私は、ツイッチでボットを使用しており、ユーザーがチャンネルに費やした時間を追跡しています。 !time You have spent 10 seconds in the stream
Rustie: !time
Bot: Rustie, you have 20 seconds in the stream.
~1 minute later~
John: !time
Bot: John, you have 1 minute 20 seconds in the stream.
usersForTime = []
if "time" in message:
if user in usersForTime:
endTime = time.time() # I already made startTime in the !start command (which starts the time tracker in the first place)
ellapsed = (endTime - startTime)
sendMessage(s, user + ", you have " + "%.2f" % round(ellapsed, 2) + " seconds in the stream.")
sendMessage(s ,"You need to start tracking your time with the !start command.")