2016-07-18 7 views

以下のコードを使用して、選択範囲の単一ファイルを生成し、選択範囲内の最初のセルをファイル名と見なします。ご覧ください詳細[This image shows the selected range,Consider K column(Firstline) and N Column(Lastline) to be in one file and other set of 1st and last line in other file ]this image shows the print file for a single file this is the way m currently using for generating files.I need to create more 30k files so please help me to create more files in single click considering the first and last line as header and footer for the fileワンクリックでvbaスクリプトを使用してExcel上で選択したデータの複数のテキストファイルを作成

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() 

Dim myFile As String, rng As Range, cellValue As Variant, i As Integer, j As Integer, path As String, filename, filename2 As String 
path = "D:\Watchlist-Files\" 

filename = Selection.Cells(1, 1).Value 
filename2 = Left(Mid(filename, 32, 99), Len(Mid(filename, 32, 99)) - 2) 

myFile = path & filename2 

Set rng = Selection 

Open myFile For Output As #1 

For i = 1 To rng.Rows.Count 
    For j = 1 To rng.Columns.Count 

cellValue = rng.Cells(i, j).Value 

If j = rng.Columns.Count Then 
    Print #1, cellValue 
    Print #1, cellValue, 

End If 

    Next j 
Next i 

Close #1 

End Sub 

どのような質問ですか?エラーが出ていますか?どの行? –


私は上記のコードで、単一のファイルを生成するために使用されている上記のコードで、私はエラーを取得していない、私はファイルを作成するための参照としてセルを考慮する必要があります選択された範囲内の – sivavikas


をクリックして複数のファイルを作成する必要が... – sivavikas




仮定を作った:あなたのFirstLine列にKであり、それは最初の行の最初のセルをコピーの開始位置のマーカーです。 LastLine列Nにあります。これはコピーする最後のセルのマーカーです。このため、ファイルが見つかるとファイルを閉じる理由です。


Option Explicit 

Public Sub CommandButton1_Click() 

Dim myFile       As String 
Dim rng        As Range 
Dim cellValue      As Variant 
Dim i        As Long 
Dim j        As Long 
Dim LastRow       As Long 
Dim path       As String 
Dim filename      As String 
Dim response      As Boolean 

path = "D:\Watchlist-Files\" 

response = MsgBox("Do you want to Export the entire Range ? ", vbYesNo) 
' Export the entire Range 
If response = vbYes Then 
    LastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, "N").End(xlUp).Row 
Else ' enter in the inputbox the last row number you want to export 
    LastRow = InputBox("Enter Last Row Number you wsnt to Export") 
End If 
Set rng = Range("K2:N" & LastRow) 

For i = 2 To LastRow 

    ' Column K holds the file name 
    If Cells(i, 11) <> "" Then 
     filename = Left(Mid(Cells(i, 11).Value, 32, 99), Len(Mid(Cells(i, 11).Value, 32, 99)) - 2) 

     myFile = path & filename 
     Open myFile For Output As #1 
    End If 

    For j = 1 To rng.Columns.Count 
     cellValue = Cells(i, 10 + j).Value 

     If j = rng.Columns.Count Then 
      Print #1, cellValue 
      ' found LastLine >> close the file 
      If Not cellValue = "" Then 
       Close #1 
      End If 
      Print #1, cellValue, 
     End If 
    Next j 
Next i 

End Sub 


ます。Option Explicit節

Option Explicit 

Dim filename      As String 
Dim path       As String 
Dim myFile       As String 
Dim rng        As Range 
Dim j        As Long 

ます。Public Sub CommandButton1_Click

Public Sub CommandButton1_Click() 

Dim lastRow       As Long 
Dim Sel_Range      As Long 
Dim response      As Boolean 
Dim rowStart()      As Long 
Dim rowFinish()      As Long 

path = "D:\Watchlist-Files\" 

response = MsgBox("Do you want to Export only the Selected Range ? ", vbYesNo) 
If response = True Then 
    Set rng = Selection 

    ReDim rowStart(1 To Selection.Areas.Count) 
    ReDim rowFinish(1 To Selection.Areas.Count) 

    For Sel_Range = 1 To Selection.Areas.Count 
     rowStart(Sel_Range) = Selection.Areas(Sel_Range).Row 
     rowFinish(Sel_Range) = Selection.Areas(Sel_Range).Row + Selection.Areas(Sel_Range).Rows.Count - 1 

     Call CreateTextFiles(rowStart(Sel_Range), rowFinish(Sel_Range)) 
    Next Sel_Range 

Else ' export the entire Range in Columns K:N 
    lastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, "N").End(xlUp).Row 
    Set rng = Range("K2:N" & lastRow) 
    Call CreateTextFiles(2, lastRow) 
End If 

サブCreateTextFiles(ロング限りSel_StartRow、Sel_FinishRow) - 新しいルーチンは、複数の範囲の取り扱いを可能にします選択

Sub CreateTextFiles(Sel_StartRow As Long, Sel_FinishRow As Long) 

Dim i        As Long 
Dim cellValue      As Variant 

For i = Sel_StartRow To Sel_FinishRow 

    ' Column K holds the file name 
    If Cells(i, 11) <> "" Then 
     filename = Left(Mid(Cells(i, 11).Value, 32, 99), Len(Mid(Cells(i, 11).Value, 32, 99)) - 2) 

     myFile = path & filename 
     Open myFile For Output As #1 
    End If 

    For j = 1 To rng.Columns.Count 
     cellValue = Cells(i, 10 + j).Value 

     If j = rng.Columns.Count Then 
      Print #1, cellValue 
      ' found LastLine >> close the file 
      If Not cellValue = "" Then 
       Close #1 
      End If 
      Print #1, cellValue, 
     End If 
    Next j 
Next i 

End Sub 

ありがとうたくさん....驚くばかり、.....説明もありがとう..私はちょうどvbaスクリプトで初心者... – sivavikas


それはすべてのために作成し続ける私の選択範囲を保持していないこれらの4つの列の値....選択した範囲についてもこれを作ってください – sivavikas


@sivavikas列全体の範囲をエクスポートしないようにするには:N:手動で特定の範囲を選択しますか? –
