関数が正しく動作していないと思う。セグメンテーションフォルト - コードにコアがダンプされています
#include <stdio.h>
#define max 30
int leapyear(int year);/*to check whether it's leap year or not*/
int dater(int x);/*to find the date from a month begin with the beginning of the year */
void getdates(int f);/*get the date in put*/
int *caldays(int p);
int n, i, q;
int t, d, leap;
int day[30];
int month[30];
int year[30];
char ca[30];
char cb[30];
int dd[30];
int da[30];
int j, a, x;
char c1, c2;
int dayn, monthn, yearn;
int main()
printf("Please enter the number of dates and Press ENTER to finish\n");
/*get the numbers of dates*/
scanf("%i", &n);
printf("You have entered %i \n", n);
for (i = 0; i <= n-1; i++)
while (day[i] < 1 || day[i] > 31 || month[i] < 1 ||
month[i] > 12 || year[i] < 1 || year[i] > 10000)
fprintf(stderr, "The date entered is not right, please enter again\n");
printf("Please enter the number of dates and Press ENTER to finish\n");
/*get the numbers of dates*/
scanf("%i", &n);
printf("You have entered %i \n", n);
while (month[i] == 2 && day[i] > 29)
fprintf(stderr, "The date entered is not right, please enter again\n");
printf("Please enter the number of dates and Press ENTER to finish\n");
/*get the numbers of dates*/
scanf("%i", &n);
printf("You have entered %i \n", n);
while ((month[i] == 4 ||month[i] == 6 ||
month[i] == 9 ||month[i] == 11) && day[i] > 30)
fprintf(stderr, "The date entered is not right, please enter again\n");
printf("Please enter the number of dates and Press ENTER to finish\n");
/*get the numbers of dates*/
scanf("%i", &n);
printf("You have entered %i \n", n);
/*3 while loops are used to give msg and re-enter again when get an error input*/
for (i = 0; x < n; ++i)
for (j = i + 1; j < n; ++j)
if (dd[i] > dd[j])
a = dd[i];
dd[i] = dd[j];
dd[j] = a;
/*sort the days in asending order in days array*/
printf("The %i dates in ascending order are\n", n);
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
printf("%d%c%d%c%d\n", day[i], ca[i], month[i], cb[i], year[i]);
/*print all the date in ascending order*/
/*find out wheter it's leap year or not*/
int leapyear(int year)
if (year % 4000 == 0)
return 1;
else if (year % 400 == 0)
return 1;
else if (year % 40 == 0)
return 1;
else if (year % 4 == 0)
return 1;
return 0;
/*find out the days for the month input*/
int dater(x)
int y=0;
case 1: y=0; break;
case 2: y=31; break;
case 3: y=59; break;
case 4: y=90; break;
case 5: y=120; break;
case 6: y=151; break;
case 7: y=181; break;
case 8: y=212; break;
case 9: y=243; break;
case 10:y=273; break;
case 11:y=304; break;
case 12:y=334; break;
default: fprintf(stderr, "the value entered is not right\n");
return y;
void getdates(int f)
q = i+1;
printf("Please Enter %i dates (DD/MM/YYYY or DD-MM-YYYY) and
Press ENTER to finish each one\n", n);
scanf("%d%c%d%c%d", &dayn, &c1, &monthn, &c2, &yearn);
printf("You have entered %i date %i%c%i%c%i\n", q, dayn, c1, monthn, c2, yearn);
day[i] = dayn;
month[i] = monthn;
year[i] = yearn;
ca[i] = c1;
cb[i] = c2;
int *caldays(int p)
for (i=0; i < p-1; i++)
leap = leapyear(year[i]);
t = 0;
if(leap == 1)
/*if there is a leap add one day */
/*find for the days for month entered*/
d = dater(month[i]);
/* find out the total days from the date entered begin with 0 days*/
d = d + dayn + t + (yearn * 365);
dd[i] = d;/*put all the days in an array*/
return dd;
可能であれば、問題を表示する最小限の例を提供できますか?これは、あなたがそれを理解するのに役立つだけでなく、助けてほしいかもしれない他の人たちを理解するのに役立ちます – dash2
あなたは初心者です。ですので、https://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/5234/how-does-accepting-an-answer-workをお読みください。また、満足のいく答えが得られた後は、質問を編集しないでください。 –