- プロンプトボックスに番号または名前を入力して送信をクリックした後、出力をアラートボックスや.innerhtmlを使用せずに別のページに印刷します。 Click-> Userタイプで名前または2つの支払い番号が追加され、合計 - >結果がテキスト付きの別のページに印刷されます。 JavaScriptの機能の
function myName() {
var person = prompt("Please enter your first and last name", " ");
if (person != null) {
alert("Hello " + person + " " + "Welcome to World Travels!!!");
function myPayment() {
var a = Number(prompt("Enter first payment: "));
var b = Number(prompt("Enter second payment: "));
if (a + b != null) {
window.location.href = 'otherPage.html#a:' + a + ';b:' + b;
function myCheck() {
alert("Program Number NO: 002462\nReservation NO: A987VBS\nConfirmation N0: 786543\nStatus: Excellent and trip on time.\nHave a nice trip.");
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<!DOCTYPE html>
<!--File Information -->
<!--Document Name:Midhtml.txt -->
<!--Author: Andreas Lambadarios -->
<!--Date Created: 10/29/16 -->
<!--Date Updated: 10/29/16 -->
<!-- Description: -->
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<html lang="en">
<title>Mid Project</title>
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<h2 id"top_header">The Best of World Travel Programs</h2>
<div class="scroll-left">
<p>Welcome To Our Best Program and Price!</p>
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This site you will learn about thousands of travel destinations. So many wonderous places await you!!! This site you will learn about thousands of travel destinations. So many wonderous places await you!!! This site you will learn about thousands of travel destinations. So many wonderous places await you!!! This site you will learn about thousands of travel destinations. So many wonderous places await you!!! This site you will learn about thousands of travel destinations. So many wonderous places await you!!! This site you will learn about thousands of travel destinations. So many wonderous places await you!!!
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<p>Don't Wait Limited Time Only!</p>
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<p class="greytext">Select your choice by clicking one of the following buttons:</p>
<div class="buttons">
<button onclick="myName()" class="join_button" type="button">Join</button>
<button onclick="myPayment()" class="payment_button" type="button">Payment</button>
<button onclick="myCheck()" class="check_button" type="button">Check-In</button>
<p>Copyright © Andreas Lambadarios 2016</p>
- すべて正常に動作します。私が主に望むのは、名前と支払い情報を別のページに印刷することです。
支払いのプロンプト機能が正しく計算されていません –
私は計算を固定しました –
はあなたのためのオプションですか? – youssouf