +/- 333 µs
min: 15.4 µs
- Buffered 3 byte seek followed by 3 byte readinto:
robust mean: 279 µs +/- 333 µs
min: 14.9 µs
- Buffered 1 byte seek followed by 1 byte readinto:
robust mean: 279 µs +/- 334 µs
min: 15.4 µs
- Buffered 2 byte seek followed by 2 byte readinto:
robust mean: 279 µs +/- 334 µs
min: 15.4 µs
- Buffered 4 byte seek followed by 4 byte readinto:
robust mean: 279 µs +/- 334 µs
min: 15.4 µs
- Buffered 49 byte seek followed by 49 byte readinto:
robust mean: 281 µs +/- 336 µs
min: 14.9 µs
- Buffered 6 byte seek followed by 6 byte readinto:
robust mean: 281 µs +/- 337 µs
min: 15.4 µs
- 2 x buffered 1 byte readinto bytearray:
robust mean: 282 µs +/- 334 µs
min: 17.5 µs
- Buffered 5 byte seek followed by 5 byte readinto:
robust mean: 282 µs +/- 338 µs
min: 15.4 µs
- Buffered 343 byte seek followed by 343 byte readinto:
robust mean: 283 µs +/- 340 µs
min: 15.4 µs
- Buffered 2401 byte seek followed by 2401 byte readinto:
robust mean: 309 µs +/- 373 µs
min: 15.4 µs
- Buffered 16807 byte seek followed by 16807 byte readinto:
robust mean: 325 µs +/- 423 µs
min: 15.4 µs
- 2 x buffered 16807 byte readinto bytearray:
robust mean: 457 µs +/- 558 µs
min: 16.9 µs
- Buffered 117649 byte seek followed by 117649 byte readinto:
robust mean: 851 µs +/- 1.08 ms
min: 15.9 µs
- 2 x buffered 117649 byte readinto bytearray:
robust mean: 1.29 ms +/- 1.63 ms
min: 18 µs
from _utils import BenchmarkResults
from timeit import timeit, repeat
import gc
import os
from contextlib import suppress
from math import floor
from random import randint
### Configuration
FILE_NAME = 'test.bin'
r = 5000
n = 100
reps = 1
chunk_sizes = list(range(7)) + [7**x for x in range(1,7)]
results = BenchmarkResults(description = 'Non-cachable binary data ingestion')
### Setup
FILE_SIZE = int(100e6)
# remove left over test file
with suppress(FileNotFoundError):
# determine how large a file needs to be to not fit in memory
while True:
data = bytearray(FILE_SIZE)
del data
except MemoryError:
print('Using file with {} GB'.format(FILE_SIZE/1024**3))
# check enough data in file
required_size = sum(chunk_sizes)*2*2*reps*r
print('File size used: {} GB'.format(required_size/1024**3))
assert required_size <= FILE_SIZE
# create test file
with open(FILE_NAME, 'wb') as file:
buffer_size = int(10e6)
data = bytearray(buffer_size)
for i in range(int(FILE_SIZE/buffer_size)):
# read file once to try to force it into system cache as much as possible
from io import DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE
buffer_size = 10*DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE
buffer = bytearray(buffer_size)
with open(FILE_NAME, 'rb') as file:
bytes_read = True
while bytes_read:
bytes_read = file.readinto(buffer)
blk_size = file.raw._blksize
results.description += ' (file object blk_size = {})'.format(blk_size)
file = open(FILE_NAME, 'rb')
### Benchmarks
setup = \
# random seek to avoid advantageous starting position biasing results, file.raw._blksize), 1)
read_read = \
seek_seek = \
""", 1), 1)
seek_read = \
""", 1)
read_read_timings = {}
seek_seek_timings = {}
seek_read_timings = {}
for chunk_size in chunk_sizes:
read_read_timings[chunk_size] = []
seek_seek_timings[chunk_size] = []
seek_read_timings[chunk_size] = []
for j in range(r):
for chunk_size in chunk_sizes:
buffer = bytearray(chunk_size)
read_read_timings[chunk_size].append(timeit(read_read, setup, number=reps, globals=globals()))
#seek_seek_timings[chunk_size].append(timeit(seek_seek, setup, number=reps, globals=globals()))
seek_read_timings[chunk_size].append(timeit(seek_read, setup, number=reps, globals=globals()))
for chunk_size in chunk_sizes:
results['2 x buffered {} byte readinto bytearray'.format(chunk_size)] = read_read_timings[chunk_size]
#results['2 x buffered {} byte seek'.format(chunk_size)] = seek_seek_timings[chunk_size]
results['Buffered {} byte seek followed by {} byte readinto'.format(chunk_size, chunk_size)] = seek_read_timings[chunk_size]
### Cleanup
私はこれがかなり正しくないのではないかと心配しています。それがあった場合、1バイトを読み取ることは、一度に2バイトを読み取る場合よりも2倍遅くなければなりません。上記のケースでは20倍遅かった!しかし、努力をいただきありがとうございます。私はまだこの問題が残っているのを忘れていた。 – ARF